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lifenexus 2011-04-17 11:41

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
@MAG how about an auto hide progress bar? And make the bar visible when clicked.. that should be less load on cpu right?

Prozac786 2011-04-17 11:48

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player

Originally Posted by Prozac786 (Post 990444)
Maybe I'm reading the installation instructions in the first post wrong, but I really don't get what I have to download or how to install it.

What I want is to install it along side the stock media player, don't want to replace my stock one.

Sorry for the noob request but could someone tell me exactly how to do this? Please don't quote MAGs first post because as I said, I don't quite get it. Just simple step by step instructions if you can please, thanks.

Just quoting myself incase it was missed. Really want to try out this player!

geneven 2011-04-17 11:49

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player

Originally Posted by Prozac786 (Post 990444)
Maybe I'm reading the installation instructions in the first post wrong, but I really don't get what I have to download or how to install it.

What I want is to install it along side the stock media player, don't want to replace my stock one.

Sorry for the noob request but could someone tell me exactly how to do this? Please don't quote MAGs first post because as I said, I don't quite get it. Just simple step by step instructions if you can please, thanks.

You have to install rootsh.

You have to know how to copy and paste.

Go to the second text box on the first page.

Copy it.

Open an xterm.

Paste what you copied.

Watch it install. You probably have to hit the Enter key to get the last command to run.

MohammadAG 2011-04-17 11:56

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
Lyrics should stay in the Now playing window, no need to waste memory for that.
And if we're getting rid of fancy transitions, what difference is the entertainment view from the view before it? :)

godofwar424 2011-04-17 12:02

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player

Did the MAFW ewualizer ever work for you?

I remember trying it a couple of times before and after reflashing my phone and it didn't make any effects on the audio output from the stock player :(

Not sure if you could implement it and fix that equalizer for mafw.

Otherwise I haven't really noticed many bugs that make the player unusable! Its excellent :)

The only bug that is weird is where multiple instanced of the media player open and closing one closes them all, but this has already been mentioned before.

Keep up the good work (Y)

neboja 2011-04-17 12:49

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
@ MohammadAG:

the greatest annoying thing in stock media player, is that you are not able to search trough current playlist.... did you consider to put that option in your MP (for example to type on keyboard, and search trough "now playing" just like when you are adding a new songs, or albums to playlist...) ????
that would be a very good enhancement!
(also a "quee" is a wish, but don't know is it on your roadmap for some future releases )

thx again. and great work man ;)

GreatGonzo 2011-04-17 12:58

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 990452)
Lyrics should stay in the Now playing window, no need to waste memory for that.
And if we're getting rid of fancy transitions, what difference is the entertainment view from the view before it? :)

Well we can add others of course ;). Just not anything which involves reparenting. I will poke the qml mailing list for more info on the layout issue.

F2thaK 2011-04-17 12:59

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
taken the plunge and installed this......

e: looks GREAT. :cool:

e2: is it just me or does entertainment mode not work in portrait??

MohammadAG 2011-04-17 13:14

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
If anyone wants the lyrics binary,
I'll hook it up into the mediaplayer later on.

It runs on Windows/Linux/Mac/Symbian, feel free to recompile it for your platform of choice :P (oh and seriously, Symbian is a tier 1 platform for Qt, and doesn't support kinetic scrolling with a QScrollArea, kinda ironic).


chmod +x lyrics-test

Char 2011-04-17 13:36

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
Kill me for this but: I don't get it, what's different in entertainment view besides the fancy transitions?

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