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bonapart 2011-01-26 16:02

Re: [Announce] Sony Playstation 1 Emulators
luiscesjr: this message appear each frame and freeze whole process to 5 seconds or more, in some games only one place where i can see it (nfs3 + fsaa on load) others games create it at all game process ( tekken 3) so i think that numbers of displayed objects have influence on this (tekken use big resolution according to log from pcsx core)
pandora users have the same error, and they doesn't know any ideas to fix this; EQ said that symbian version doesn't have this problem, but they use sgx 2xxx series, n900 have 3xxx series (


Oh, and just one more really important question...
WTH is this sausage tag back????
yeah, i have this question too

luiscesjr 2011-01-26 16:07

Re: [Announce] Sony Playstation 1 Emulators

Originally Posted by bonapart (Post 929114)
luiscesjr: this message appear each frame and freeze whole process to 5 seconds or more, in some games only one place where i can see it (nfs3 + fsaa on load) others games create it at all game process ( tekken 3) so i think that numbers of displayed objects have influence on this (tekken use big resolution according to log from pcsx core)
pandora users have the same error, and they doesn't know any ideas to fix this; EQ said that symbian version doesn't have this problem, but they use sgx 2xxx series, n900 have 3xxx series (

On symbian you can't write directly to the buffer...
So... Well I guess I enter in contradition with my last statement.

bonapart 2011-01-26 16:22

Re: [Announce] Sony Playstation 1 Emulators
luiscesjr: em, i don't use buffer directly too; i create x11 window and create egl surface on this window (using /dev/fv0 directly cause my device to strange behavior) so i think it's not main difference with symbian

oldpmaguy 2011-01-26 16:57

Re: [Announce] Sony Playstation 1 Emulators
What is the way to update the program? Should I just run the apt-get command again? I did and it told me I had the latest version (I just downloaded yesterday for the first time).

Also, should I see anything in the "bios" slot in the config panel? All I see is a greyed-out slot. I have my bios in the root as I should,and I've used the bios file successfully on many emus before now. Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks for the help. I'm looking forward to trying out a better PSX emulator on the N900!

bonapart 2011-01-26 17:03

Re: [Announce] Sony Playstation 1 Emulators

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
i updated gui twice today,cores once, so yesterday version is very outdated ;-)

for first time you should:
tap title, go to GUI config, select directory where you have all roms, and second one where you keep bios(es) they can be the same
close emu gui, start it one's more
tap title and make default config (you can just enter to it and return back with answer "yes" on save question), make sure that bios name is correct(select another if not)
now you should be able to play ;-)

luiscesjr 2011-01-26 17:24

Re: [Announce] Sony Playstation 1 Emulators
Well, it's just a question of drivers from 2 different versions.
As you see, you don't use directly writting because it's
an option, as you said it caused instability for you, but
symbian do that because they can't write directly.
Different versions, different problems...
I guess we must live with this =)

bonapart 2011-01-26 17:30

Re: [Announce] Sony Playstation 1 Emulators

Originally Posted by luiscesjr (Post 929169)
I guess we must live with this =)

i think that we should fight with this.

luiscesjr 2011-01-26 17:34

Re: [Announce] Sony Playstation 1 Emulators

Originally Posted by bonapart (Post 929171)
i think that we should fight with this.

As you said, we have 24 mb of memory.
If we could, we would...

bonapart 2011-01-26 17:38

Re: [Announce] Sony Playstation 1 Emulators
luiscesjr: more optimization, less textures, less vertexes, moving from gpu memory to normal memory
as you see we have a lot of ways, but i don't know how to do any of this =(

luiscesjr 2011-01-26 17:45

Re: [Announce] Sony Playstation 1 Emulators

Originally Posted by bonapart (Post 929176)
luiscesjr: more optimization, less textures, less vertexes, moving from gpu memory to normal memory
as you see we have a lot of ways, but i don't know how to do any of this =(

Well, optmization yes, less textures and vertexes.... But swaping memory from gpu to ram?
This goes beyond my few knowledge...
I am sure that with future releases it will be getting better and better.
We have to wait for pandora releases too!

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