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abill_uk 2011-02-25 16:25

Re: The future of your Nokia Windows phone
Well i got to agree with you on one thing only and that is Linux is for sure a very very good language to write phone OS but i am not a Linux geek and never will be but i think the point he was trying to make was simple Linux was not proprietry anywhere but the N900.

Why Nokia have turned their back on Linux fails me completely i have to admit.

gerbick 2011-02-25 16:29

Re: The future of your Nokia Windows phone

Originally Posted by abill_uk (Post 955307)
Why Nokia have turned their back on Linux fails me completely i have to admit.

You'd have to admit that Nokia fully didn't embrace Linux until MeeGo.

slender 2011-02-25 16:41

Re: The future of your Nokia Windows phone
What is Linux language?

abill_uk 2011-02-25 16:45

Re: The future of your Nokia Windows phone
Very difficult one to answer !.

abill_uk 2011-02-25 16:46

Re: The future of your Nokia Windows phone
Only thing i do know about Linux is that it is written in c and c++.

abill_uk 2011-02-25 16:49

Re: The future of your Nokia Windows phone

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 955313)
You'd have to admit that Nokia fully didn't embrace Linux until MeeGo.

If they fully embraced then why the hell they dropped it like a stone?.

daperl 2011-02-25 16:55

Re: The future of your Nokia Windows phone
Word of the Day:


Currently being popularized by:

ericcson, abill_uk

If you're ignorant and you wish to make this list, please see previous posts by our current winners for inspiration.

Thank you, and have a great weekend!

abill_uk 2011-02-25 17:04

Re: The future of your Nokia Windows phone

Originally Posted by daperl (Post 955343)
Word of the Day:


Currently being popularized by:

ericcson, abill_uk

If you're ignorant and you wish to make this list, please see previous posts by our current winners for inspiration.

Thank you, and have a great weekend!

Why dont you just get a life mr know it all and leave people alone !!! we do NOT need people like you on this forum thats for sure but we are unfortunatly stuck with you till you dissapear !!!.

ysss 2011-02-25 17:04

Re: The future of your Nokia Windows phone

above: abill_uk in action.

daperl 2011-02-25 17:08

Re: The future of your Nokia Windows phone

Originally Posted by abill_uk (Post 955347)
Why dont you just get a life mr know it all and leave people alone !!! we do NOT need people like you on this forum thats for sure but we are unfortunatly stuck with you till you dissapear !!!.

You are correct, sir. What we need around here is more people that don't know what Linux is. Oh, wait...

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