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rcastberg 2010-06-05 18:46

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

I was still having some problems with Callnotify and noticed that there was a problem with a chmod command, on line 74 i had to insert a space after 766 to make it :

os.system("chmod 766 " + self.configDir+self.configFile)
Additionally callnotify wouldn't notify me of missed calls, and looking through the code it seems that the event type for calls is not correct and i had to change the code to 2:

select count(id) from Events where event_type_id = 2
And i am not sure that the outgoing = 0 is of any use for calls as its the incoming calls that we are missing (although it looks like its not being set by nokia event manager.

And with regard to the voting, the py2deb seems to have a problem, on the page you linked to, py2deb, it mentions the following under installation:
1 march 2010 Py2deb is broken. It creates an incorrect bug tracker link for your package in extras.

You can solve the bugtracker issue easily by editing /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/ line 382 changing it from: bugtrackerstr = "XSBC-Bugtracker: %s" % ( self.xsbc_bugtracker ) into bugtrackerstr = self.xsbc_bugtracker


omeriko9 2010-06-05 19:06

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by rcastberg (Post 701414)

I was still having some problems with Callnotify and noticed that there was a problem with a chmod command, on line 74 i had to insert a space after 766 to make it :

os.system("chmod 766 " + self.configDir+self.configFile)
Additionally callnotify wouldn't notify me of missed calls, and looking through the code it seems that the event type for calls is not correct and i had to change the code to 2:

select count(id) from Events where event_type_id = 2
And i am not sure that the outgoing = 0 is of any use for calls as its the incoming calls that we are missing (although it looks like its not being set by nokia event manager.

And with regard to the voting, the py2deb seems to have a problem, on the page you linked to, py2deb, it mentions the following under installation:
1 march 2010 Py2deb is broken. It creates an incorrect bug tracker link for your package in extras.

You can solve the bugtracker issue easily by editing /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/ line 382 changing it from: bugtrackerstr = "XSBC-Bugtracker: %s" % ( self.xsbc_bugtracker ) into bugtrackerstr = self.xsbc_bugtracker


Rene, thank you for your comments.
Some comments of my own:

Regarding the missing space, thank you, I've added it (probably the hole line is not needed as it works fine with the error...).
About py2deb - thanks, this bugs me for several versions now, I'll fix that line.

Regarding the sqlite3 file (el-v1.db) - Are you using PR1.2? If you do, this must be a different between the firmwares for each region, or something like that. What is the region of the PR1.2 you use? This is not the first time I hear about 2 as the correct event, but for me it works with 3 (and probably for some other here, as they report CallNotify works fine with their firmware). I flashed the global eMMC + kernel.
And yes, outgoing for calls is redundant, thank you.

ahmoda 2010-06-05 20:14

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by omeriko9 (Post 701078)
Did you check if it's working in Windows?

Yes it is working in windows

rcastberg 2010-06-05 20:24

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Yes, i am using the european version of pr1.2. What might have caused this difference is that i did a complete wipe (such that i didn't have el-v1.db).

What might be nessacary is to do a lookup in the events type in the database.
Starting sqlite3 with the database, i get:

sqlite> select * from EventTypes;

Which might be solved by calling a sqlquery on initialisation:

select id from EventTypes where desc="Missed call"

omeriko9 2010-06-05 20:25

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by ahmoda (Post 701535)
Yes it is working in windows

I see. Well, that's good, but my intention was to check if it can play properly in your N900, not your PC...

omeriko9 2010-06-05 20:28

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by rcastberg (Post 701550)
Yes, i am using the european version of pr1.2. What might have caused this difference is that i did a complete wipe (such that i didn't have el-v1.db).

What might be nessacary is to do a lookup in the events type in the database.
Starting sqlite3 with the database, i get:

sqlite> select * from EventTypes;

Which might be solved by calling a sqlquery on initialisation:

select id from EventTypes where desc="Missed call"

That's a very good idea, but I think I'll do an "or" between 2 and 3, in order to show VoiceMail messages as well (assuming that VoiceMail means the count of new voice mail messages).

ahmoda 2010-06-05 21:47

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by omeriko9 (Post 701551)
I see. Well, that's good, but my intention was to check if it can play properly in your N900, not your PC...

I have checked now through Xterm... The file is working using mplayer command line.

omeriko9 2010-06-06 05:40

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by ahmoda (Post 701641)
I have checked now through Xterm... The file is working using mplayer command line.

