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epninety 2020-02-02 00:17

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
Just for info...

After a bit more investigation, it seems that for my local network, either the ssh client or ssh server device needs to be in the fixed IP list in the router. If both are using DHCP addresses I cannot get a connection.

I don't understand the reason, but it seems reliable. I can ssh to my servers (all on fixed ip) from any device, and they can all ssh into the Pro1.
Added the Pro1 to fixed ip list and instantly can connect to it from anywhere.

Probably just another gaping hole in my understanding, but it likely explains a similar issue I have one machine on my remote (vpn connected) network.

VaZso 2020-02-02 12:19

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat

Originally Posted by epninety (Post 1564972)
Just for info...

After a bit more investigation, it seems that for my local network, either the ssh client or ssh server device needs to be in the fixed IP list in the router. If both are using DHCP addresses I cannot get a connection.

I would check network data when DHCP is active - so what IP address you get, what is the default gateway and DNS address(es).

Another direction would be to ping router IP from Pro1 or if it works, an other server like

Also, you may ping Pro1's address from another machine, moreover, you may try to ping the same IP address even if Pro1's network is switched off.

So, you may try to investigate what is the cause of this problem - for example, if there is a static IP given to a computer in the same range your DHCP allocates addresses.

Kabouik 2020-02-03 16:28

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
Here is an attempt to put together instructions for SFOS flashing/backup/restoration on the Proš, since they are otherwise lacking or spread across different forum posts.

olf 2020-02-03 21:14

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat

Originally Posted by Kabouik (Post 1565021)

Oh, you posted this twice (in different threads), "nicely" creating duplicates.
IMO, a single real post plus linking to it at different places is way better.

Anyway, here is another detailed "initial bring-up" documentation for SailfishOS on the Proš, covering slightly different aspects of the installation:

Kabouik 2020-02-03 22:54

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
I am sorry if that caused any inconvenience, but I didn't see it as a duplicate since both posts point to the same gist source that I can update if needed. I just posted the link into two threads that may gather different people: a broad audience in the other thread and just those that were already considering SFOS for their Proš here. I did add it to real posts in the first post of this very thread, and the TJC wiki.

My thinking was that if people in the bigger F(x)tec thread notice that they can easily copy-paste command lines to get started with Sailfish and still be able to restore stock Android, that might draw attention beyond the already strong-hearted ones who already did decide to go Sailfish. I didn't mean to cause any confusion. :<

Thanks for posting Pcfe's article too, it's a nice one and he helped proofreading the instructions above.

Wikiwide 2020-02-04 05:04

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
Running Sailfish OS on Fxtec Pro1, using it as everyday phone. Used instructions from to install Sailfish OS (note: adb package from De**an repositories was too ancient, I had to download the platform-tools directly from Google's website in order to be able to do "fastboot set_active a" without getting "error: Could not get suffixes.").

Aurora wallpaper in Sailfish OS is stunning - looking forward to setting a live/animated wallpaper (if it's not too battery-consuming) to reflect on season of the year, time of day and holidays.

Icons are nice. Terminal in the list of applications is encouraging. Haven't got a Jolla account so far.

When a call is coming in, with default Ringtone (which is nicer than Android's default Ringtone, by the way)... As the volume is raising second after second... After certain dB level, speakers start adding "white-noise" on top of sound. Is it just me, or do all retail Fxtec Pro1 units suffer from this problem? Is it hardware problem or software problem? I should probably test with music instead of ringtone (in case it is some radio-interference problem).

Will test yellow arrow modifier key later - it was driving me up the wall in Android when I could not type the question mark in an SMS.

Audio calls are fine, but, quiet. And, there is echo audible (probably depends on whether "Loudspeaker" mode is on or off).

Thank you. Best wishes.
Per aspera ad astra...

taixzo 2020-02-05 16:56

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
Is there any way to get the front camera working? Rear camera works fine but hitting the camera swap button just gives a black screen.

epninety 2020-02-05 17:52

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
Front camera works fine in the 'Advanced Camera' app, but not in the default one, as far as I know.

taixzo 2020-02-05 18:33

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
Indeed it does! Is there any way to make Advanced Camera the default camera app (i.e. the one you get by swiping up from the bottom of the lockscreen if "quick access to camera" is enabled)?

mosen 2020-02-05 19:22

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
In stock jolla camera app, only the selfie picture is not working. You can still do a selfie video for some reason ;)

+1 for finding a way to make Piggz Cam stock!

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