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MK99 2013-02-26 05:00

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by efion (Post 1325262)
I manage to made a Sailfish keyboard parameter inside the css files
Unfortunately i dont have any software resource to made the similar transparent keys to Sailfish
So, maybe someone here can help to made the similar keys?

How about some of these?

efion 2013-02-26 05:34

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
Would you please make a gradient and thinner sideline?
and i think the backgtound is transparent too

It looks good, though i have to re-calibrate the parameter

MK99 2013-02-26 06:03

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
If you hate stealing, and you do not want to buy, there are also some free software such as Paint.NET. It can easily make those changes to the picture. ;)

bibek 2013-02-26 08:11

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by efion (Post 1325001)
here you go :)

The css file is probably wrong. It gave me a blank keyboard and I had to fix via ssh. The images are fine though, but not exactly as in screenshot

Kozzi 2013-02-26 08:39

Anyone working on n9 keyboard with sailfish os style?

efion 2013-02-26 08:43

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by bibek (Post 1325306)
The css file is probably wrong. It gave me a blank keyboard and I had to fix via ssh. The images are fine though, but not exactly as in screenshot

Sorry for that, but it's fine on me,
idk, it gave me inconsistency with the parameter, it cant handle one pixel size change and it also depend on the image file, i guess


Originally Posted by Kozzi (Post 1325313)
Anyone working on n9 keyboard with sailfish os style?

those inconsistency makes me give up, and the transparent images too
@Kozzi, you can do the iPhone keyboard, maybe you can do on this? :)

Kozzi 2013-02-26 10:31

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by efion (Post 1325315)
those inconsistency makes me give up, and the transparent images too
@Kozzi, you can do the iPhone keyboard, maybe you can do on this? :)

I was hoping for someone else to step up and do it, since I'm too lazy to even start making white blanco keyboard, which I have in mind for some time now :(

efion 2013-02-26 11:49

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by bibek (Post 1325306)
The css file is probably wrong. It gave me a blank keyboard and I had to fix via ssh. The images are fine though, but not exactly as in screenshot

sorry wrong response,
the screenshot is from my earlier images, til i found out that WP8 keyboard has the same color key, between function and letter key
@Kozzi, well then, maybe we both have to wait :D

bibek 2013-02-26 15:08

Guys, any Swype skins please? I'll try to make one tonight :)

MK99 2013-02-26 16:45

Re: [MOD] N9 Swype-keyboard themes
2 Attachment(s)
Copy .swipe-keyboard to MyDocs

cp /home/user/MyDocs/.swipe-keyboard/*.png /usr/share/swype/data/images/

cp /home/user/MyDocs/.swipe-keyboard/original/*.png /usr/share/swype/data/images/
If anyone knows how to change that gray bar, I would be grateful for information.

efion 2013-02-26 17:51

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
1 Attachment(s)
in progress...

bibek 2013-02-26 18:49

That swype grey bar might be situated in libmeego keyboard folder, i saw smthng like a option-bar png file in it

AMD 2013-02-27 16:18

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by efion (Post 1325457)
in progress...

Damn! Great work, I guarantee you that I will use this theme once it's released, it's awesome :-) As if we're trying Jolla before it even releases the OS :p

bibek 2013-02-27 17:47

Made a skin for Swype.
Instructions :

.swipe-keyboard to MyDocs


cp /home/user/MyDocs/.swipe-keyboard/*.png /usr/share/swype/data/images/


cp /home/user/MyDocs/.swipe-keyboard/original/*.png /usr/share/swype/data/images/

MK99 2013-02-27 18:27

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
3 Attachment(s)

;):pTIP: /home/user/.swype/SwypeConfig.ini
my changes:



0 orange
1 lightblue
2 red
3 green
4 yellow
5 blue
6 black
7 lightgrey

E: More info.
When image.glow.colorize.enable=false you can make you own glow.png to image-folder. Show when press the button.

bibek 2013-02-27 19:03

Post a screenshot maybe? :)

efion 2013-02-28 02:13

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
2 Attachment(s)
Ok, here some results
Since i dont have clear sighting of the original Sailfish keyboard, some components just might be my imagination :)
The keyboard background is from MK99, i just make it gradient

TMavica 2013-02-28 04:41


Originally Posted by efion (Post 1325831)
Ok, here some results
Since i dont have clear sighting of the original Sailfish keyboard, some components just might be my imagination
The keyboard background is from MK99, i just make it gradient

sorry, i just notice this thread, where should i overwrite the file to?

