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-   -   Looks like the MeeGo Handset UX is almost out - Due 30 June (

johnel 2010-06-23 13:26

Re: Looks like the MeeGo Handset UX is almost out
Bearing in mind this release will be "pre-Alpha" release!

I am setting my expectations that this release will be very, very buggy -e.g expect a lot of application crashes and minimal functioning apps (if there are any included).

The pertinent questions are:
How "open" this release be?
Will the full source code (minus closed components) be available?
Will the images and source be in a buildable state? (someone tried to build an image and failed - got sarky comments from some developers and help from others)

The development won't be considered open until someone from outside the project (e.g. not part of the "inner sanctum") can successfully build a bootable image.

Wait and see what happens in next few days.

sjgadsby 2010-06-23 13:46

Re: Looks like the MeeGo Handset UX is almost out

Originally Posted by tso (Post 726294)
interesting, it seems the browser will be fennec based, not webkit based.

As I understand the plan, Harmattan-MeeGo will use Gecko for the web browser engine and Webkit for WRT.


qgil 2010-06-23 14:36

Re: Looks like the MeeGo Handset UX is almost out

Originally Posted by johnel (Post 726300)
The pertinent questions are:
How "open" this release be?
Will the full source code (minus closed components) be available?
Will the images and source be in a buildable state?

- The development release bringing the Handset UX to the light will be open in its integraity. From that day MeeGo Handset UX development moves to the open.

- Source code will be available.

- All MeeGo components need to be buildable in order to make it to trunk:

There have been problems with dependencies to components not public in the OBS but with the Handset UX out there are no reasons left to keep anything hidden in the OBS.

...boy 2010-06-23 15:45

Re: Looks like the MeeGo Handset UX is almost out
According to the Nokia peeps we spoke to, the N8 will be the last N-series to run on Nokia’s Symbian platform; all N-Series from here on will run MeeGo. This leaves Symbian (in its current version 3 and the future version 4) on Nokia’s X- and E-series devices, with the budget-conscious C-series making use of the existing Series 40 platform. The N9 will be the first MeeGo device, but with the N8 shipping at the end of Q3 or early Q4 it’s hard to say whether the N9 will see the inside of phone stores before the end of the year.

mokkey 2010-06-23 16:59

Meego Pre-Alpha for Nokia N900 on June 30

Already it is official, next June 30 Nokia will launch Pre-Alpha version of MeeGo for Nokia N900. Though this one is not MeeGo‘s definitive version, already we’ll can see some features of the user’s interface and some of the most important MeeGo functions.

alienhead 2010-06-23 17:02

Re: Meego Pre-Alpha for Nokia N900 on June 30
A little late,

Did the same mistake :p

vitamina 2010-06-23 17:03

Re: Meego Pre-Alpha for Nokia N900 on June 30
There are seven days ... more

mokkey 2010-06-23 17:05

Re: Meego Pre-Alpha for Nokia N900 on June 30

Originally Posted by alienhead (Post 726566)
A little late,

Did the same mistake :p

lol my bad

sjgadsby 2010-06-23 17:09

Re: Meego for handsets coming on 30th June
The thread "Meego Pre-Alpha for Nokia N900 on June 30" (4 posts) has been merged into this thread.

Laughing Man 2010-06-23 17:11

Re: Meego for handsets coming on 30th June

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 725812)
That preview for tablets has been making its rounds too.

But the UX for the handsets is gonna be different.

It'll be nice if we could switch or choose (of course not officially) the UI.

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