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mousse04 2017-09-30 03:54

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by m4r0v3r (Post 1535496)
this is from the latest kernel changes so who knows.

not a request, just a question : do you plan to build a new image? just to know if I try the one posted above (which ia more revent according to you)

BluesLee 2017-09-30 04:48

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by deprecated (Post 1535503)
Anyone having issues where the network/APN settings don't save after a reboot? I remember the same issue with the Nexus 5 port, which chowning to ofono work in this case as well?

Same here, i.e. it can't stick to 3G for instance. Commands from Nexus 5 don't seem to work.

deprecated 2017-09-30 05:36

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by BluesLee (Post 1535506)
Same here, i.e. it can't stick to 3G for instance. Commands from Nexus 5 don't seem to work.

Same here. I hope that's ironed out in the official release, as I basically have to use the nonstandard 3G APNs for my carrier in my area.

If not I guess I could script it.

Edit: I've fixed APN settings not sticking. I ssh'ed into my X and found that /var/lib/ofono wasn't populating anything, so I did the following:


systemctl stop ofono.service
cd /var/lib
mv ofono ofono.backup
mkdir ofono
chown radio:radio ofono
systemctl start ofono.service

Changes made to APNs and network stick after reboots now.

mousse04 2017-09-30 10:12

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)
Is anyone able to use SDCARD?

I format mine in fat32, but not detected...

jakibaki 2017-09-30 10:25

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by mousse04 (Post 1535517)
Is anyone able to use SDCARD?

I format mine in fat32, but not detected...

You need to format it ext4 afaik. (At least mine gets detected that way).

mousse04 2017-09-30 12:47

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by jakibaki (Post 1535518)
You need to format it ext4 afaik. (At least mine gets detected that way).

I think my problem is to mount the sdcard.

jakibaki 2017-09-30 12:49

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by mousse04 (Post 1535527)
I think my problem is to mount the sdcard.

The sdcard automatically mounted for me after formatting it ext4 from my pc and then putting it into the phone and rebooting. After that it can mounted at /media/sdcard/SOME_UUID

mousse04 2017-09-30 12:54

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by jakibaki (Post 1535528)
The sdcard automatically mounted for me after formatting it ext4 from my pc and then putting it into the phone and rebooting. After that it can mounted at /media/sdcard/SOME_UUID

hum .. strange. Thanks anyway

aspergerguy 2017-09-30 13:13

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by jakibaki (Post 1535528)
The sdcard automatically mounted for me after formatting it ext4 from my pc and then putting it into the phone and rebooting. After that it can mounted at /media/sdcard/SOME_UUID

Formatted ext4 doesn't mount automatically and UI setting non-functional for me:

mousse04 2017-09-30 13:22

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)
Funny, I've installed the image provided by @jakibaki
here :

and now when doing zypper in bluetooth-rfkill-event-hciattach, I have :

Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
'bluetooth-rfkill-event-hciattach' not found in package names. Trying capabilities.
No provider of 'bluetooth-rfkill-event-hciattach' found.
Resolving package dependencies...

Nothing to do.

Edit: need to add the good repo

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