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handaxe 2011-03-13 22:42

Re: [Announce] PhoneStreamer - Nifty little app for streaming to your PC
An obvious point, I know, but your n900 does have an ip assigned when you try to generate the sdp?

lucky88shp 2011-03-13 22:45

Re: [Announce] PhoneStreamer - Nifty little app for streaming to your PC
Wait wut do you mean?
BTW, just to make sure, I do put my desktop ip address in the phonestreamer not the n900 ip correct?? (dumb questions arising from desperation!! :D)

handaxe 2011-03-13 22:52

Re: [Announce] PhoneStreamer - Nifty little app for streaming to your PC
Indeed, the Pc's ip goes in phonestreamer, but the app will crash if you generate an sdp when the phone is not connected to a wireless AP (or hsdpa/gprs), ie it must have an IP. At least, it does on mine...

lucky88shp 2011-03-13 22:57

Re: [Announce] PhoneStreamer - Nifty little app for streaming to your PC
Yeah ofcourse i stay connected to the network while trying to generate the sdp and yes i too have an ip for the phone different than the desktop ip!

tetris11_ 2011-03-13 23:02

Re: [Announce] PhoneStreamer - Nifty little app for streaming to your PC
This problem lies with rootsh not giving you the proper sudo behaviour. I have no clue why rootsh is acting so weird on your phone but it's the definite cause of the problem.

For now, dont bother generating the sdp file. Instead just create one yourself on your PC using this example:

and then stream from your device

handaxe 2011-03-13 23:20

Re: [Announce] PhoneStreamer - Nifty little app for streaming to your PC
Identical sudo issue discussed here but not resolved completely. Perhaps pursue there if lucky88shp will.

There is a scattering of reports on t.m.o about sudo and required passwords. Seems that this behaviour varies... strange indeed.

tetris11_ 2011-03-13 23:31

Re: [Announce] PhoneStreamer - Nifty little app for streaming to your PC
If it's such a common problem, then I could fairly easily do a quick workaround for it, but I feel like I'd be wasting system resources by creating another process...

handaxe 2011-03-13 23:37

Re: [Announce] PhoneStreamer - Nifty little app for streaming to your PC
I am unsure that common is the correct description. I assume that most do not require a password for sudo, and that sudo gainroot definitely does not.

I think edit the first post and note the issue and that a manual sdp file is the route to go. But do ask folk to post here if they encounter the issue so that you can see if it is common enough to warrant a work-around.

tetris11_ 2011-03-13 23:47

Re: [Announce] PhoneStreamer - Nifty little app for streaming to your PC
^ good point!

lucky88shp 2011-03-14 23:14

Re: [Announce] PhoneStreamer - Nifty little app for streaming to your PC
So I created the sdp file manually and then changed the ip address to my N900's ip as the guy said and then save the text file as n900videostream.sdp and then streamed from phone followed by opening the sdp file in vlc on desktop, guess what..Not a effin thing shows!! I dunno why such a fairly simple thing dont work for me!!!
Is the ip the only thing to be changed??

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