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Rusnak-COBRA 2013-01-13 14:25

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")
n950, can you see "mass storage" memory in your phone? (now I'm dealing with it, mydocs partition not visible = camera will not work.)

hentaisama 2013-01-13 14:28

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")

Originally Posted by myname24 (Post 1314004)
according to this article this is the simple dali ui the second maemo ui and it mean't to be finished in late 2010 .

there were a first ui based upon 'the activity theory principe' made by psychologist Vygotsky.

The aim was to utilize information on how people combine tasks and communicate with each other,
and thus support these ways of working instead of forcing people to adopt technology-based
working models. The system would adapt to the way the user interacts eith it, to ensure
reciprocated interaction.
Showing running applications as shortcuts, which was a popular feature in the N900, was utilized
when designing the user interface for Harmattan. The requirements for the concept of the
Harmattan user interface included support for mobile internet, awareness of social media,
multitasking, personalization and beginner and expert user modes. It had to be clear to the user
how to personalize the device to their taste.
The view was supposed to display the operator, third party applications, the state of the device and
give the user a feeling that he has control over the system. The user should be aware of the state of
the battery, the network signal and the date and time. All the notifications and their previews were
supposed to be shown in one designated place.

geektech 2013-01-13 14:47

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")

Originally Posted by bandora (Post 1314391)
I am sorry if this sounds rude (it's a genuine question and I don't intend it as a rude question, but how does such device get in the hands of someone who has no idea how to do simple tasks?

Anyways, it looks great btw, and I hope you're taking well care of it! :)

Because a lot of people here i think are/were windows user only , and when N900 came a lot of then saw the potential in linux, even lime that they are not everyday linux users. N950 shows his xp pc, guess?

Rusnak-COBRA 2013-01-13 15:09

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")
his poit was - how someone can have so rare developer prototypes linux machines if he is not a developer and has not the basic linux knowledge.
well, the answer is = people who had knowledge sold those for money.

I have some knowledge, but I "had to" buy one myself too, cause I was not given one. but I want silver more.

geektech 2013-01-13 16:05

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")
I wish i could have one too, just for the sake of have a good system.
Nice piece of hw/sw. Hope we can get .img to try it.

tissot 2013-01-13 16:14

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")
Very nice n950! interesting to see the UI that was leaked on a one picture back in early 2010.

MINKIN2 2013-01-13 17:20

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")
Is there any traces of aegis on these proto's?

n950 2013-01-14 12:25

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")

Others pictures:

As you can see I don't find the root password with command "sudo su".
Anyone can help me to find it?
I already try for pass : meego, MeeGo, Maemo, maemo, rootme, password.

mr_pingu 2013-01-14 12:31

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")
Enable RD and "sudo gainroot" maybe (fremantle ;) ) Also it reminds me a bit of the old meego mixed with nemomobile...

n950 2013-01-14 12:45

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")

Originally Posted by Rusnak-COBRA (Post 1314394)
n950, can you see "mass storage" memory in your phone? (now I'm dealing with it, mydocs partition not visible = camera will not work.)

Yes "Mass storage mode" is actived in connectivity-->USB

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