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Pyro1099 2011-06-15 17:18

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers

Originally Posted by ajack (Post 1029509)
Hi laasonen, can I suggest the text next to the wifi logo say "Stock" or "Bleeding Edge" as it can be rather confusing to know which driver is running. As for the on/off button, instead of the current icon, use a wifi image with and without a slash across it to indicate it's status... other than that, I simply love your app... :)

Ahh beaten to the punch. I came on just to say what you just did. Maybe change the applet to say Stock instead of always "Bleeding Edge" when stock drivers are in use.

anapospastos 2011-06-15 17:27

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers [0.2.0]
New version is working flawlessly. I don't have problems anymore while loading the drivers.Thank you.

laasonen 2011-06-15 17:33

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers [0.2.0]
So you would like it say "Bleeding Edge" when the toggle button is down and "Stock" when it's up?

Wouldn't a untoggled toggle button with "Stock" label say click me to enable stock drivers :cool:

ajack 2011-06-15 18:27

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers [0.2.0]

Originally Posted by laasonen (Post 1029777)
So you would like it say "Bleeding Edge" when the toggle button is down and "Stock" when it's up?

Wouldn't a untoggled toggle button with "Stock" label say click me to enable stock drivers :cool:

Whichever you prefer... ;)

moepda 2011-06-15 18:54

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers [0.2.0]
loving new version so thanks there :) with the wifi on/off button , may i ask if you know what file controls its colour ? im guessing its in /themes/alpha/images but not sure which it is or if its somewhere totally different ! sorry for the question as not really overly relevant to things just want to change the colour .

laasonen 2011-06-15 19:03

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers [0.2.0]

Originally Posted by moepda (Post 1029819)
loving new version so thanks there :) with the wifi on/off button , may i ask if you know what file controls its colour ? im guessing its in /themes/alpha/images but not sure which it is or if its somewhere totally different ! sorry for the question as not really overly relevant to things just want to change the colour .

The power button icon is located here: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/hildon/location_applet_on.png

moepda 2011-06-15 19:06

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers [0.2.0]
cheers :) yet again you sorted it :) much appreciated :)


sorry not the icon but the .png that is its background ..

Pyro1099 2011-06-15 22:17

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers [0.2.0]

Originally Posted by laasonen (Post 1029777)
So you would like it say "Bleeding Edge" when the toggle button is down and "Stock" when it's up?

Wouldn't a untoggled toggle button with "Stock" label say click me to enable stock drivers :cool:

The problem is you can't tell what which of the drivers are in use at times. A different button wouldn't help with identifying which is on.

You can keep it as it is but something needs to change to say which is in use. Maybe a icon next to battery is shown when Bleeding edge is on? Or a toggled button that changes to say which is in use?

laasonen 2011-06-16 11:41

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers [0.2.0]

Originally Posted by Pyro1099 (Post 1029929)
The problem is you can't tell what which of the drivers are in use at times. A different button wouldn't help with identifying which is on.

You can keep it as it is but something needs to change to say which is in use. Maybe a icon next to battery is shown when Bleeding edge is on? Or a toggled button that changes to say which is in use?

What kind of theme are you using? On my theme it looks pretty clear:
Bleeding edge:

kolos 2011-06-16 14:32

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers [0.2.0]
3 Attachment(s)
I can confirm laasonen's words. Here is D-Theme SmoothWaemo.
1st screenshot - wifi on, bleeding edge off
2nd screenshot - both off
3rd screenshot - both on

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