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vi_ 2012-09-13 19:46

Re: [Announce] USB hostmode beta release

Originally Posted by azkay (Post 1265066)

What would your preferred way of doing it?
I've got 75/180/200 ohm resistors.

So far I've just been running 6 and took this in pitch black:

Removed the IR filter from the N900 camera. Waiting for some IR filters to come in the mail to filter out everything else for day shots, also waiting for new module to come in the mail so I can fix the autofocus.


Can you PLEASE start a thread about this? Talk about what you did and how. Explain the process for removing the IR filter etc.

nkirk 2012-09-14 18:02

Re: [Announce] USB hostmode beta release

GTXcube 2012-09-15 09:25

Re: [Announce] USB hostmode beta release
Sorry if this is very ot but where can i find older kernel version ? im looking vor v47 and i can't find it anywhere. Thanks

sixwheeledbeast 2012-09-15 09:44

Re: [Announce] USB hostmode beta release
You may not be able to find v47 but v49 and v42 is here

akatzbreaker 2012-11-06 10:58

Re: [Announce] USB hostmode beta release
I got a problem here.

I get this error: filesystem not found.

When I enumerate the device through h-e-n, the kernel messages seem good to me.
However, when I try to mount the device, I get the Filesystem not found error. Sometimes, it says that the device has been mounted successfully, but after a while I get an error and nothing is shown at the File Manager.

Could someone provide the whole list of the packages needed?

(PS. I have Kernel-power installed)

viento23 2012-12-22 01:20

Re: [Announce] USB hostmode beta release

Originally Posted by akatzbreaker (Post 1290976)
I got a problem here.

I get this error: filesystem not found.

When I enumerate the device through h-e-n, the kernel messages seem good to me.
However, when I try to mount the device, I get the Filesystem not found error. Sometimes, it says that the device has been mounted successfully, but after a while I get an error and nothing is shown at the File Manager.

Could someone provide the whole list of the packages needed?

(PS. I have Kernel-power installed)

@akatzbreaker: how.. try inztall the i2c-tools.. cmiw

biketool 2012-12-30 08:02

Re: [Announce] USB hostmode beta release
When using a USB flash drive to load more than about 1gb to my N900 EMMC I end up saturating the I/O and( I think) making the swap unavailable, everything drags to a halt and the transfer slows to a crawl where possibly if throttled below the saturation point would actually transfer much faster.
This is a known N900 EMMC I/O problem apart from USB mode which will hopefully get a fix in CSSU. the same issue is present using wifi for large downloads, transferring gigabits from from SD card, updating a Debian image on /MyDocs, or doing big I/O operations like unzipping a multi gb tar file.
Until a better fix is in place maybe the next release can include a settings option to throttle or put a lower priority for USB data transfer based on the system access calls to swap?
In another thread Joerg_rw mentioned a possible hack fix for the underlying systemwide issue using swappolube, not sure how to use this with an input/output bottleneck though.

Xagoln 2012-12-31 09:11

Re: [Announce] USB hostmode beta release
yes. biketool, that bug is super annoying! i guess because it only happens on big transfers it has not had any attention yet.

pablocrossa 2013-02-18 05:49

Re: [Announce] USB hostmode beta release
I cannot seem to figure out what the "Enumerate" button launches in the h-e-n GUI, what equivalent command can I run from the terminal?? :)

Edit: Nevermind, found the source: echo F > /proc/driver/musb_hdrc for future reference :)

impeham 2013-02-24 23:10

Re: [Announce] USB hostmode beta release

Originally Posted by pablocrossa (Post 1323558)
I cannot seem to figure out what the "Enumerate" button launches in the h-e-n GUI, what equivalent command can I run from the terminal?? :)

Edit: Nevermind, found the source: echo F > /proc/driver/musb_hdrc for future reference :)

how did you get that? :)

i'd like to know how to run all the operations from command line in order to run the entire mount process from a widget:

bme disable (i assume "stop bme"?)
choosing speed (low/high/full speed)
VBus boost on/off

another strange issue i've found - there are cases that i see when the "mount" button does not do anything, so i added the following to the script right in the start of it to see what is sent as parameter:

dbus-send --type=method_call --dest=org.freedesktop.Notifications /org/freedesktop/Notifications org.freedesktop.Notifications.SystemNoteInfoprint string:"$1"

when i press "UnMount" button, i can see "--unmount" but pressing mount does not show anything - i expected it to show "--mount" - is this assumption wrong?
second issue solved - found this:

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