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ndi 2010-05-27 19:27

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by pulse (Post 683659)
i have flashed my n900 with nokia's released PR1.2 and have these problems:
a) "My Nokia" in settings won't oppen and always crash
b) Internet browser too slow
c) Media player doesnt work properly after calls
d) A lot of applications crashes while multitasking specially the contacts application

a) Works fine for most of us. Useless though.
b) It's twice as fast for me. Maybe you have a long or corrupted cache, history, etc. Try an all-clear.
c) Mine does. Haven't seen any complaints yet.
d) No issues. I'm pretty sure such a showstopper would go unnoticed.

My best guess is you either have something corrupted or ... well, something's corrupted, that's it, my brain stopped.

Try a hard reset first (battery pull AFTER powering down), uninstall some less-than-stable software, see how that goes. If not, I'm afraid it's full reflash for you.

Also, let it sit there a while after reboot. It does stuff right after. For much media, it does stuff for hours. Try a CPU Load Applet, see if it's loaded. Wait for it to die down.


Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 683800)
so it acts just like other phones now.

Finally. Next up, re-implementing old S60 bugs.

Steelphoenix 2010-05-27 19:57

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by maxximuscool (Post 677427)
When you restart the phone now, the N900 drain atleast 9% of battery to 15%.

I confirm this bug. Does anybody else have it?

ndi 2010-05-27 20:09

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
It is not a bug. Restarting screws guessing by design. Has always been like that. It sometimes go up in percentage, there's a thread about it.

jerker 2010-05-27 20:55

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by jjferreira (Post 677076)
Did any one have problems with the bluetooth, my blue tooth just wont work any more. Event when i go to settings and turn bluetooth on it wont just connect.

This was working early in the day before the update, any ideas or suggestion how i could get around this.


I have an Jabra BT3030 bluetooth headset. It worked properly before the upgrade, but now it doesn't work when using the phone application! I can listen to radio, mediaplayer and so on, but when there is a phone call the headset is quiet. I have to transmitt the call to the hand unit and talk with the phone to my ear. No good!!:mad:

M_99 2010-05-27 20:57

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
Is it just me, or is this desiderated Skype-Update a piece of crap :confused:
Not only that I'm not able to videocall some friends without a webcam (works fine from PC to PC, they receive my video but - logically - don't send one).

Further when I'm OFFLINE, there's the Skype-Chat-button in Contacts, no matter if contact is online or not. When I'm ONLINE there's no such button if contact is offline or hidden, it appears only if his status is online.
There is also no longer the option to send a skype-message to people which status is "show as offline" even when I know they are online - this definately worked before the PR 1.2 :mad:

Whole OS feels a bit smoother after the Update, only the Contacts are waaaay slower, not only when I open directly, also when in the Phone-App and want to show Contact-List, or when choosing a contact for sending SMS or email

CU - M_99

Jaekaelae 2010-05-27 21:40

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
I have expreinced this problem with phone app, when call comes and i try to answer and touch screen, suddenly answer and reject buttons change shapes and locations and i have to release my finger and then i can "press" answer button and it works. also did they tweak thouch screen touch vibration strenght cos now i dont allways feel that vibration when i touch screen. ive used to feel that vibration to know that i pressed enough. sorry of my rust english skills :)

tigernero79 2010-05-27 22:34

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs


It's been suggested on an Italian forum that it may have something to do with the facebook photo up-loader widget installer. How true this is I don't know.

Do you get the same under themes aswell? Mine is normal under themes.
It's normal under theme i.e. 'Get more from Ovi Store'. I don't about the facebook photo up-loader widget installer but now that we mentioned facebook, i had a nagging issue.

When I got my N900, i would share photos on facebook and get this indications 'Uploaded via Nokia N900'. This was pretty cool! After a while, shared photos are indicated as 'Uploaded via Facebook Mobile'.

This is not a deal breaker but I would really love to know how to get back 'Uploaded via Nokia N900'. Any help?
I am that I have written in the Italian forum l' error is generated in the section changes background and it does not change topics and I confirm that l' error comes generated launch for the first time l' utility facebook installer I do not know like resolving the bug if nn to find versions than facebook installer various or even not to install own l' utility.

noname 2010-05-28 00:55

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by DarkPand0r (Post 675898)
Not sure if anyone else has had this within PR1.2 yet but these are some of the problems I've encountered already.

1. Widget Customisation:
once the "Done" button is clicked it remains highlighted but nothing happens for around 1-2 minutes. This has happened EACH time.

2. Menu Customisation:
once the menu has been customised pressing the "Done" button results in the menu resetting to the original menu set-up.

