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Musta susi 2011-06-17 23:10

Re: [Sygic Maps] Israel Maps - Solved!
I'm using Sygic Mobile maps version 8.1.2 and everything works fine, even the maps in Hebrew. However, it seems like the map was written in 2007 as many essential roads and shortcuts are missing (Such as the most of 431 road isn't exist). Therefore it navigates me through longer paths and inaccurate tracks. Is there a way to update the maps to be relevant for at least 2010?

Schturman 2011-06-18 16:07

Re: [Sygic Maps] Israel Maps - Solved!

Originally Posted by Musta susi (Post 1031188)
I'm using Sygic Mobile maps version 8.1.2 and everything works fine, even the maps in Hebrew. However, it seems like the map was written in 2007 as many essential roads and shortcuts are missing (Such as the most of 431 road isn't exist). Therefore it navigates me through longer paths and inaccurate tracks. Is there a way to update the maps to be relevant for at least 2010?

No... No new maps for Israel..

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