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lma 2011-02-20 19:33

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego

Originally Posted by kingoddball (Post 950890)
Why not just use a dumb domain of

That particular one would be a trademark violation for one thing.


It's not a hard transition.
I would say it is, if it means that every user has to modify their package repository settings (and redo it every time they reflash). Then there are things like mailing list subscriptions, autobuilder ssh keys etc.

A clean break and move to another domain is not altogether impossible but it will be very painful and it's best avoided if at all possible.

Funklord 2011-02-20 22:28

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego
Has anyone compiled a list of what things in Maemo aren't committed upstream, (and possibly why)?
By upstream, I mean drivers into the Linus' kernel, patches to any common apps and Qt etc.

Since Nokia has left us to dry, we need to turn Maemo into a generic mobile handset distro, start work on removing all reliance on specific features of N900. So that in the future, at least code can be reused.

Maybe it's possible that merging maemo software into the Openwrt distro is a good idea?
Openwrt already works great for low memory ARM targets, and probably has the easiest build time configurator around.

wmarone 2011-02-20 22:33

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego

Originally Posted by Funklord (Post 951311)
Has anyone compiled a list of what things in Maemo aren't committed upstream, (and possibly why)?
By upstream, I mean drivers into the Linus' kernel, patches to any common apps and Qt etc.

Hardware drivers, iirc, are all merged upstream (thus their availability in MeeGo.)


Since Nokia has left us to dry, we need to turn Maemo into a generic mobile handset distro, start work on removing all reliance on specific features of N900. So that in the future, at least code can be reused.
That's what MeeGo is for. It contains nothing proprietary in the OS, and any device-specific bits are available through the MeeGo project.

Funklord 2011-02-20 22:58

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego
I think I need to buy me 1 or 2 more n900s to finally start testing meego. *mumble*
It's so silly that most operators don't offer multiple sims for a single subscription anymore in Sweden :(

bergie 2011-02-21 09:47

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego

Originally Posted by AlMehdi (Post 950277)
I am not sure exactly but to my knowledge TMO are funded through the Meego project.

Nope. TMO and maintenance of are handled via a different contract than MeeGo forums and other infrastructure.

AlMehdi 2011-02-22 14:34

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego
I just saw on the Mint blog that they are able to get about $5000 a month on donations. Maybe not comparable but still... also have noted that more and more people are offering donations but have no place to donate. If we wait too long we might lose the momentum.

Are the Council working on a solution? Maybe start a new thread on this?

Jaffa 2011-02-22 21:19

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego

Originally Posted by AlMehdi (Post 952758)
I just saw on the Mint blog that they are able to get about $5000 a month on donations. Maybe not comparable but still... also have noted that more and more people are offering donations but have no place to donate. If we wait too long we might lose the momentum.

No-one's volunteered yet a concrete solution to how to handle donations into a slush fund. Who holds the keys? Who gets to decide how it's spent? What if it isn't spent? How does it get transferred from one council to another? What if another rogue element gets elected to the council who makes a lot of noise before the election, and then does nothing during his term? What if he ran off with the money?


Are the Council working on a solution? Maybe start a new thread on this?
The Council are aware of it (see Tim's post). There's about to be another election, but I see no reason why interested community members couldn't start coming up with a proposal. And I mean a proper proposal rather than just "duh, open a PayPal account". The Council are volunteers, we're not supposed to do everything, after all!

redman 2011-02-23 11:46

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego

Originally Posted by lma (Post 951214)
A clean break and move to another domain is not altogether impossible but it will be very painful and it's best avoided if at all possible.

Although I agree that moving to a new domain would take time and effort, I disagree it should be avoided at all costs. For it has one major advantage: it would allow a clean and fresh new start.

All information could be set up in a new fresh way. Instead of several threads on the forum a setup like a wiki would make finding info easier. Forums can be used for discussion (instead of information being scattered across threads).

Just my 2 cents on the matter ;)

Jaffa 2011-02-23 11:55

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego

Originally Posted by redman (Post 953548)
All information could be set up in a new fresh way. Instead of several threads on the forum a setup like a wiki would make finding info easier. Forums can be used for discussion (instead of information being scattered across threads).

Sort of like having and ?!

redman 2011-02-23 12:03

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego

Originally Posted by lma (Post 951214)
... if it means that every user has to modify their package repository settings (and redo it every time they reflash).

I wonder how many really reflash their device on a regular basis.

In my mind (which could be wrong, feel free to correct me) there is the mass who love the N900 and simply use it. They will update and continue to use it. And there are the people who have a (lovely) twitch and tweak, flash their N900 whenever they think they can get something new into it.

If comes to an halt, it might be an option to create Community images instead of the original Nokia images used to (re)flash the N900. Of course it would depend on how willing Nokia would be to allow this since there is closed software in it. But if comes to an end and Nokia won't allow the use of any (closed) material, flashing with official images will always pose a problem.

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