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freemangordon 2013-11-19 13:06

Re: [WIP] Alopex: a mozilla embedlite implementation on fremantle
Maemo 5 build should be ok now, just pull the latest on github.

before building, one needs to apply the patches in debian/patches/fremantle


QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches/fremantle quilt push -qa

freemangordon 2013-11-19 13:45

Re: [WIP] Alopex: a mozilla embedlite implementation on fremantle
sunspider result, device OC to 805,116,183%5D%7D
though Ui is slow as hell

marmistrz 2013-11-19 15:28

Re: [WIP] Alopex: a mozilla embedlite implementation on fremantle

Originally Posted by freemangordon (Post 1387491)
Maemo 5 build should be ok now, just pull the latest on github.

before building, one needs to apply the patches in debian/patches/fremantle


QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches/fremantle quilt push -qa

You mean pull the four repos:

And then in which order should they be built? Guess mozilla-central as the first one...

freemangordon 2013-11-19 16:33

Re: [WIP] Alopex: a mozilla embedlite implementation on fremantle

Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1387521)
You mean pull the four repos:

And then in which order should they be built? Guess mozilla-central as the first one...

freemangordon 2013-11-19 17:45

Re: [WIP] Alopex: a mozilla embedlite implementation on fremantle
Hmm, got gtkglext-1.2.0 running on top of glshim(thanks aapo)

performance is not the best (gears give ~18FPS), tests abort if run without --sync, but at least this gives a chance to use gecko with GTK instead of Qt to have (E)GL context

I guess the performance could be better with some optimizations

The aborts are my fault, needs to be LD_PRELOADed for them to disappear

marmistrz 2013-11-19 18:20

Re: [WIP] Alopex: a mozilla embedlite implementation on fremantle
Well, a quick notice: the depends of xulrunner should be respecified, as many of them (libcairo2-dev) are not in debian/control. Using maemo-sdk-dev as a workaround.

Android_808 2013-11-19 23:03

Re: [WIP] Alopex: a mozilla embedlite implementation on fremantle
haven't dealt with quilt for a long time but shouldn't quilt patches be applied automatically during dpkg-buildpackage?

misiak 2013-11-19 23:53

Re: [WIP] Alopex: a mozilla embedlite implementation on fremantle

Originally Posted by Android_808 (Post 1387609)
haven't dealt with quilt for a long time but shouldn't quilt patches be applied automatically during dpkg-buildpackage?

I think you would have to add them one directory level up then in this package (not sure about that though) and, more importantly, add them to the control file with list of patches (can't remember the exact name now), thats how I did it in the good ol' days.

freemangordon 2013-11-20 04:54

Re: [WIP] Alopex: a mozilla embedlite implementation on fremantle

Originally Posted by Android_808 (Post 1387609)
haven't dealt with quilt for a long time but shouldn't quilt patches be applied automatically during dpkg-buildpackage?

It will be, once I implement that in debian/rules.

from #embedlite:

12:44 <freemangordon> romaxa: Maemo 5 needs some patches which can't go upstream, do you mind if I put them in debian/patches/fremantle and change debian/rules to apply what is found in /debian/patches/$DISTRO?
17:14 <romaxa> freemangordon_: should be possible to do that, yes

marmistrz 2013-11-20 06:28

Re: [WIP] Alopex: a mozilla embedlite implementation on fremantle
Well, I did the debian/rules patching, but the adaptation is fremantle-only. Will post the src package when builds in my sb.

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