Although I'm still not sure that checking with mplayer is the same as the method I'm using to play the file, I'll have to assume that if you don't experience any other problems with sound, it's something with CallNotify.

One idea I have about what can be checked is the configuration file - maybe the settings menu won't save it correctly.

Please post the output of:
cat /home/user/.config/CallNotify/conf.txt

ahmoda 2010-06-06 07:17

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by omeriko9 (Post 701900)
Although I'm still not sure that checking with mplayer is the same as the method I'm using to play the file, I'll have to assume that if you don't experience any other problems with sound, it's something with CallNotify.

One idea I have about what can be checked is the configuration file - maybe the settings menu won't save it correctly.

Please post the output of:
cat /home/user/.config/CallNotify/conf.txt

How you want me to check through Xterm?

However, i have no problem with sound at all..

The post from command cat /home/user/.config/CallNotify/conf.txt


Am i miss something????

omeriko9 2010-06-06 08:25

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by ahmoda (Post 701950)
How you want me to check through Xterm?

Exactly like you did the check in the following quotes...


Originally Posted by ahmoda (Post 701950)
However, i have no problem with sound at all..

The post from command cat /home/user/.config/CallNotify/conf.txt


1. about the "u" in the output - is that a typo? There is no reason for you to have a "u" there, only if you messed with the file manually.


Originally Posted by ahmoda (Post 701950)
Am i miss something????

2. No, you're not. I have no idea why CallNotify can't play sound in your device. Maybe it has something to do with a python library dependency I forgot to add to the package. Maybe not. Either way, I've run out of ideas about this issue for now...
If anyone want's to jump in, I'm using hildon_play_system_sound to play the sound.

ahmoda 2010-06-06 09:16

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

1. about the "u" in the output - is that a typo? There is no reason for you to have a "u" there, only if you messed with the file manually.

Yes it is typo, i'm sorry, the output is



2. No, you're not. I have no idea why CallNotify can't play sound in your device. Maybe it has something to do with a python library dependency I forgot to add to the package. Maybe not.
CallNotify was working perfectly with me before PR 1.2, and once i upgrade the to PR 1.2, The sound has gone in CallNotify only.!!!


Either way, I've run out of ideas about this issue for now...
If anyone want's to jump in, I'm using hildon_play_system_sound to play the sound.
I have no experience with hildon play system sound , but if you can guide me i can try for you.

Thanks for your help

rcastberg 2010-06-06 09:52

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
1 Attachment(s)
ahmoda, try copying the unzipped file to your n900 and running the follwoing code in xterm :

It should play the sound twice.

ahmoda 2010-06-06 10:00

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
OK, now i made some more tests....

I set all setting of CallNotify ( vibration, visual ,sound) ON.

Then only the sound is work....

so in brief...

Let us say (Visual=V & Vibration = B & Sound =S)

then we can say

- if "V=ON / B=ON /S=ON" all working perfectly with sound and vibration.

- If "V=ON / B=ON / S=OFF" Sound will work and Vibration is not working.

- If "V=ON / B=OFF / S=ON" Sound will not work and Vibration is working.

It seems the command of Vibration replaced with sound one and verse visa.. May be.

This is my experience. Hope it will help you.


ahmoda 2010-06-06 10:13

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by rcastberg (Post 702064)
ahmoda, try copying the unzipped file to your n900 and running the follwoing code in xterm :

It should play the sound twice.

Thanks a lot rcastberg

Yes it is working great

omeriko9 2010-06-06 10:23

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by ahmoda (Post 702071)
OK, now i made some more tests....

I set all setting of CallNotify ( vibration, visual ,sound) ON.

Then only the sound is work....

so in brief...

Let us say (Visual=V & Vibration = B & Sound =S)

then we can say

- if "V=ON / B=ON /S=ON" all working perfectly with sound and vibration.

- If "V=ON / B=ON / S=OFF" Sound will work and Vibration is not working.

- If "V=ON / B=OFF / S=ON" Sound will not work and Vibration is working.

It seems the command of Vibration replaced with sound one and verse visa.. May be.

This is my experience. Hope it will help you.


Ahmoda, you helped me find a bug. Thank you!
I probably switched between the two. I'll switch it back next version.

Thanks again!

ahmoda 2010-06-06 10:37

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
WoW ...

Don't thank me man, I'm the one who have to thank you for your effort.

Meanwhile , I'll go with option No#2 :) until the next version.