I'm currently using the latest Power-Kernel overclocked to 900mhz, not sure if this is causing the problem.

i have a problem with IM. i can't see my online or offline Yahoo or ICG contacts when i want to send a new IM but i can see them when i go to contacs works just with skype contacs but that's all.It hapens after downloading PR 1.2 and it's really annoying. anyone have any idea how to fix this??? I'n sure that i'm not only person who has this problem... Am i right??? :d

ffarber 2010-05-28 01:01

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by bertolt (Post 681456)
opera still works on this new version?

Yup, no issues for Opera for me. Still can't run MicroB. Also, once I try the desktop application starts using 10% of the CPU unless I reboot or kill the hildon-desktop app process.


SpRoOoOo 2010-05-28 01:25

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by DarkPand0r (Post 675898)
Not sure if anyone else has had this within PR1.2 yet but these are some of the problems I've encountered already.

1. Widget Customisation:
once the "Done" button is clicked it remains highlighted but nothing happens for around 1-2 minutes. This has happened EACH time.

2. Menu Customisation:
once the menu has been customised pressing the "Done" button results in the menu resetting to the original menu set-up.

I'm currently using the latest Power-Kernel overclocked to 900mhz, not sure if this is causing the problem.

I did encounter this bug 3 times when I was customizing the menu. and also "I know it's not relevant to this thread" , the bug about the internet radio switching to the next channel when losing connection still exist and after they said it going to be fixed in this release plus some addition bugs but not going to count all of them. Battery drain is worst after PR1.2 . I know this release has some serious bug fixes but it's not complete, and it wont be btw . I think

gusch5 2010-05-28 05:22

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by ffarber (Post 684454)
Yup, no issues for Opera for me. Still can't run MicroB.

Same for me. MicroB does not start up anymore (crashes after a few seconds). This means I can't use ovi-store :(

Any help available? I already removed "./.mozilla/microb", and reflashed (with emmc).

woodyear99 2010-05-28 05:58

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Is it normal for the media player to stutter when locking/unlocking the phone? Never noticed this before PR1.2 took a short vid....

bandora 2010-05-28 06:05

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
I noticed that in PR1.2 there's major lag on a lot of things.. MicroB is much slower and hogs resources a lot more than before... Media player now stutters easily due to high cpu usage from other apps... Simple tasks spikes cpu to 100% causing the N900 to become unresponsive sometimes.. not to mention now the signal now is weaker than before.. even the wifi reception is ALOT weaker...

I usually never complain about anything but man this is rediculous.. :( I am filing bugs as much as I can hopefully a PR1.2.1 will fix those issues asap...

Not to mention the annoying MicroB bug that I am experiencing (MicroB highlighting bg images when tapped on the page)...

.. which I already filed a bug for..

kavekave 2010-05-28 06:27

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
i get an error message when i click on "my nokia" in do i do a hard reset?? and please will anyone tell me how to customize my menu..what to click?

j-a-k 2010-05-28 06:30

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
This might be a repeat but Conversation and FMTX widgets are gone and don't show up when I try to add them. I have uninstalled and reinstalled but it still did not appear in the widget menu.

jsbigs 2010-05-28 07:05

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by ser1a (Post 683583)
I have new PR 1.2 and I cant have signature on more than 1 line!!!! Is it really serious bug or only my problem????? try it please

I can save signature on more lines but when I create new message it is in one line..

I haven't had much time to test it, but so far I'm not impressed with this update:

1.) I can no longer sort my e-mails. Pre PR1.2, I could sort my e-mails by To/From, Subject (A to Z, Z to A), Date (most recent first, last), etc. Why would they remove this basic function? I use it a lot and my Palm Treo was doing this four years ago.

2.) My eight line signature for my Gmail IMAP account now all appears on one line. WTF?

3.) MicroB, Opera and Firefox all no longer work, and stopped working about 30 hours after I updated. None of them will connect to the internet. I know it's not the network: I can send and receive e-mails just fine, and when I put the sim card in another phone I can connect to the internet without a problem. The only browser that will currently connect to the internet on my N900 is Chromium.

Looks like I'll have to flash the eMMC (plus fiasco) to hopefully solve the later issue which s*cks as I could only update via NSU meaning I had to reinstall all 100+ apps I had. Now I'll have to do that all over again. A firmware update should not be this hard.

Unfortunately, flashing the eMMC and fiasco will not solve the first two "bugs". I have to believe the signature thing is actually a bug though why they did not catch it.... As for not being able to sort e-mails any longer, why would they remove functionality?

slipkornsaad 2010-05-28 07:10

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
the conversation widget doesn't show up...i flashed my device twice (i didn't flash eMMC) i uninstall it reinstall it couple of times with no success...any heads up to make it work? it's really important to me, a very handy widget.

