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Slocan 2010-02-05 21:32

Re: FeedingIt - RSS Reader

Originally Posted by qwerty12 (Post 511486)
No. Apps hardcode the usage of the default browser by using the default browser's D-Bus interfaces. browser-switchboard "pretends" (by changing the browser's D-Bus service file to point to D-Bus switchboard, instead) to be the default browser so that it can pass any links passed to whatever browser you have chosen for it to open.

That's the way I understood it, and why I've been using a dbus call on /com/nokia/osso_browser/request with the open_new_window method. Maybe I'll try to use the load_url method.

jcompagner 2010-02-07 13:17

Re: FeedingIt - RSS Reader
i like this rss reader, its simple ui, and works quite nice.
I have 3 points that i would like to see if it could be improved:

1> dont show in portrait when keyboard is out (just like the phone app or the hidden browser portrait mode). Many times i am in bed, and i reading stuff but then the n900 is in portrait mode from its perspective but not mine (my face is on a pillow) what i can do in other apps is just open the keyboard and it is fixed into landscape.

2> urls are not clickable to open in the browser, i have to go through the menu, but this is not that handy sometimes there are urls inside the message where i want to go.

3> no update this feed in when i am in a feed list. (only update all)

Laughing Man 2010-02-09 05:00

Re: FeedingIt - RSS Reader
Huh odd.. I can't get Slashdot into feedingit (yes I know on a fresh new feedingit, slashdot is already there).

But what happened is that I imported my feeds and slashdot dissapeared, and now I can't re-add it. Adding it again says it adds successfully but won't show up in my list. I checked the export and there's no slashdot url in there either.


Ubersoft doesn't seem to work adds but it won't open.

lrose 2010-02-14 23:32

FeedingIt - RSS Reader: increase zoom on articles
I had the same issue a few others have mentioned: the font size on articles is very small. I've come up with an ugly workaround which involves editing /opt/FeedingIt/

in the class definition for DisplayArticle, below the line


add three or four rows of


It aint elegant and will get clobbered with the next update of FeedingIt, but it works.

Thanks Yves for a nicer RSS reader.

Slocan 2010-02-15 05:21

Re: FeedingIt - RSS Reader
@ Laughing Man: Try using a different name for the Slashdot feed. Not sure why, but there might be a name conflict in you list.

@Irose: Thanks, that'd work for now. The next update will most likely be using Webkit to display the articles, and include a way to set the font size.

Sorry for the lack of updates in the past few weeks, but I've been busy with rehearsals for the Olympic Ceremonies!

BillyTheFish 2010-02-15 17:39

Re: FeedingIt - RSS Reader

Originally Posted by karim0028 (Post 509001)
Also, a desktop widget would be kick ***

+1 :)

That would do it for me as well!

christexaport 2010-02-20 20:24

Re: FeedingIt - RSS Reader
I've been RSS free except for my desktop (thanks to Brief add-on for Firefox) since I got the N900. All the options are just unacceptable for a heavy researcher and news hound on the go like me.

FeedingIt isn't vomit bad, but won't add any subscription I add. Not EngadgetMobile, BoyGenius, Symbian-Freak, nothing! Manual subscribing even with Feed Handler is unacceptable for productivity.

So I'm volunteering to help work on this one. I have some UI ideas to contribute, if they're welcome. I also ask that the dev study other popular mobile RSS readers, especially the S60 default reader. This device severely lags on a prime needed app, and there has been little improvement since it released. Options are there, but they need to be far better loking and working.

SaintGermain 2010-02-21 12:46

Re: FeedingIt - RSS Reader
I'm currently experimenting with FeedCircuit ( and it has an excellent article caching ability.

Merging the 2 projects may make sense to my opinion (combining the navigation ease of FeedingIt with the download ability of FeedCircuit).

Laughing Man 2010-02-22 02:08

Re: FeedingIt - RSS Reader
I can't seem to get feedhandler and feedingit to work together to add RSS feeds. All that happens when I try adding a feed from feedhandler is feedingit opens and stays there.

ofels 2010-02-28 10:24

Re: FeedingIt - RSS Reader
From time to time feedingit garbles its database which then leads to a complete reconfiguration/import of my feeds as feeding it exits in this case without displaying the feed list.


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 662, in createWindow
  File "", line 738, in displayListing
    + str(self.listing.getFeedNumberOfUnreadItems(key)) + " Unread Items")
  File "/home/opt/FeedingIt/", line 285, in getFeedUpdateTime
    return self.feeds[key].getUpdateTime()
KeyError: 'e2158a4d06072f6e58beff1abe854023'

Hope that helps.

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