Please tell me when you release the next version , I want to vote for you. :)

Thanks for this opportunity for testing a great application.

Raubtier 2010-06-06 11:14

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by omeriko9 (Post 700605)
When you say "nokia messaging" you mean the Conversation window? Can you reproduce this? Sending SMS gives you three notification of 2 missed calls and disappear?

yesterday i had one missed call, the call notify icon however displayed 4 missed calls..upon deleting my call list it however continued flashing the 4 missed calls, the only way of resolving this was to switch the phone off and on again..

omeriko9 2010-06-06 12:11

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by Raubtier (Post 702139)
yesterday i had one missed call, the call notify icon however displayed 4 missed calls..upon deleting my call list it however continued flashing the 4 missed calls, the only way of resolving this was to switch the phone off and on again..

Currently it's enough to open and close the conversation window in order to get loose of a stuck notification, but question right now is what version of PR1.2 are you using? If it's not the global one, you might want to wait for next version because there are differences between PR1.2 distributions that I need to take care of.

Raubtier 2010-06-06 15:03

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
@omeriko- usually that is what happens: as soon as i close the conversation window it stops flashing, but whenever that glitch occurs i would have to turn of the phone! i have the global firmware

omeriko9 2010-06-06 18:19

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by Raubtier (Post 702338)
@omeriko- usually that is what happens: as soon as i close the conversation window it stops flashing, but whenever that glitch occurs i would have to turn of the phone! i have the global firmware

Can you eliminate the use case when a "glitch" happens?

talpjcohen 2010-06-07 23:43

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
hi i updtaed to the new version 0.2.0 i think, anyway the last that was on the app.manager. and it stoped working. i uninstalled it and a couple of other program and installed the new maemo update 10.2010.19-1.002 and still callnotify doesn't work.

help please

and i am Numb i don't know anything about linux or other, so if you can post help with all the steps, like open terminal... thnx


!!Nokia N900!! 2010-06-08 07:39

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
When we expect the ( Call Notifier ) to hit the Extras??
It is very important Appl.

omeriko9 2010-06-08 09:56

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by !!Nokia N900!! (Post 704914)
When we expect the ( Call Notifier ) to hit the Extras??
It is very important Appl.

omeriko9 2010-06-08 10:01

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by talpjcohen (Post 704526)
hi i updtaed to the new version 0.2.0 i think, anyway the last that was on the app.manager. and it stoped working. i uninstalled it and a couple of other program and installed the new maemo update 10.2010.19-1.002 and still callnotify doesn't work.

help please

and i am Numb i don't know anything about linux or other, so if you can post help with all the steps, like open terminal... thnx


Hi tal, do you know which kind of firmware do you have? If it's not the global distribution, you might not see any notifications.

If you do have the global, there is a troubleshooting post here that I wrote, but it does require some linux knowledge, and unfortunately I'm currently busy with my graduation project, so I'm not sure I'll be able to walk this through with you hand by hand. But I'm sure that you can find this forum member's help to be very useful regarding linux (I know I did :) ).

Raubtier 2010-06-08 11:17

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by omeriko9 (Post 702543)
Can you eliminate the use case when a "glitch" happens?

what do you mean with "use case" ?

omeriko9 2010-06-08 11:22

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by Raubtier (Post 705187)
what do you mean with "use case" ?

I mean - does the "glitch" happen just like that? You do nothing with the phone and suddenly get the notification? Or maybe you do something with the phone before? does it happen in a usual hour of the day? only in one place or every place? ect'..

Raubtier 2010-06-08 12:13

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
it just happened again:

i got 1 missed call and one sms..

upon erasing the sms and clearing the call list it still blinks telling me that i have 5(!) missed calls...its additionally bothersome because the vibration notification still is going off.

have to reboot to get rid of this condition.

kylepsp 2010-06-08 12:32

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by Raubtier (Post 705274)
it just happened again:

i got 1 missed call and one sms..

upon erasing the sms and clearing the call list it still blinks telling me that i have 5(!) missed calls...its additionally bothersome because the vibration notification still is going off.

have to reboot to get rid of this condition.

I have a similar problem with texts, when i receive one text it displays 5. But it stops vibrating once read unlike the quote

omeriko9 2010-06-08 13:04

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by Raubtier (Post 705274)
it just happened again:

i got 1 missed call and one sms..

upon erasing the sms and clearing the call list it still blinks telling me that i have 5(!) missed calls...its additionally bothersome because the vibration notification still is going off.

have to reboot to get rid of this condition.