- i have the same hildon desktop bug with widgets.
- backup application cannot make a backup into the micro sd
- settings menu have some troubles with some plugins (a reflash has resolved that)

that's all till now, i'm very disapointed...the PR1.1 was a rock stable.

thanks in advance for your help regarding conversation widget bug (all other widgets work fine)

Toufmag 2010-05-28 07:24

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
Poor 3G here with PR1.2 :(

jerker 2010-05-28 07:24

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by jerker (Post 684045)
I have an Jabra BT3030 bluetooth headset. It worked properly before the upgrade, but now it doesn't work when using the phone application! I can listen to radio, mediaplayer and so on, but when there is a phone call the headset is quiet. I have to transmitt the call to the hand unit and talk with the phone to my ear. No good!!:mad:

I solved the problem: First (before my first post here) I did unpair the headset and pared them together again. Still the same behaviour.

But now I unpaired it again and restarted both the N900 and the headset and pared them together again and after that the headset works normal again! :p

nicolai 2010-05-28 07:44

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by alex_newman (Post 683275)
after the updating firmware on n900 some new updates were available in application manager (don't remember their names). I clicked 'skip' and some time later I was trying to find these updates in application manager, but they totally dissappeared.

how to make them reappeared?

The names of the skipped updates are stored somewhere
in /home/user/.hildon-application-manager.

nokix 2010-05-28 07:49

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
has anyone noticed that "Extended Call Log" and "QStarDict" don't seem to work properly for PR1.2 (or is it just me)? "Extended Call Log" simply crashes on application start and the "wrench button" of the plugin config of "QStarDict" doesn't seem to work anymore.

fyi, i installed PR1.2 by flashing both the eMMC and the firmware.

nosa101 2010-05-28 07:49

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by slipkornsaad (Post 684851)
the conversation widget doesn't show up...i flashed my device twice (i didn't flash eMMC) i uninstall it reinstall it couple of times with no success...any heads up to make it work? it's really important to me, a very handy widget.

- i have the same hildon desktop bug with widgets.
- backup application cannot make a backup into the micro sd
- settings menu have some troubles with some plugins (a reflash has resolved that)

that's all till now, i'm very disapointed...the PR1.1 was a rock stable.

thanks in advance for your help regarding conversation widget bug (all other widgets work fine)

Update conversations widget from devel. If an app doesn't work with pr 1.2, you don't need to reflash. It is a problem with the app itself.

What is the hildon desktop bug?

I don't the back up app backed stuff up unto an SD card. I might be wrong

nosa101 2010-05-28 07:51

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by nokix (Post 684901)
has anyone noticed that "Extended Call Log" and "QStarDict" don't seem to work properly for PR1.2 (or is it just me)? "Extended Call Log" simply crashes on application start and the "wrench button" of the plugin config of "QStarDict" doesn't seem to work anymore.

fyi, i installed PR1.2 by flashing both the eMMC and the firmware.

Check if there are updates for these apps in devel. If not, contact the developer

sdesai 2010-05-28 07:54

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
in Conversatins-> new im No contacts found. i cant get list of contacts whthr offline/offline .... wht crap is this. any way to revert to previous terribly disappointed..!

Also join chatroom it says u must be online to perform this even though i am already online and logged in yahoo.

nosa101 2010-05-28 07:56

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by sdesai (Post 684909)
in Conversatins-> new im No contacts found. i cant get list of contacts whthr offline/offline .... wht crap is this. any way to revert to previous terribly disappointed..!

Chill out. Just search or something.

What steps did you take? I want to try and reproduce it. Then, we can file a bug report.

nosa101 2010-05-28 07:58

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by sdesai (Post 684909)
Also join chatroom it says u must be online to perform this even though i am already online and logged in yahoo.

I tried this. It asks me for the name of the chat room I want to join

sdesai 2010-05-28 08:02

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by nosa101 (Post 684912)
Chill out. Just search or something.

