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MartinK 2012-06-14 15:40

Re: Sad news; Nokia apparently killed Meltemi

Originally Posted by dietyyli (Post 1221875)
So, no Linux for mobile. ever... (android doesn't count)

Well, you can get the GTA04 from Golden Delicious, but it is rather expensive and has some rough edges. :)

There is also the Vivaldi project, which is a tablet, not a mobile phone though.

Considering recent events I would say there is a far better chance of an independent group (like Goldelico or the Vivaldi project) releasing the "next" open Linux phone than any of the big established phone companies.

michaelmhk 2012-06-14 15:41

Re: Sad news; Nokia apparently killed Meltemi

Originally Posted by Rauha (Post 1221879)
Just the opposite.

Ahonen is the ultimate fanboi. Loves Nokia too much. Still thinks Nokia is worth saving. Crazy guy.

Same as we. Which using meamo or harmattan are also crazy.

ajwatt 2012-06-14 15:45

Re: Sad news; Nokia apparently killed Meltemi
Anyone who was following the computer industry in the late 80's and early 90's might remember these names: Irving Gould and Mehdi Ali. They ran Commodore into the ground. I remember the agony of watching them kill off the most innovative computer company in the world, using many of the same strategies that Elop is using. First it was selling Windows PCs. Then they started to lay off staff. There came a time when people realized the cutting had gone too far. All the talent had left. It made me feel sick.

Well today I feel that same way with Nokia. But I think Elop has done a much better job of destroying Nokia than Gould and Ali did with Commodore. Much faster. This has got to be the biggest corporate catastrophe ever.

aegis 2012-06-14 15:46

Re: Sad news; Nokia apparently killed Meltemi

Originally Posted by abyzthomas (Post 1221881)
Nokia Publish is down!

Did Eflop turn the machine(s) off? He may have said, "Get rid off everything that is not Microsoft".


There was an email a day or so ago about them moving Publisher and Developer to a single-sign-on system. Probably just that being sorted out.

rm42 2012-06-14 15:50

Re: Sad news; Nokia apparently killed Meltemi

Originally Posted by ironm8 (Post 1221856)
I just don't get how can you make so many inconsistent decisions, one after the other, without getting canned. This is not just about Elop, but for the entire Nokia management. IF there is a binding agreement with M$, why not say: "Hey, we put everything into WP and in return we are helped to our feet by Balmer for X Billion $ a year" or whatever. Now, not only that Nokia killed any competing OS to WP, but no one really knows exactly why. It's that uncertainty that kills shares and stocks.

Everyone knows that there is a deal with Microsoft and that Microsoft is sinking in money into Nokia to see if they can get a foot in the door of the Mobile market.

If it wasn't for Microsoft's "huge" financial backing Elop's strategy would have killed Nokia already. So, yes it is a partnership. Nokia helps Microsoft, Microsoft helps Nokia. But, the risk for Nokia is much higher since it means all or nothing. Microsoft could be badly hurt by a failed Nokia, but it will likely survive. Unless, of course, Microsft is determined to make Nokia + Windows Phone succeed and keeps sinking money into the black hole.

ombre 2012-06-14 15:53

Re: Sad news; Nokia apparently killed Meltemi
well I don't know about this last post.
but how can you survive without developers, engineers, creatives? a company is not made by managers solely.

dr_barnowl 2012-06-14 16:07

Re: Sad news; Nokia apparently killed Meltemi
"Engineers are expensive ; but I'm willing to bet the average wages for mobile phone engineers just dropped precipitously. Fire 'em, rehire 'em - at deflated wages. Apart from the programmers. Those filthy hippies have all seen open-source code, their brains are permanently tainted ; we'll replace them with good solid Redmond types." - definitely not (exactly) what Elop's outbox contains.

thedead1440 2012-06-14 16:16

Re: Sad news; Nokia apparently killed Meltemi
my humble request to all the Nokia devs who might be forced to leave their jobs, kindly don't abandon this community...

i sincerely hope those devs who've been supporting the community so much are not seriously affected...

woody14619 2012-06-14 16:26

Re: Sad news; Nokia apparently killed Meltemi

Originally Posted by MartinK (Post 1221884)
Well, you can get the GTA04 from Golden Delicious, but it is rather expensive and has some rough edges. :)

Rough edges? That's like saying the Pope's hat is a tad tall... This is coming from a GTA02 owner that's been watching the 04. It's a faster version, but otherwise, a lot of the same flaws were left in. :(

specialp 2012-06-14 16:37

Re: Sad news; Nokia apparently killed Meltemi!/melsop74

From Sotiris Makrygiannis
My love #n9 #Nokia news today just make me more sad. Great talent in Finland available, come quick!!!

RIP :(

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