Raubtier, sorry if I've asked you that before, but are you using the global firmware or a different one?

@kylepsp, same question...

Raubtier 2010-06-08 13:19

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
global firmware!

omeriko9 2010-06-08 13:39

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by Raubtier (Post 705350)
global firmware!

Please run the following commands in x-term:

sqlite3 /home/user/.rtcom-eventlogger/el-v1.db

and then:

select * from EventTypes;

Please post the output here.

kylepsp 2010-06-08 13:55

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Global firmware

kylepsp 2010-06-08 13:58

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
sqlite> select * from EventTypes;

omeriko9 2010-06-08 15:57

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by kylepsp (Post 705401)
sqlite> select * from EventTypes;

I see.

Ok, so this is exactly the same problem rcastberg identified.

This will be solved next version.

coolice 2010-06-09 07:44

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Hi omeriko9 !

Would be any chance to implement a certain profile based behaviour ?

What I mean, that now you can send sound/visual/vibrate, which is great, but for people like me, using the silent e.g. during the night, the vibrate option can be very disturbing, while during teh day in General mode it is a fantastic feature.

Could you have a tough about it to implement it please ?

many Thanks,


omeriko9 2010-06-09 08:37

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by coolice (Post 706722)
Hi omeriko9 !

Would be any chance to implement a certain profile based behaviour ?

What I mean, that now you can send sound/visual/vibrate, which is great, but for people like me, using the silent e.g. during the night, the vibrate option can be very disturbing, while during teh day in General mode it is a fantastic feature.

Could you have a tough about it to implement it please ?

many Thanks,


Andrew, thank you for your suggestion.

This has been suggested in the past, see my response here.
Basically it hasn't changed - the app needs to be stable first with it's current functionality before I'll enhance it.

Switch_ 2010-06-09 13:09

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Hi omeriko, same kinda problem that rcastberg and kylepsp previously identified, but maybe with more indication of the root of the problem... i have a missed call at least once per day, and callnotify identifies this properly to me with the "1 missed call" icon. I clear the notification and callnotify sleeps again.

Then, i go into my call log and delete the missed call, at which point, when i return to the desktop, callnotify tells me that i have no less than 4 missed calls... A reboot of the phone, as per rcastberg, is the only way to clear the notification.

Output from the above sqlite command follows;

5|RTCOM_EL_EVENTTYPE_CHAT_MESSAGE|2|Inbound chat message
11|RTCOM_EL_EVENTTYPE_CHAT_JOIN|2|Group chat joined
13|RTCOM_EL_EVENTTYPE_CHAT_TOPIC|2|Group chat topic change

I'm running the UK version of 1.2 btw... Hope this helps, and thanks for the great app

omeriko9 2010-06-09 13:37

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by Switch_ (Post 707159)
Hi omeriko, same kinda problem that rcastberg and kylepsp previously identified, but maybe with more indication of the root of the problem... i have a missed call at least once per day, and callnotify identifies this properly to me with the "1 missed call" icon. I clear the notification and callnotify sleeps again.

Then, i go into my call log and delete the missed call, at which point, when i return to the desktop, callnotify tells me that i have no less than 4 missed calls... A reboot of the phone, as per rcastberg, is the only way to clear the notification.

Output from the above sqlite command follows;

5|RTCOM_EL_EVENTTYPE_CHAT_MESSAGE|2|Inbound chat message
11|RTCOM_EL_EVENTTYPE_CHAT_JOIN|2|Group chat joined
13|RTCOM_EL_EVENTTYPE_CHAT_TOPIC|2|Group chat topic change

I'm running the UK version of 1.2 btw... Hope this helps, and thanks for the great app

Thanks. Looks like you covered another use case I didn't think of - deleting from call log - This is not version dependant issue.

CallNotify counts the missed calls using the call log when it starts. Then it samples the call log every few seconds to see if this number increase. If this number decrease, it "freaks out" like you described. I'll fix that for next version.

Raubtier 2010-06-09 16:30

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
happened again, this time i watched closely ;)

missed call -> call notify correctly displays 1 missed call
i open the yellow notification (the call notify display dissapears) and erase the call list ->this seemingly triggers the bug=

(put the handy on the table, screen locks)
all of a sudden vibration notification and call notify display of 4 or 5 missed calls

truelies1 2010-06-13 20:46

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Can you add a function that shows "where the call(country, state) came from", whether received the call or missed the call?

This should be a very popular software.

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