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@SR 2010-02-06 13:48

Re: QStarDict

Originally Posted by soleil (Post 508069)
Thank it works now but i have new problem . Qtardict can't display vietnames character . I tried to chang the font to Droid but it doesn't work . Droid font + fbreader works with vietnamese character .
how can I set encoding to UTF-8 ?

Can you provide a link to the dictionary which has the problem so I could test it?


Originally Posted by cardiff-blues (Post 508426)
in the dictionary setup. What does it mean if you have an 0 in front of it? I have another dictionary with a V in front of it and that's the only one i can use at the moment.

any ideas?

O means that the dictionary or the plugin is disabled. V means it is enabled. Click on the dot near O/V to switch enabled/disabled state (it's a new Qt bug in check boxes style so I've added the text to show the state).
So that's why only the dictionary with V in front of it is working.

soleil 2010-02-06 15:38

Re: QStarDict
I used this english-vietnamese dictionary I downloaded from XDXF :
Vietnamese character dont show corectly with this .
But I found another english-vietnamse dictionary here :
And it works fine .
Thank for your hard work 2010-02-07 15:20

Re: QStarDict
how can I make donation for this amazing project?

Zidust 2010-02-13 19:22

Re: QStarDict
Great application :). When you have got this one to work it is much better then the one I used on 5800.

My question. Which eng-eng dictionary is your favorite one? The one I'm using cover about 170000 words I believe. It was the largest eng-eng dictionary I could find so I downloaded that one. I like it but if please tell me which one you prefer anyway :).

Farzad_ppd 2010-02-13 22:37

Re: QStarDict
Hi, I've followed the instruction to grab the dictionary database from: ,and I downloaded it into a folder in my documents in my N900. then I went to: QStarDict -> Config -> Plugins -> stardict , and I've added dictionary folders, but from this step its not clear for me what to do? how should I untar the file? and what else should I do?
Thanks in advance for your help

Andy69 2010-02-14 15:11

Re: QStarDict
just follow the instructions here

better to extract the files in pc before moving to n900 documents folder

Zidust 2010-02-14 16:27

Re: QStarDict
a follow up question to my earlier one. Have anyone of you managed to get text to speach to work? Does it only work on a select few of the dictionaries or can all dictionaries get it to work with the right settings? If not, which dictionaries supports this function? eng-eng is the ones i'm looking for.

Farzad_ppd 2010-02-15 05:23

Re: QStarDict

Originally Posted by Andy69 (Post 526023)
just follow the instructions here

better to extract the files in pc before moving to n900 documents folder

I followe the instruction which is very clear, but the problem is: when I want to unpack the downloded dictionary in my computer dictionary file, the created file is empty. the main file is in win.rar but the extracted file is empty.
I have to struggle more to find a solution to properly unpack the rar folder.
thanks for your help andy. 2010-02-16 09:26

Re: QStarDict
@Zidust: with eng-ita and ita-eng dicts espeak works. Just it pronounces italian words in english.

@Farzad_ppd: download dictionary(ies) from here:
it's works. I did it!

fareastcoast 2010-02-16 18:30

Re: QStarDict
I have QStardict on my N900 with some Chinese<->English dictionaries installed. One major problem: I cannot enter Chinese characters using MSCIM/Google Pinyin (Ctrl+space to change input method has no effect, this works in basically everywhere else where text input is possible). I must be missing something, there has to be a way to input Chinese. A plugin? Fonts? Any clues?

Edit: I forgot to say, OS language is set to English. And English->Chinese translation workss fine in QStarDict.

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