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pelago 2011-02-17 14:21

Re: Cordia : Maemo5 UI on top MeeGo Core

Originally Posted by Venemo (Post 947980)
I've edited our roadmap page according to the discussions we had on IRC.

I'm surprised at milestone 3, where you are wishing to provide apps for the UX. I don't wish to dampen your plans, but isn't that being a bit ambitious? Shouldn't you just concentrate on getting the UX running, then allowing people to run Maemo and MeeGo apps? Or am I missing something that requires you to do your own app porting/writing?

smoku 2011-02-17 14:44

Re: Cordia : Maemo5 UI on top MeeGo Core
Most of Maemo apps are closed.
Most of MeeGo apps are PoC.

We need to replace:
- Conversations (with Empathy)
- Modest (with Evolution Express)
- Calendar
- Browser UI
- Media Player (DeaDBeeF maybe?)
- Picture Gallery
- Application Manager
- ?
I'm sure I missed some...

Bratag 2011-02-17 14:55

Re: Cordia : Maemo5 UI on top MeeGo Core
Yeah I can get behind this for 10 Euros. Even if nothing comes from it, I appreciate the other work you have done for this community Smoku.

edgar2 2011-02-17 20:52

Re: Cordia : Maemo5 UI on top MeeGo Core

Originally Posted by mece (Post 947743)
I could flattr you if you let me though. ( )

seconded. i'd be happy to flattr you.

smoku 2011-02-17 23:14

Re: Cordia : Maemo5 UI on top MeeGo Core

Originally Posted by edgar2 (Post 949187)
seconded. i'd be happy to flattr you.

Your wish is my command.

ARJWright 2011-02-17 23:31

Re: Cordia : Maemo5 UI on top MeeGo Core

Originally Posted by smoku (Post 946678)
And some things we are talking about: and

Nice looking work there; wondering how apps will look overall, but that's pretty spiffy (man I need to get an N900 and play again; maybe my iPad will take to MeeGo looking like this at some point when its no longer supported by Apple).

fmo 2011-02-18 21:59

Re: Cordia : Maemo5 UI on top MeeGo Core

Originally Posted by smoku (Post 948938)
Most of Maemo apps are closed.
Most of MeeGo apps are PoC.

We need to replace:
- Conversations (with Empathy)
- Modest (with Evolution Express)
- Calendar
- Browser UI
- Media Player (DeaDBeeF maybe?)
- Picture Gallery
- Application Manager
- ?
I'm sure I missed some...

Clementine could be a good idea for the media player, it's Qt4 and uses Gstreamer

Awesome work, keep up the good work!

mas5acre 2011-02-19 07:55

Re: Cordia : Maemo5 UI on top MeeGo Core
This is truly a thing of beauty... the awesome ui of maemo with an enhanced core of Meego. I believe this is the future of the maemo community , or should i say the Cordia Community.:)

1.Since the UI was designed for the N900, it will work fine for that device but what about other meego devices? Most devices use the capacitive iphone type screens. How would u click those "x" to close a program? On the N900 we have the pinpoint accurate stylus to do so. My fingers are much to big for a tiny x to close a program if meego was running on anything but a resistive screen.I experienced difficulty to closing apps iusing touchscreen, tx2500z vista tablet. If I read correctly, you want this to run on other devices outside n900.

2.My other question is would maemo 5 apps be compatible with Cordia? I gotta have my cps2 emulator that you worked on for me...:D.....Yoy may not remember my name, but I asked and you delivered:rolleyes:

3. And VLC media player a viable option for a media player or maybe something a bit more asthetically cool like XBMC.
XBMC that would be sweet....Afterall N900 is also a portable media player.

smoku 2011-02-19 09:59

Re: Cordia : Maemo5 UI on top MeeGo Core

Originally Posted by mas5acre (Post 950297)
My fingers are much to big for a tiny x to close a program if meego was running on anything but a resistive screen.I experienced difficulty to closing apps iusing touchscreen, tx2500z vista tablet. If I read correctly, you want this to run on other devices outside n900.

We will deal with later it if it turns out to be a real problem.


Originally Posted by mas5acre (Post 950297)
2.My other question is would maemo 5 apps be compatible with Cordia?

This is out goal.


Originally Posted by mas5acre (Post 950297)
3. And VLC media player a viable option for a media player or maybe something a bit more asthetically cool like XBMC.
XBMC that would be sweet....Afterall N900 is also a portable media player.

XBMC is already ported to N900 MeeGo and it works.

But we need something GStreamer based, since we have hardware accelerated GST backends for mobile hardware.

smoku 2011-02-19 10:10

Re: Cordia : Maemo5 UI on top MeeGo Core

Originally Posted by fmo (Post 950096)
Clementine could be a good idea for the media player, it's Qt4 and uses Gstreamer

Looks very nice.
Could its interface be trimmed to suit small mobile device screen?

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