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Rob1n 2010-07-06 14:38

Re: Ovi Store - Instinctiv

Originally Posted by mihail (Post 742554)
About such errors:
/opt/instinctiv/instinctiv: relocation_error: /opt/instinctiv/instinctiv: symbol __aeabi_d2lz, version LIBAVCODEC_52 not defined in file with link time reference

You have to use this script to start the application: /usr/local/instinctiv/bin/instinctiv.launch
We use specific version of ffmpeg and that's why the instinctiv package install these libraries. That's why the script loads these libraries to the current bash session settings and then starts the executable.
Please use the icon for the player in the menu or use this script to start the application.

Hi Mihail, and thanks for repsonding. I have been using that script and that's when I get the errors. Furthermore, the Instinctiv package does not install any ffmpeg/libav* libraries (the dependency list is libc6, libgcc1, libqt4-core, libqt4-gui, libstdc++6, zlib1g, libasound2, libuuid1, libpulse0, pulseaudio).

EDIT: Oh, I see - you install them as part of the Instinctiv package. In that case, the bug is that you're appending the required path to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable, not prepending it.

EDIT2: That doesn't help either. It's using the versions from /usr/lib regardless.

EDIT3: I was able to get it working by specifying all the libraries (with full path) in LD_PRELOAD 2010-07-06 14:42

Re: Ovi Store - Instinctiv
Not to make you feel bad or anything but that feature is already implemented on our android app :) Maemo will catch up though -- it's an obvious UI decision and incredibly useful in contexts where finger precision is hard (like when you're driving).


Originally Posted by Andrew_b (Post 742241)
Interesting thing I just did then. I was playing a song in single track mode from 'Songs' and then instinctively 'swiped' right to see what the next song was. Obviously, nothing happened, but does this point to another possible UI feature? On checking my (cough) Touch, I find that a right swipe returns me to the list of songs and a left swipe does nothing. A swipe of a song's album art while playing could reveal more info, lyrics, more albums, tracks, whatever, but it's worth exploiting for some feature or other. 2010-07-06 14:47

Re: Ovi Store - Instinctiv
Sorry for the confusion. The main difference between this version and the previous one is better debug information that will help us quash more bugs. There are some small changes like a roll over to our production servers for better data and artwork in lists, though we're still polishing and optimizing that functionality (as you can tell :))

When I said this is a 0.9 release, I meant that figuratively, rather than literally. 0.9 is commonly used to denote "beta" or "work in progress", and that's how feel about this app. We're really excited about where the app is going especially with all the great feedback from you guys... but we're not "there" yet :) Playlisting and folder browsing is high up on the todo list. Neither is functional just yet, but when it's ready, you'll be the first to know.


Originally Posted by puiradu (Post 742270)
Hi! I don't see in the version you posted the abbility to browse folders that you said it is fixed. Why? Why you are not sharing the latest version available, you said 0.9, if you wanna know what improvements should be done?
Nothing spectacular betwen this 0.34.1 and the one from OVI, maybe a little bit slower! 2010-07-06 14:51

Re: Ovi Store - Instinctiv
Can I ask how you guys are launching the app? There's a script /usr/local/instinctiv/bin/instinctiv.launch that sets the loader paths. If you try and launch the bin directly you'll get the kinds of warnings you guys are reporting.


Originally Posted by Rob1n (Post 741221)
I don't even get the UI up. Running from the command-line reports a whole load of version information errors with the various libav* libraries, ending with:

Given that libavcodec isn't in the main extras repository, I'm not sure where it's installed from for users without -testing/-devel enabled, but presumably it's wanting a different version.


Originally Posted by bobalyafeai09 (Post 742385)
I downloaded the deb file,,but when i run it, it does not work, it shut down it self.
could someone help me please. I'm so exiting to use it.
thanks 2010-07-06 14:53

Re: Ovi Store - Instinctiv
Awesome! We'll make that change on our end as well.


Originally Posted by Rob1n (Post 742561)
EDIT: Oh, I see - you install them as part of the Instinctiv package. In that case, the bug is that you're appending the required path to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable, not prepending it.

EDIT2: That doesn't help either. It's using the versions from /usr/lib regardless.

EDIT3: I was able to get it working by specifying all the libraries (with full path) in LD_PRELOAD

Rob1n 2010-07-06 15:09

Re: Ovi Store - Instinctiv

Originally Posted by (Post 742582)
Awesome! We'll make that change on our end as well.

I still wonder why it's not working - according to the documentation, LD_LIBRARY_PATH should be checked before everything except DT_RPATH/DT_RUNPATH - is Instinctiv (or the libraries themselves) being compiled using -rpath?

Haus3r 2010-07-06 15:19

Re: Ovi Store - Instinctiv

Originally Posted by (Post 742579)
Can I ask how you guys are launching the app?

Using the Icon! Oldschool ey? :D

pelago 2010-07-06 15:20

Re: Ovi Store - Instinctiv

Originally Posted by (Post 742582)
Awesome! We'll make that change on our end as well.

To Peter, can you add your reply after the quote (like this reply) rather than before it? It's easier to read that way.

Andrew_b 2010-07-06 15:20

Re: Ovi Store - Instinctiv

Originally Posted by (Post 742579)
Can I ask how you guys are launching the app?

I just clicked the .deb link in your earlier post from Firefox browser on my N900, chose 'Open', then it downloaded and the App Manager took care of the installation. To launch, I click the Instinctiv icon I've added to one of my desktops. It launches perfectly, every time.

Minor niggle. I'm not sure if it's my desktop theme, but I find it quite hard to read the numbers of tracks against each album. Mine is showing up light blue against a not so light blue background and the contrast is very low, making it hard to read. The track times are dark grey and easy to read.

Rob1n 2010-07-06 15:22

Re: Ovi Store - Instinctiv

Originally Posted by Rob1n (Post 742598)
I still wonder why it's not working - according to the documentation, LD_LIBRARY_PATH should be checked before everything except DT_RPATH/DT_RUNPATH - is Instinctiv (or the libraries themselves) being compiled using -rpath?

Ah yes, objdump is my friend:

RPATH /usr/lib

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