MK99 2013-02-28 04:49

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

You should replace the black enter-arrow with empty image. ;)
You don't need it anywhere.

efion 2013-02-28 04:56

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by TMavica (Post 1325854)
sorry, i just notice this thread, where should i overwrite the file to?

images file to : usr/share/themes/[your theme]/meegotouch/images/theme/basement/meegotouch-virtual-keyboard
css file : usr/share/theme/[your theme]/meegotouch/libmeego-keyboard/style/

@MK99: is it the image is in the meegotouch/icons folder?
icon-m-input-methods-enter-selected ?

roman2205 2013-02-28 05:21

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by efion (Post 1325831)
Ok, here some results
Since i dont have clear sighting of the original Sailfish keyboard, some components just might be my imagination :)
The keyboard background is from MK99, i just make it gradient

It is superb and will be awesome if integrated into N9 QTweak so that the said can be easy applied by noobies like me.......great work keep it up # Unlike the Ordinary

MK99 2013-02-28 06:54

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes


MImAbstractKeyAreaStyle {
  key-enter-icon-id-highlighted: "";

efion 2013-02-28 07:27

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
Oops, i already change the icon to empty :D

wout.martens 2013-02-28 07:38

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
Hi All

Can someone tell me which value needs to be changed in order to get the send button in the black color instead of white like in my example...

Thanks for helping me out...

TMavica 2013-02-28 08:07


Originally Posted by efion (Post 1325859)
images file to : usr/share/themes/[your theme]/meegotouch/images/theme/basement/meegotouch-virtual-keyboard
css file : usr/share/theme/[your theme]/meegotouch/libmeego-keyboard/style/

@MK99: is it the image is in the meegotouch/icons folder?
icon-m-input-methods-enter-selected ?

if i use blanco default theme is ok?

efion 2013-02-28 08:16

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by TMavica (Post 1325894)
if i use blanco default theme is ok?

It's ok, alas you have backed up the original files

thedead1440 2013-02-28 08:16

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by TMavica (Post 1325894)
if i use blanco default theme is ok?



efion 2013-03-02 11:03

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
if only someone can make deb package files and scripts to change keyboards inside the native settings menu

omar451451 2013-03-02 12:20

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
Hey! Does this mod work with the colour themes for N9 by kebbana or only the blanco is required?

thedead1440 2013-03-02 12:22

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Any theme just change the path to your theme name's...

omar451451 2013-03-03 06:25

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
Which path are u referrng to here? Coz anyway those zip fils are to be plaed n mydocs ryt? And I use those colour themes by kebbana by d deb packages so nothing done using terminal, I really liked these keyboards and wanted to try them which is why trying to get full knowledge of wat a doing before hand..
Thanx in advance..

efion 2013-03-03 08:33

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
what theme did you refer?

AMD 2013-03-03 08:35

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1326382)

Any theme just change the path to your theme name's...

theme's* name*. Yes! I finally beat you at Grammar!

MK99 2013-03-03 17:26

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
I got the idea for installation. :rolleyes:

find /usr/share/themes/ -name 'meegotouch-virtual-keyboard' | awk '{print $0}'
This will provide paths, where images must to be copied.
Now we need a script that extracts the correct path to cp-sentence.
Help me!

baem90 2013-03-03 18:57

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
thank you for sailfish keyboard! I felt like im typing on ice right now! So cool!! :)

efion 2013-03-04 01:31

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by MK99 (Post 1326614)
I got the idea for installation. :rolleyes:

find /usr/share/themes/ -name 'meegotouch-virtual-keyboard' | awk '{print $0}'
This will provide paths, where images must to be copied.
Now we need a script that extracts the correct path to cp-sentence.
Help me!

you can refer to Kozzi's iphone keyboard command script

TMavica 2013-03-04 07:53

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
The Jolla keyboard become dark when use whatsapp, I think it cant be fix, right?

AMD 2013-03-04 09:12

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by TMavica (Post 1326715)
The Jolla keyboard become dark when use whatsapp, I think it cant be fix, right?

No it can't, the keyboard is STILL transparent, bt the background in Wazapp is black..

TMavica 2013-03-05 04:57

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
for chinese keyboard, the word choose at top, the square is a bit large

omar451451 2013-03-06 08:51

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
@eflon, can i use filebox to manually replace d required files instead of terminal as i am not so familuar with using terminal.?

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