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shiny 2010-04-01 09:20

Re: TwitterBox is now TweeGo!
This is quite excellent. Well done, guys!

deans6571 2010-04-01 12:45

Re: TwitterBox is now TweeGo! there anyway I can set the app to auto login whenever I close the app?! At the moment, if I close the app (without actually clicking on 'log out'), the next time I open it, I have to click on the 'login' button again.

The only way to keep myself logged in is to just keep the app open.......?!

Midget010 2010-04-01 19:10

Re: TwitterBox is now TweeGo!
I just downloaded this, not quite knowing what to expect.

I have to say I absolutely love it! I don't twitter a lot, but this is just nice to use. It's the best looking app I have seen for the N900, and I hope that others gets some inspiration from this.

flameboy 2010-04-01 21:15

Re: TwitterBox is now TweeGo!
I;m having trouble installing this. I downloaded via links on here:

into the Documents folder...and then have followed the instructions but it seems unable to find the files I'm asking it to saying its mydocs different to the documents folder?

nMIK-3 2010-04-02 02:28

Re: TwitterBox is now TweeGo!

Originally Posted by flameboy (Post 591938)
I;m having trouble installing this. I downloaded via links on here:

into the Documents folder...and then have followed the instructions but it seems unable to find the files I'm asking it to saying its mydocs different to the documents folder?

You do not need to install it manually anymore.
It is on Extras-Devel Repository.
Go and get it from there nice and easy ;)

rodavelino 2010-04-02 02:46

Re: TwitterBox is now TweeGo!

Originally Posted by euanandrews (Post 590865)
I really like this app so of course already stated, it still has many missing functions but its a great start.

My thoughts to date:
- The 'following', 'followers' and 'tweets' should link to new pages including the stated info/lists
- Get rid of the 'more' button from the top, and either place it at the bottom/end of the tweets, or have the tweets auto-refresh when at the end of the list and to display more/older tweets
- Have a settings button/option in place of the 'more' button....
- Another vote for OAuth...should be avail in settings
- Need DM and Lists support
- Autorefresh, rather than manual refresh button....time between refreshing should be avail/changable in settings

Just the regular requests.

Great work guys, keep it up.....ive already dumped my other Twitter client in favour of this, even with its shortcomings, I feel its superior

1) We're gonna discuss about that.
2) Yes, we are already working on that.
3) We've thought about settings, it's important, but we didn't start implementing it.
4) OAuth is next in line, after autorefresh, auto download of more tweets, DM and replies.
5) We're gonna start working on DM this week, shouldn't take too long. We haven't thought about lists yet.
6) see 4.

Thanks for your thoughts, they are really helpful, we're gonna try to release a new version soon with these features.


Originally Posted by gavinlew (Post 590880)
Just installed Tweego, and noticed that when entering my user credentials, my twitter password was appended to my username even though the cursor was in the password box

So I clicked login and got a login failed box , dismissed this, then the username and password fields behaved normally.

Yes, I was trying to figure out what that was, because when I compile on the desktop, it is normal.
I'll give it another look tomorrow.


Originally Posted by nMIK-3 (Post 591032)
Great App! Congrats for the amazing work!

I would love to see

1. Lists
2. @username messages
3. Portrait mode. (I read you said No on that but I believe is needed) maybe you can add it later on your road-map.

1) As I mentioned before, we haven't discussed about lists yet.
2) We're working on that, should be in the the next release!
3) After we fix most bugs and add a couple more features, we'll see how the app will behave in portrait mode.

Thanks for your comments!

rodavelino 2010-04-02 02:53

Re: TwitterBox is now TweeGo!

Originally Posted by shiny (Post 591035)
This is quite excellent. Well done, guys!

Thanks Shiny, we're gonna keep up the hard work.


Originally Posted by deans6571 (Post 591286) there anyway I can set the app to auto login whenever I close the app?! At the moment, if I close the app (without actually clicking on 'log out'), the next time I open it, I have to click on the 'login' button again.

The only way to keep myself logged in is to just keep the app open.......?!

Oh we hadn't tought about that, we could put that in settings.

Yes, for now that is the only way to keep logged in.


Originally Posted by Midget010 (Post 591783)
I just downloaded this, not quite knowing what to expect.

I have to say I absolutely love it! I don't twitter a lot, but this is just nice to use. It's the best looking app I have seen for the N900, and I hope that others gets some inspiration from this.

Thank you, I am glad you liked it!
By the end this month we're gonna release 2 or 3 new applications. You can check our other projects here

deans6571 2010-04-02 09:05

Re: TwitterBox is now TweeGo!

By the end this month we're gonna release 2 or 3 new applications. You can check our other projects here
...your Abil instant messaging app looks very interesting indeed!!! Can't wait.....;)

deans6571 2010-04-02 09:06

Re: TwitterBox is now TweeGo!

By the end this month we're gonna release 2 or 3 new applications. You can check our other projects here
...your Abil instant messaging app looks very interesting indeed!!! Can't wait.....;)

bheetebrij 2010-04-08 06:12

Re: TwitterBox is now TweeGo!
Thanks for this app, guys. I have to say it looks good and feels good... it actually makes me quite hopeful about Qt development for the N900!

- The font of the app is great, it's small but legible.
- The UI is pretty and the transitions slick.
- The scrolling is pretty slick... though I have seen better.

I do have a couple of suggestions (in this order, for me at least):
1. @replies "stream" - I know you are working on it.
2. Oauth - I know you are working on it.
3. Multiple twitter account support.
4. twitpic
5. On the screen that appears when you double click a particular tweet, it would be nice to also be able to select a #tag so that it goes out to search for tweets with that #tag.
6. Have the timeline load an additional, say, 20 tweets when you get to the end of the list instead of having to click "more".
7. The ability to send URLs to Instapaper and/or Delicious (a la Gravity for Symbian).
8. I am not too bothered about auto-refresh myself, but if it can be configurable in a Settings menu that would be great.
9. Lists
10. DM "stream" - I know you are working on it.
11. Portrait support.

Perhaps it is also possible to have the "loading" screen "in the background" so that it doesn't block any other use of the app when you are, for instance, loading "more" tweets.

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