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dpurgin 2016-01-29 14:13

Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now

not really, it was just the version change commit.

Saturn 2016-05-09 17:56

Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
Is it only me or the application does not record after the update?

I'm at version 0.6.1.


Edit: nevermind, I see there is already an update - sorry
Edit2: strange but last update made a bunch of applications fall back to versions before 2.0.1.x update.

tvicol 2016-05-11 07:48

Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
Just noticed that all calls are recorded on phone/sd memory, even I choose to have in settings approval for each call. However, only those who have been approved are listed in call recorder application.
It is a bug, but sometimes can be a feature. :D

Schturman 2016-09-08 16:51

Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
2 Attachment(s)
I have a little problem with Call recorder and Jolla C with 64GB (FAT32) cd card and v2.0.3.14
Inside Settings->Storage, we have option to Browse where we want to save recorded files and for some reasons it not work for me, it just open empty page (see image).
Because I can't choose nothing, I just wrote a full path to the folder that I need and it works and records files here, but when we open Call recorder app, it shows nothing on the first page (Recordings - No calls recorded yet), but file already saved on sd card.
Is it possible to fix it somehow ?

juiceme 2016-09-09 07:39

Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now

Originally Posted by Schturman (Post 1514601)
I have a little problem with Call recorder and Jolla C with 64GB (FAT32) cd card and v2.0.3.14
Inside Settings->Storage, we have option to Browse where we want to save recorded files and for some reasons it not work for me, it just open empty page (see image).
Because I can't choose nothing, I just wrote a full path to the folder that I need and it works and records files here, but when we open Call recorder app, it shows nothing on the first page (Recordings - No calls recorded yet), but file already saved on sd card.
Is it possible to fix it somehow ?

I am pretty sure you cannot use @dpurgin's Call Recorder to listen to the recordings made with Jolla-C built-in call recorder... :D:D

Schturman 2016-09-09 08:41

Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1514642)
I am pretty sure you cannot use @dpurgin's Call Recorder to listen to the recordings made with Jolla-C built-in call recorder... :D:D

I don't use build-in recorder, I speak only about @dpurgin's Call recorder... See screenshots...

juiceme 2016-09-09 09:44

Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now

Originally Posted by Schturman (Post 1514646)
I don't use build-in recorder, I speak only about @dpurgin's Call recorder... See screenshots...

Ahh, sorry I misunderstood; because you said "Jolla-C" I thought you were usin that :)
I also have problem with my Nexus5 port, but it is pulseaudio related...

pichlo 2016-09-09 10:03

Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
Could this be caused by the larger screen on Jolla C?
The same page on my Jolla 1 has a control bar at the bottom. This is cut of in your screenshot.

TMavica 2016-09-09 10:11

Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
I still using it , because it auto run in background
The native one I cant save to sdcard and I dont want click the record button everytime

I saw there is change in source code, but he hasnt release new version

genes 2016-09-09 14:00

Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now

Originally Posted by TMavica (Post 1514653)
I still using it , because it auto run in background
The native one I cant save to sdcard and I dont want click the record button everytime

I saw there is change in source code, but he hasnt release new version

TMA still using Jolla?

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