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n950 2017-04-15 18:42

Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742
About local mode for some Nokia device you can hard reset and come back to full OS.
the question is how to make hard reset on Lauta?
perhaps like on n9/50.


Is it possible like on this topic? phoenix or nss pro?

When dirk connect lauta to pc with nss pro he got that:

juiceme 2017-04-15 22:24

Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742

Originally Posted by n950 (Post 1526890)
Is it possible like on this topic? phoenix or nss pro?

Probably not, those are not very useful tools.

n950 2017-04-18 11:07

Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742
Lauta battery LWH is 3,4 x 1,06 x 0,19 inches

What other battery have same size please?

Lumia900 is: 3 x 2 x 0.9 inches

wicket 2017-04-19 00:14

Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742
I doubt the device sent to Dirk is a Lauta/RM-742. All of the leaked information has always suggested that the Lauta was basically an N9 with a keyboard. The story of Nokia MeeGo article seems pretty adamant that the Lauta is a Harmattan device with a TI OMAP3630 SoC. With all of the pointers that it uses a Medfield SoC and that it has Ilmatar installed, I'd say it's more than likely the device in Dirk's possession is actually a Soiro prototype. The same article also states that the Soiro uses the same design as the Lauta. I'm guessing that this is a very early Soiro prototype and they just took the casing from a Lauta. It's possible that the Soiro board doesn't fit properly inside the Lauta casing and was forced in which would explain the damage. Maybe you could open up the other 3 devices to see if they have a TI or an Intel chip and see if they show another RM-XXX or RX-XX codename? If my theory is right about the damage, they are probably also Soiros.

I don't know about the Soiro but the Harmattan flasher should at least have some support for the Lauta. RM-742 references can be found in an early version of the Harmattan flasher:


$ strings flasher | grep RM-742
Unpacking cert-sw image to file 'cert-sw_RM-742:0301,0302,0303,0304,0305'...
Unpacking cert-sw image to file 'cert-sw_RM-742:0121'...
Unpacking cert-sw image to file 'cert-sw_RM-742:0021'...
Unpacking cert-sw image to file 'cert-sw_RM-742:0401'...
Unpacking cert-sw image to file 'cert-sw_RM-742:0201,0202'...
Unpacking 2nd image to file '2nd.bin_RM-742:0301,0302,0303,0304,0305'...
Unpacking xloader image to file 'xloader.bin_RM-742:0301,0302,0303,0304,0305'...
Unpacking secondary image to file 'secondary.bin_RM-742:0301,0302,0303,0304,0305'...
Unpacking 2nd image to file '2nd.bin_RM-742:0121'...
Unpacking xloader image to file 'xloader.bin_RM-742:0121'...
Unpacking secondary image to file 'secondary.bin_RM-742:0121'...
Unpacking 2nd image to file '2nd.bin_RM-742:0021'...
Unpacking xloader image to file 'xloader.bin_RM-742:0021'...
Unpacking secondary image to file 'secondary.bin_RM-742:0021'...
Unpacking 2nd image to file '2nd.bin_RM-742:0401'...
Unpacking xloader image to file 'xloader.bin_RM-742:0401'...
Unpacking secondary image to file 'secondary.bin_RM-742:0401'...
Unpacking 2nd image to file '2nd.bin_RM-742:0201,0202'...
Unpacking xloader image to file 'xloader.bin_RM-742:0201,0202'...
Unpacking secondary image to file 'secondary.bin_RM-742:0201,0202'...

dirkvl 2017-04-19 05:41

Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742
Hmm i coul pull one of the shielding caps from the pcb, but don't know if n950 will like it if i pull out my heat gun :p

n950 2017-04-19 12:09

Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742

Originally Posted by dirkvl (Post 1527016)
Hmm i coul pull one of the shielding caps from the pcb, but don't know if n950 will like it if i pull out my heat gun :p

Don't do that please.

n950 2017-04-19 17:19

Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742
Here is the words from nokia engineer:

"You get away from local mode with MeeGo flashing tool. If there is only ENOSW installed it means there is no SW with UI installed and device cannot be used further.

ENOSW is EngiNe Operations which means it's preloaded to get device started and just before it's packed for sales all other software will be installed."

Where can i find Meego flashing tool?

juiceme 2017-04-19 20:15

Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742

Originally Posted by n950 (Post 1527037)
Where can i find Meego flashing tool?

You already have it :D
Meego (Harmattan) flasher 3.12.1

gerbick 2017-04-19 20:23

Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1527042)
You already have it :D
Meego (Harmattan) flasher 3.12.1

But he cannot go any further it seems despite having a flasher. Now... how to obtain firmware to flash to go further. I want to see this thing boot!

mr_pingu 2017-04-19 21:36

Re: Nokia Soiro

Good read, wonder what his sources about the soiro are...

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