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Dave999 2010-06-17 20:55

Re: Lets talk Nokia stock!

Originally Posted by pthomas22 (Post 719799)
Not the whole reason
Developers are also deserting Nokia in droves (esp those who develop for the Ovi store) as the software platform for Nokia is unclear.

well. this can't be a reason for profit warnings for Q2.

at least not for me :)

ysss 2010-06-17 21:11

Re: Lets talk Nokia stock!

Originally Posted by bsving (Post 718424)
Nokia say what Nokia has to say in a situation like this. Everyone, and Nokia in particular, knows that the real reason is that they aren't fast enough making a killer phone like the X10 mini (number one selling phone in Europe right now, not just smartphones, but every phone counting including "dumbphones"). The X10 mini is a smartphone running Android, so there should be no reason to be surprised.

I don't get the logic here.
If you want to make an excuse, why give credit to your competitors that they're doing so well to affect your own operation negatively? It's better to say there's a mistake in your own supply chain that's now under control. That is, if you expect things to get better soon; which is obviously not the case here.


That is the simple truth. iPhone, droids, Blackerries, totally uninteresting. The competition is from Sony Ericsson, and it will get worse before it gets better. Samsung and Bada is coming at full steam.
You've an interesting definition of 'uninteresting' :D
I think it'd be interesting to see Nokia's financial performance of their low\mid-range handset.

Enyibinakata 2010-06-17 21:22

Re: Lets talk Nokia stock!

Originally Posted by ysss (Post 718285)
@enyi: there is a thread for ad hominem attack :) or you could pm me directly.

I welcome discussion/debates that are in topic here though.

@ysss I did not mean to attack, just frustrated over NOKs predicament. BTW who do you work for ? I suspect you work for Nokia's competitor. Samsung?

mrojas 2010-06-18 17:23

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!
The big problem is that a lot of Nokia investors are US based; and hence, like their bloggers; ignorant.

Dave999 2010-06-18 17:28

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!

Originally Posted by mrojas (Post 720746)
The big problem is that a lot of Nokia investors are US based; and hence, like their bloggers; ignorant.

what do you mean?? Don't see your point...:confused:

mrojas 2010-06-18 17:37

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 720752)
what do you mean?? Don't see your point...:confused:

Sorry, should have been more explanatory. I was thinking on all the doom and gloom about Nokia going to dissapear because they don't have a pretty UI (thinking about the finish of Q1). What good did a pretty UI do to Palm?

A lot of Nokia's investors are USA based; and so when they see Nokia not progressing there; and Apple and RIM making advances; it is easy for them to think Nokia is doomed and what is happening in the USA is the prologue of Nokia's destruction around the world. Which it is completely unreal on how the global mobile market works.

Wall Street is completely divorced from how things work in reality in many industries; and specially in mobile.

ysss 2010-06-18 17:47

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!
@mrojas: don't you think us-based bloggers pretty much dominate the gadget/tech news on the net? what other english language gadget source is bigger than engadget/gizmodo?

@enyibinakata: no, I don't work for Samsung. (nor Apple).

mrojas 2010-06-18 17:56

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!

Originally Posted by ysss (Post 720781)
@mrojas: don't you think us-based bloggers pretty much dominate the gadget/tech news on the net? what other english language gadget source is bigger than engadget/gizmodo?

I have no idea. I would need to check out the comparative statistics on global readership and hits for the different blogs services in the different languages and demographics around the world. Because, you know, the net happens to be global.

I personally don't read them too much because I find them very ignorant on what I consider important points and too USA-centric (Engadget seems to be learning a bit this days from what I hear); and off course, their content is tailored and written from the point of view of the US market; which is a pretty weird and backwards market in mobile.

So yeah, I don't like misinformation and ignorance being spread and taken as truth; and we have had a lot of that shamelessly coming from those sources in this days.

cBeam 2010-06-18 18:10

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!
I do agree that the tech blogs get it wrong most of the time, but also their influence is overstated. However, Nokia's offical communications are a pity.

However, that does not diminish the fact that Nokia is currently extremely weak in executing on their strategy. The N8 should be in stores now, not sometime in Q3. It is unforgivable that they block almost any Maemo / Meego development for 3rd parties just because they don't get their act together for N900 PR1.2.

Nokia's problem is that too many things do not go well right now. If they continue this downward path then they might lose mindshare and then marketshare.

Nokia's opportunity is the huge installed base, the brand stands for something (they need to be cautious here though), and if they deliver a few hot devices they might be able to squander the competition.

I am not sure if Nokia can deliver, and many more aren't either. This brings the stock down, not the techblogs or ignorance of analysts (who usually get it right 50% and wrong 50%, so they are as useful as a coin you can flip).

gerbick 2010-06-18 18:18

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!

Originally Posted by mrojas (Post 720746)
The big problem is that a lot of Nokia investors are US based; and hence, like their bloggers; ignorant.

I can read the numbers quite well. And they're going down steadily.

$8.90 as of (right now) today with a big problem being due to the strength of the Euro against the US Dollar being in our advantage at the moment.

Ignorance has nothing to do with that number. They've basically given up on this market like they have in Japan. Place the blame where it properly should be placed.

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