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HtheB 2013-08-11 16:25

Re: [Announce] Power Menu QML for Harmattan [v0.0.4.1]
seems like there is some (small) delay when pressing the power button once to lock the screen.
Is it possible to fix this? (Maybe we should turn off 'double press' option so it won't have a delay?)

coderus 2013-08-11 17:44

Re: [Announce] Power Menu QML for Harmattan [v0.0.4.1]
small? what you mean? all delays are system set. you can change it in /etc/mce/mce.ini

Mikkosssss 2013-08-11 18:16

Re: [Announce] Power Menu QML for Harmattan [v0.0.4.1]

Originally Posted by HtheB (Post 1366427)
seems like there is some (small) delay when pressing the power button once to lock the screen.
Is it possible to fix this? (Maybe we should turn off 'double press' option so it won't have a delay?)

I noticed it too. Delay when locking screen with single press.
I dont use double press so its not that.
There was no delay before power menu and with first version.
Then I went to 4.1 and I neticed it.

coderus 2013-08-11 18:48

Re: [Announce] Power Menu QML for Harmattan [v0.0.4.1]
well. is it critical?

lorenzo 2013-08-11 18:55

Re: [Announce] Power Menu QML for Harmattan [v0.0.4.1]

Originally Posted by Mikkosssss (Post 1366458)
I noticed it too. Delay when locking screen with single press.
I dont use double press so its not that.
There was no delay before power menu and with first version.
Then I went to 4.1 and I neticed it.

you can edit mce.ini and set short action tklock-lock (default)

coderus 2013-08-11 19:34

Re: [Announce] Power Menu QML for Harmattan [v0.0.4.1]
then you can't use Symbian Legacy behaviour ;)

Mikkosssss 2013-08-11 19:42

Re: [Announce] Power Menu QML for Harmattan [v0.0.4.1]

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1366471)
well. is it critical?

I dont know my brain might be faking whole problem. :p
Sometimes it feels like I start pressing button again because it didint go black.

I think same as HtheB that power menu activates some double press options and it waits that default 500ms.
Tried changing double press delay to 1ms but it didint help.
Do I need to reboot after I apply it? Didint try that yet.

Edit: Double press is enabled but doesnt do anything. You can test it just by double pressing.
Edit2: Double press is not enablet on lockscreen. Screen goes black and opens again if you try it.

coderus 2013-08-11 20:10

Re: [Announce] Power Menu QML for Harmattan [v0.0.4.1]
double press to show menu just impossible on lockscreen :) first click is always blanking screen :)

Mikkosssss 2013-08-11 20:19

Re: [Announce] Power Menu QML for Harmattan [v0.0.4.1]
Ye but how I disable double press on anywhere?

coderus 2013-08-11 20:23

Re: [Announce] Power Menu QML for Harmattan [v0.0.4.1]
i can't understand what you mean

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