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endsormeans 2015-03-02 16:07

Re: oscp - multiplatform console audio player for (almost) any file format, now with pygtk GUI
Grand grand grand ..
soooo ...
when does it hit diablo extras-devel ?

KotCzarny 2015-03-02 16:29

Re: oscp - multiplatform console audio player for (almost) any file format, now with pygtk GUI
@endsormeans: as soon as i prepare diablo sdk (or i manage to stick deb tools on device)

KotCzarny 2015-03-02 18:21

Re: oscp - multiplatform console audio player for (almost) any file format, now with pygtk GUI
ok, upped the package to diablo. please remove all traces of oscp before installing. havent' tested it yet (will do when i have a bit of time)

KotCzarny 2015-03-02 19:19

Re: oscp - multiplatform console audio player for (almost) any file format, now with pygtk GUI
mind slip with dependencies, eh, it's late. anyway, fixed and upped as 0.9.7-6

KotCzarny 2015-03-02 21:12

Re: oscp - multiplatform console audio player for (almost) any file format, now with pygtk GUI
well, it was built for stock fremantle, but i'm happy it works on cssu too. and don't forget it can control pc oscp-core too

KotCzarny 2015-03-02 21:22

Re: oscp - multiplatform console audio player for (almost) any file format, now with pygtk GUI
oh, and btw. i'm thinking about styling it a bit, maybe even support old winamp skins

KotCzarny 2015-03-03 14:07

Re: oscp - multiplatform console audio player for (almost) any file format and network streams, now with pygtk GUI
hmm, your request boils down to book-reader-with-test2speech-option ? or you are thinking about something else?

KotCzarny 2015-03-03 14:13

Re: oscp - multiplatform console audio player for (almost) any file format and network streams, now with pygtk GUI
ps. i've upped to sf oscp-remote with the ability to select favs (hotkey dirs/playlists you can configure in ~/.oscp.conf). i'll still need to add setfav to the remote commands list

endsormeans 2015-03-03 15:23

Re: oscp - multiplatform console audio player for (almost) any file format and network streams, now with pygtk GUI
Naw ...(but that is a really really really super-good idea too y'know :D)
I was thinking more along the lines of text to speech implemented so you could say open an ebook and it could play it in oscp.
Insta-Audio Books addon.

KotCzarny 2015-03-03 15:33

Re: oscp - multiplatform console audio player for (almost) any file format and network streams, now with pygtk GUI
hmm, not a bad idea, but needs decent text to speech engine

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