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knypek3 2010-09-03 07:13

Re: [Announce] SMScon (control your device with SMS)
please restore old script. In this version all commands need my connection choose. It don't start automaticlly in new version. In old i haven't this problem. I don't change any options in my connection manager. All the time i had setting set n always ask. Please restore connection part of the script :/

digitalvoid 2010-09-03 07:44

Re: [Announce] SMScon (control your device with SMS)
@ Saturn:

1) I don't see why there is a typo in line 481.
2) I will implement your 'Any connection' idea.
3) I myself use only one SIM, but I see how this can be problamatic, I have some idea to solve this. (not sure if it will work).

@ knypec3:
1) The max. gps coordinates search value are now in smscon_config (GPSPOLLING).
2) you have to set 'Internet connections' to 'Any connection' (Settings --> Internet connections)

knypek3 2010-09-03 09:30

Re: [Announce] SMScon (control your device with SMS)
yes i see about max gps coord.

what happens when i set any connections? it will be connected when i don't use internet? :/ it may wastes battery :/ in previous version it was solved better. It was working however i had set always ask. Why you don't set it like in previouse version??

Ok i now what this option mean.
But email func don't send my emails. command send email only one time from 5 but without attachment. when i type smscon -test email. email arrived without problems.

i find another bug.
when email isn't send in log write firstly an error - don't send and secondly ok - send. But email dosn't arrived.

Saturn 2010-09-03 19:08

Re: [Announce] SMScon (control your device with SMS)

Originally Posted by digitalvoid (Post 805960)
@ Saturn:

1) I don't see why there is a typo in line 481.
2) I will implement your 'Any connection' idea.
3) I myself use only one SIM, but I see how this can be problamatic, I have some idea to solve this. (not sure if it will work).

Thanks for your answer.

1) In line 481, I thought it should write "WLAN" instead of "LAN". Of course you know better.
2) Maybe add a restore of the original connection setting when the command completes it's execution too?
3) Thanks

A few more ideas for you to consider: :)

- the config, command names and the imsi/imei could be stored in gconf keys dedicated/created by your application. It will make the creation of a GUI for the configuration much simpler.
- add a command (actually it's two) to track the device. E.g. sending sms with "LocationTrackOn" will start dispatching SMSs with the GPS coordinates every x minutes ('x' should be an option). An SMS with "LocationTrackOff" will be needed to stop this process.
- taking a picture with the front camera should wait the DBUS signal that the keyboard has been opened + a few secs. Will give better probabilities to catch the face of the person holding it.
- add a command to lock the device. Basically this command. It could be also an option in the configuration to lock the device in the first sms command received.

digitalvoid 2010-09-04 08:44

Re: [Announce] SMScon (control your device with SMS)
@ Saturn:

1) Your right about the typo :eek:
2) Could do it, but the whole idea about the app is to gain control on your device with the best chance, and in my opinion this using a GPRS connection. Why would i change it back to it original set connection.
3) I did write a new function which collects all information about stored network connections.

I didn't really understand the whole concept about gconf keys, but now I begin to understand and will try to use this in newer versions of smscon.
And the whole way how I implemented the connecting/disconnecting & choosing a connecion is working but it's done in a very bad way.
I'm going to rewrite this (using beter gconf usage and also using python-conic, I think). This will also solve the problem when multiple GPRS entries are listed and chooses (in your situation) the wrong connection.

The "TrackOn" / "TrackOff" function is a great idea. I will implement this, also the devicelock feature at first valid sms command. The 'Dbus keyboard wait' I will do later in development.

I will make a new future feature list in the first post.

xur17 2010-09-04 21:51

Re: [Announce] SMScon (control your device with SMS)
The newest version is accepting messages from any number, instead of just VALIDSENDERNUMBER as set in the config file. Did I set something up wrong?

Is there some way to disable the sms messages from being displayed?

I added a function that allows the sms return message to be sent via google voice if you are connected to the internet. Is there any interest in me posting this code, and adding it to smscon? I use this because I get unlimited incoming sms, but I pay 20cents a message for outgoing. If it fails to send the message via google voice, it falls back on sending via regular sms.

digitalvoid 2010-09-05 07:03

Re: [Announce] SMScon (control your device with SMS)
@ Xur17:

1) No, this is intended behavior for now, you can send messages to your Nokia (to smscon) with any other phone number and uses this number to send the reply messages to. After a reboot this number is lost and uses the VALIDSENDERNUMBER again.

I will make an adjustment in future code that the number you use to send sms messages from will be stored in the smscon_config file as VALIDSENDERNUMBER (and so uses this number again after reboot).

Thanks for pointing this out for me, i will see this as a bug :).

2) No, I don't think so / don't now how. As a solution you can change the command to more cryptic messages.

3) Send me the code, maybe I will implement this in smscon.

Saturn 2010-09-05 14:22

Re: [Announce] SMScon (control your device with SMS)
5 Attachment(s)

I've asked digitalvoid if he would like me to join his project and he said yes! :eek:

Here are some screenshots of the GUI that I have been working at already for some days. It's only a first try and I spend most time learning (read fighting) the tools.

- Some parts are already working. Basically, almost all the commands that one would enter in the xterm (i.e. smscon -start, stop, boot, unboot, init, reset)
- Other parts, mainly those belonging to the config file, don't do anything yet as we'll need first to see if gconf keys are going to be used.

The main window:

When the Settings anywhere change a notification pops with the changes made and some info (some examples):

Tapping at the to bar brings options to enter in other configuration windows, the about and credits dialogs:

Tapping in the "Email Settings" brings a new window:

I'm not posting the code yet as it will change radically after digitalvoid's review.

Hope you like it in general and feel free to propose changes.


digitalvoid 2010-09-05 16:01

Re: [Announce] SMScon (control your device with SMS)
@ Saturn:

I can't see the pictures (nice little red crosses :) )

It's been fixed!

Saturn 2010-09-05 16:16

Re: [Announce] SMScon (control your device with SMS)

Originally Posted by digitalvoid (Post 807933)
@ Saturn:

I can't see the pictures (nice little red crosses :) )

OK, I think I've fixed it now or I've uploaded some naked pictures of me :)

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