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drnail 2012-09-16 02:33

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen
got it!
1. a full restore on quicktweak.
2. then installed the deb file using the terminal.

mabe the second is unimportant, im thinking some tweaks on the lpm from the quicktweak is the one responsible for this. playing around now on you app.....very promising. just a few polishing mate, you can make it to the coding competition!

Sfiet_Konstantin 2012-10-02 07:23

Well ... Thanks for everybody who voted for me in code competition :)

sadly I have to pause dev a bit. I'm gonna have a hard semester, and I lost mu USB "dev" cable :(

HtheB 2012-10-02 09:00

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by Sfiet_Konstantin (Post 1275172)
Well ... Thanks for everybody who voted for me in code competition :)

sadly I have to pause dev a bit. I'm gonna have a hard semester, and I lost mu USB "dev" cable :(

Thats sad, you can get a micro usb cable for like 1$ on ebay :p

Sfiet_Konstantin 2012-10-02 11:24

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by HtheB (Post 1275202)
Thats sad, you can get a micro usb cable for like 1$ on ebay :p

:P I only wanted to say that I need to buy one, and I have other things to think about first (like writing reports) ...

emam damon 2012-10-07 12:40

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen
very nice app mate.i really needed that.waiting for new version with notification support.tanx again for your gr8 works.

optimaxxx 2012-10-11 23:22

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen
Could an on/off switch be implemented so that I don't have to keep installing/uninstalling the application to control which lock screen I'm using.

Other than that, loving it.

michdeskunk 2012-10-24 14:45

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen
i have installed 1.0.0 and later update it
so i have nothing widgets and docks
so i red this thread and launch command type:
/opt/widgets/bin/widgets-packagemanagerhelper --rebuild
so now after reboot
launch application and show all widgets and docks
but now im trouble with status bar menu
when device is unlocked, touch status bar but menu not appears
and screen crashed... press the powerbutton to lock the screen, unlock and all go fine.. but when i touch on status bar ( device unlocked ) menu not appears and screen crash again while powerbutton is pressed
im going to reflashing all and post later if things go right

PS when im in lock screen if i start swiping everyplace at nearest screen ( u see wallpaper moves on the screen ) the lock-screen go away ( like swiped ) and device unlock

michdeskunk 2012-10-26 07:32

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen
now working right without crash screen..
Anyway when u adding dock, system puts theme automaticly
so when i adding swipe dock (for unlock) and later add android bar (good for quick function) but the programm building those one above the other
so u have swipe unlock under android's bar...
can u developing moving for docks, like widgets??????

Tiran 2012-10-27 20:48

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by Sfiet_Konstantin (Post 1254839)
Sorry for Maemo lovers, the Maemo dock is still not usable. It will be usable with 1.0.1 patch release. Be patient. 1.0.X patch releases will also bring more widgets, and if you want widgets, don’t hesitate to ask, and post in the bug tracker.

Very good project. I user N900. I will be very happy if you add in version 1.0.1 support widget Ussd-widget . :)

PS: Please, in the version for N900 make support lockscreen in a landscape and portrait mode. :)

HtheB 2013-01-12 07:33

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen
any updates?...

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