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Addison 2011-12-18 22:01

Re: [Announce] gpSP
Just to confirm, this doesn't support Gameboy or Gameboy Color games, correct?

luiscesjr 2011-12-18 22:26

Re: [Announce] gpSP
@Bazza Have you done what bonapart said?


mkdir -P /home/user/.config/Team16/gpsp/
chmod 777 /opt/maemo/usr/games
chown user /opt/maemo/usr/games
chown -R user:users /home/user/.config/Team16

It's all permission errors, it should work now. ( Maybe I added
too many commands here, but I am lazy to think, just try it =)
I will update the wiki for these commands.

@Addison Sorry, no =)

Bazza 2011-12-18 22:35

Re: [Announce] gpSP
just read bonaparts reply to pannkaksfest and that sorted the no rom error

1. Through x terminal if you type gpspmgui the application should start up then click back on to x terminal and see if it shows 'cant create cfg dir, permission error'

2. To fix it open up x terminal under root type:-

mkdir -P /home/user/.config/Team16/gpsp/

then press enter

3. Then open up gpsp-gui and set up GUI config ( rom directory and copy bios)

4. Close gpsp then open up again and you should see your roms.

antonio_mage 2011-12-18 22:39

Re: [Announce] gpSP

Originally Posted by luiscesjr (Post 1139222)
@Bazza Have you done what bonapart said?


mkdir -P /home/user/.config/Team16/gpsp/
chmod 777 /opt/maemo/usr/games
chown user /opt/maemo/usr/games
chown -R user:users /home/user/.config/Team16

It's all permission errors, it should work now. ( Maybe I added
too many commands here, but I am lazy to think, just try it =)
I will update the wiki for these commands.

Don't work for me (using the lastest version of GUI, and psx4m-gui uninstalled) =/
Btw, thanks :D

I forgot to do the last command. Now it works great!
Thanks, thanks, thanks guys, and my apologies for the mistakes! /EDIT

luiscesjr 2011-12-18 22:48

Re: [Announce] gpSP

Originally Posted by antonio_mage (Post 1139228)
Don't work for me (using the lastest version of GUI, and psx4m-gui uninstalled) =/
Btw, thanks :D

De nada mineiro! =)
What exactly doesn't work?

Edit.: De nada, que bom que funciona, mas
lembre de editar seus posts para que não pareça spam =)

Bazza : I will complement this instructions to the wiki then, thanks
for pointing it.

JSTAR 2011-12-18 22:56

Re: [Announce] gpSP

Originally Posted by Addison (Post 1139003)
You can save at any time with Pokemon.

Why care about a save state with this game?

pokemon fire red does not save game have you tried it yet?

antonio_mage 2011-12-18 23:00

Re: [Announce] gpSP
@luiscesjr Oh sorry, Mr. Carioca! xD
Sempre ficava mais como espectador do, acho que esse foi meu primeiro post, e como tinha dedo de brasileiro, resolvi acompanhar mais de perto o port desse emulador (que por sinal é magnifico, parabéns!) :D

Anyways, thanks a lot, forgive my poor english, if there are errors, and congrats for the GREAT work in this emulator, you all!

luiscesjr 2011-12-18 23:08

Re: [Announce] gpSP
1 Attachment(s)
@JSTAR Maybe there is a problem that is due to region/language.
For me it works, also set all permissions, because it was having
problems loading old in game normal saves.

Hope you get it to work =)

@Antonio : Valeu parceiro, divirta-se!

Addison 2011-12-18 23:37

Re: [Announce] gpSP
Is there a way to mute out the -FF- on the screen when trying to speed up the emulation?

Bazza 2011-12-19 20:24

Re: [Announce] gpSP

Originally Posted by Bazza (Post 1139226)
just read bonaparts reply to pannkaksfest and that sorted the no rom error

1. Through x terminal if you type gpspmgui the application should start up then click back on to x terminal and see if it shows 'cant create cfg dir, permission error'

2. To fix it open up x terminal under root type:-

mkdir -P /home/user/.config/Team16/gpsp/

then press enter

3. Then open up gpsp-gui and set up GUI config ( rom directory and copy bios)

4. Close gpsp then open up again and you should see your roms.

**Just an add on to my previous post**

I found that gpsp-gui only found roms in the menu when starting it from x terminal

BUT not when starting it from the icon so i fixed it doing another of bonapart's & luiscesjr's commands

chmod 777 /opt/maemo/usr/games
chown user /opt/maemo/usr/games
chown -R user:users /home/user/.config/Team16

not sure if it needed all 3 commands but i did them all and now it opens up from desktop icon and finds the roms, :)

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