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conny 2009-06-28 19:08

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

Originally Posted by debernardis (Post 300587)
My first note had several level of indentations.
Saved, closed.
Several hours re-opened, and lots of it *lacked* - the text was simply missing while bullets were still there.
Also, when I try to nuke this note, the program exits and when started again that note is still in the list.
Started the program from command line, it says ERROR: The note with the guid [insert long alphanumeric string] could not be deleted.
So I created a new note and deleted the offending one. Allright? Nope. When program is restarted, the zombie note from hell shows again.
Go to xterm, cd .conboy, ls -a, here's the stupid note. Kill it. Start over.

Hmm, that doesn't sound so good, but there have been a lot of internal changes, so... Well, I'll do some more testing myself the next days. If you find out more, please let me know.

KristianW 2009-07-05 20:42

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
Just FYI.
Something strange happened to Conboy (0.5.0) on my N810 OS .43-7.

I had 2 (of 7 in all) Conboy notes (A and B, about 1 page each) minimized on the left display side.
I did a lot of surfing with Tear.
I closed Tear.
I opened note A: it was blank, not even the name showed.
Note B was OK, the note list was unchanged and showed A.
I closed the blank "A" and reopened it: no change.
I closed all notes and restarted Conboy.
>> Everything OK !

I guess this is hard to reproduce, I don't think I'll try.
As I said, just FYI.

KristianW 2009-07-07 10:22

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
Conny, hello again !

Nearly strange again today in the same situation.
Except :
The note, in this case "B", was blank just a couple of seconds and then appeared complete.

I guess I will do some experimenting with how many notes I have open+minimized in different situations.

Unless :
Since some time Tear (and perhaps some other apps) sometimes under some command,e.g. selection of text, pauses a while with Load Applet showing a full bar for processor activity.
I guess there might be something underneath also influencing Conboy.
In case of a next time I will try to remember checking load applet.

Conboy is still a big favourite.
It loads much faster than e.g. mNotes and QuickNote.
And only Conboy has more space on screen + text size / highlighting.

Cheers, Keep going !

conny 2009-07-07 11:24

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

Originally Posted by KristianW (Post 302536)
Conny, hello again !

Nearly strange again today in the same situation.
Except :
The note, in this case "B", was blank just a couple of seconds and then appeared complete.

I guess I will do some experimenting with how many notes I have open+minimized in different situations.

Unless :
Since some time Tear (and perhaps some other apps) sometimes under some command,e.g. selection of text, pauses a while with Load Applet showing a full bar for processor activity.
I guess there might be something underneath also influencing Conboy.
In case of a next time I will try to remember checking load applet.

Thanks for reporting this! The problem could also be related to a low memory situation. Maemo has the possibility to kill a background application if there is not enough memory for the foreground application. So all applications should listen to this "kill" event and shutdown gracefully. As I have not yet implemented that, it might be related. Itīs only a guess though. Iīll check how much work it is to implement this feature - maybe it will help.


Originally Posted by KristianW (Post 302536)
Conboy is still a big favourite.
It loads much faster than e.g. mNotes and QuickNote.
And only Conboy has more space on screen + text size / highlighting.

Cheers, Keep going !

Thank you! Iīm happy that someone is using it :) I know itīs still far from perfect and development slowed down a bit, but things are still moving :)

KristianW 2009-07-07 18:27

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

Originally Posted by conny (Post 302551)
The problem could also be related to a low memory situation. Maemo has the possibility to kill a background application if there is not enough memory for the foreground application. So all applications should listen to this "kill" event and shutdown gracefully. As I have not yet implemented that, it might be related. Itīs only a guess though. Iīll check how much work it is to implement this feature - maybe it will help.

Additional info, in case it makes a difference :

Booting from int. card.
256 Mb swap partition on ext. card, was enabled (at least on "second occurence") and according to "Advanced Power" only partly used.
( Could swapping be one reason? )

On my tablet I notice a slight delay between the appearance of an app's titled window and it's contents, even when they are small.
Don't know if it was always so.
( QUOTE myself: "Since some time Tear (and perhaps some other apps) sometimes under some command,e.g. selection of text, pauses a while with Load Applet showing a full bar for processor activity." )

In case my tablet has acquired some delaying feature underneath, that might exaggerate normal delays.

KristianW 2009-07-10 16:21

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
My Conboy's Trashcan has started to behave strangely.
Trash-canned notes reappear after restarting Conboy.

All this happened after installing wxMaxima, which included ~4 libraries.
Uninstalled Conboy 0.5.0 and reinstalled it, no change :

Details :
Open note "A"
Click on it's Trashcan icon and on "yes" , Note closes
Open Notelist, Note "A" is gone
Close all notes and restart Conboy
Open Notelist, Note "A" is there again ; open "A", It is complete

Open note "B"
Erase some text and close the note
Do 1) with "B": >The modified "B" is back

Open note "C"
Erase some text and do not close the note
Do 1) with "C": >The unmodified "C" is back

( Not shure if the difference between 2) and 3) is new.)
Uninstalled and reinstalled Conboy.
All notes are there incl. the trash-canned ones, behaviour unchanged.

The only (?) difference in my N810 (OS .43-7) since normal Conboy behaviour,
is that I have installed wxMaxima, a large math. app., from
Anunakin's repo, distr. /pool/.
About 4 libraries were included.
( a lisp lib, wxwidgets, + ?? )

Perhaps a library Conboy uses was overwritten (by an older version) ?
I'd like to list the new libs, but I don't know how to find out which they are.
( If needed, I could clone Diablo to some partition and install only Conboy +suspects.)

conny 2009-07-10 17:15

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
I looks like I introduced some new bugs with version 0.5. I did many internal changes which are needed for future versions. This bug also occurs on my tablet, so it's not related to any extra software you have installed.

I filed a bug report here:

Hopefully I'll find some time on the weekend to fix this. Thanks for reporting and testing!

KristianW 2009-07-10 17:29

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
Aahh , I'm relieved . . .
Funny, that I didn't notice earlier.

Thanks, and no hurry !

conny 2009-07-11 14:27

Conboy 0.5.1 released
I just released 0.5.1. There is only one small bug fix in this version, which is that the deletion of notes is again possible.


conny 2009-07-17 08:31

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
Hey guys!

I'll be away (and offline) till August. I'm just saying, not that you think the project is dead :D

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