What steps did you take? I want to try and reproduce it. Then, we can file a bug report.

am jus angry with the fact that things we found in few hours of testing is not able to even after such delayed release. dnt understand what the hell they were doing. !

well i just logged in yahoo,hotmail and then on conversations i click New IM button ( which is besides New SMS ) and it says No Contact ( from Select list)

Previously i used to see all contacts ( offlne/online) and i used to message or send them an offline mesage if they were not online accordingly. Now it just says No contacts !

geneven 2010-05-28 08:06

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
This is why they should have turned leaked PR1.2 into a beta test. Instead, they are having the beta test now.

kolos 2010-05-28 08:08

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
Hardware keyboard on mine N900 has English layout and I modified it to have some special characters under second level (blue letters). With old firmware I could capitalize these special letters with combination of keys Fn-Shift-letter, but now that's not possible any more. I also checked behavior of French keyboard layout settings, because I found inside rx-51 file that it has instead of equal sign (=) a letter Ç and instaed of question mark (?) it has a letter Ù. I got the same result, capitalization didn't work.

Could anybody confirm my findings?

sdesai 2010-05-28 08:10

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by geneven (Post 684931)
This is why they should have turned leaked PR1.2 into a beta test. Instead, they are having the beta test now.

i agree but some flaws here and there which were un noticed can be understood. But bugs now are the main flaws in the funtionality itself.

eg 1 . In Conversations if u dont see contacts whats the point of
hving it ?

2. If email widget doesnt display nokia messaging accounts whts the point of hvint that?.

Their sole purpose of being there is flawed. Such things shouldnt be missed !

And i always prefer to install something when its tested. I hv never even installed single app from testing devel...but nokia on their sites asked (recomended )everyone to install this this is nt wht i expected

nosa101 2010-05-28 08:11

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by sdesai (Post 684923)
am jus angry with the fact that things we found in few hours of testing is not able to even after such delayed release. dnt understand what the hell they were doing. !

well i just logged in yahoo,hotmail and then on conversations i click New IM button ( which is besides New SMS ) and it says No Contact ( from Select list)

Previously i used to see all contacts ( offlne/online) and i used to message or send them an offline mesage if they were not online accordingly. Now it just says No contacts !

I did it I got this. It might be an issue with the conversations plugin app

garyc2010 2010-05-28 08:11

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
After the update to PR1.2 my return key fell off

anyone else experience this ?

Not sure if it a bug in the firmware or an omen

nosa101 2010-05-28 08:11

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by sdesai (Post 684941)

2. If email widget doesnt display nokia messaging accounts whts the point of hvint that?.

Other accounts seem to work fine so it is not useless

nosa101 2010-05-28 08:12

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by garyc2010 (Post 684947)
After the update to PR1.2 my return key fell off

anyone else experience this ?

Not sure if it a bug in the firmware or an omen


sdesai 2010-05-28 08:13

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by nosa101 (Post 684944)
I did it I got this

thats strange i dont get that.....when i selct new IM i get
that select contact Menu and below that NO Contacts .. thats weird

nosa101 2010-05-28 08:15

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by sdesai (Post 684954)
thats strange i dont get that.....when i selct new IM i get
that select contact Menu and below that NO Contacts .. thats weird

Are you using the pidgin plugin?

ossipena 2010-05-28 08:16

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by sdesai (Post 684941)
i agree but some flaws here and there which were un noticed can be understood. But bugs now are the main flaws in the funtionality itself.

eg 1 . In Conversations if u dont see contacts whats the point of
hving it ?

2. If email widget doesnt display nokia messaging accounts whts the point of hvint that?.

Their sole purpose of being there is flawed. Such things shouldnt be missed !

And i always prefer to install something when its tested. I hv never even installed single app from testing devel...but nokia on their sites asked (recomended )everyone to install this this is nt wht i expected

I am unable to reproduce both your bugs. am I bad person in testing then?

lets switch view: what apps have you installed?

and it is easy to say that "this bug is so obivous and still it is missed" but think about number of users internal testing vs release to the public. and many of those bugs seems to be a cause for programs not written by nokia (or it is at least the most logical explanation)

sdesai 2010-05-28 08:22

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by nosa101 (Post 684958)
Are you using the pidgin plugin?

i had installed pidgin protocols plugin for Conversations and Contacts Earlier..and have been using them . But after 1.2 only its not showing any contacts? Are there any updates or something required to be done for that?

Dirkjl 2010-05-28 08:26

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by nosa101 (Post 680274)
Turning control on?

Yep go to your phone settings and turn off turn control.
What it t opens every time you switch your phone from landscape to portrait mode.

nosa101 2010-05-28 08:29

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by sdesai (Post 684969)
i had installed pidgin protocols plugin for Conversations and Contacts Earlier..and have been using them . But after 1.2 only its not showing any contacts? Are there any updates or something required to be done for that?

Enable devel and see if there is an update. Most pr 1.2 packeges were left in devel because the update hadn't been released. Like the conversations widget, for example. PR 1.2 just came and most developers do it as a hobby so real life might be keeping them occupied.

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