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cgarvie 2010-01-26 05:57

Re: [Maemo 5] Angry Birds Level Editor?

Originally Posted by RDJEHV (Post 494429)
that would be great! is it also possible to put it in the repositorys or will we/I have to open up the terminal?

cant see them ever being in repositories. Thats beyond me.

cgarvie 2010-01-26 06:38

Re: [Maemo 5] Angry Birds Level Editor?

Originally Posted by DaSilva (Post 494754)
Could you please explain which of the level files from your first pack are made by you and which would be the next (by file name) so that I can already add the uploaded levels to your older package?

Oh missed this. Just about to head to work. WIll let you know this tonight as i need to refernce paper work i need to find

cgarvie 2010-01-26 06:42

Re: [Maemo 5] Angry Birds Level Editor?
1 Attachment(s)
OK this ones not very Fair. hehehe.

but i quite like it.

have fun and try to solve it without looking at the code.

Its not that tricky in the end

stobbsc 2010-01-26 09:12

Re: [Maemo 5] Angry Birds Level Editor?
Nice work guys, I'll try all the new levels today.

Also in case anyone is interested I managed to score 58882 on my level, using only 3 birds :-)

TNiga 2010-01-26 09:14

Re: [Maemo 5] Angry Birds Level Editor?

Originally Posted by forcer (Post 494528)
install ssh server on your phone, connect to wlan and try to figure out IP of the phone on the network(connect to router and look for connected clients) then just use winscp or filezilla to connect to the phone to transfer files. SFTP is the correct protocol used by ssh to transfer files.

A little easier way to see phone's IP address is to type "ifconfig" in terminal :)

stobbsc 2010-01-26 09:19

Re: [Maemo 5] Angry Birds Level Editor?
Also has anyone worked out how to add the big-king Piggies and how to add rocks and explosions, as well as the black and white birds?

Just to confirm, here are all the custom levels so far:
AB_up_and_over - cgarvie
Through_wall - cgarvie
3littlepigs - cgarvie
OhPiggyWhereArtThou - cgarvie
pyramid - cgarvie
drop - cgarvie
Mind the Steps - Stobbsc

Also maybe we should ask Rovio if they can add an extra world, where we can put out custom levels. This way we don't have to over write the levels that they make?

What do you all think of this?

cgarvie 2010-01-26 09:44

Re: [Maemo 5] Angry Birds Level Editor?

Originally Posted by stobbsc (Post 495149)
Also has anyone worked out how to add the big-king Piggies and how to add rocks and explosions, as well as the black and white birds?

Just to confirm, here are all the custom levels so far:
AB_up_and_over - cgarvie
Through_wall - cgarvie
3littlepigs - cgarvie
OhPiggyWhereArtThou - cgarvie
pyramid - cgarvie
drop - cgarvie
Mind the Steps - Stobbsc

Also maybe we should ask Rovio if they can add an extra world, where we can put out custom levels. This way we don't have to over write the levels that they make?

What do you all think of this?

We can easy add all the Extra content. But im NOTgoing to, till Rovio have released there expansion packs.
i dont want to steal there thunder. They did all the HARD work.

We have also been talkign to them about getting custom content in, and they are thinking of how to do it. This very sencibly will be in the PAY for version.

By allowing us to add custom levels this more than justifys the difference in cost via th iphone version, and i can hope many of us support a games company that is this open with the comunity.

stobbsc 2010-01-26 09:46

Re: [Maemo 5] Angry Birds Level Editor?
Awesome stuff, I have actually already paid for the extension pack and have finished all the levels. Still trying to get 3* on all them though :-)

To be honest even without the level editor options it was worth the money :-)

cgarvie 2010-01-26 10:50

Re: [Maemo 5] Angry Birds Level Editor?

Originally Posted by stobbsc (Post 495184)
Awesome stuff, I have actually already paid for the extension pack and have finished all the levels. Still trying to get 3* on all them though :-)

To be honest even without the level editor options it was worth the money :-)

fingers crossed the rest of us can get the extra levels soon.
In the mean time, ive got at least one more commign tonight

Did i say how much i love the Phone. Ive been editing level files on phone using vi, and testing them and all this While on the Bus into work.

Its much easier using Komodo at home, as that uses SSH to edit files, but the fact i can do it all on the phone if need be is just so cool

It means i need never be stuck with nothing to do, i can always design a new level and play it to pass the time :-)

stobbsc 2010-01-26 10:54

Re: [Maemo 5] Angry Birds Level Editor?
I'm gonna try and use VI this afternoon to make a level, after I've played your new levels :-)

did you have an tips for me or feedback regarding my the first level I made?

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