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Schturman 2016-03-17 17:42

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread
Maybe someone who know to use sdk, can repackage version of FileTug app for tablet ? From this source: ?

coderus 2016-03-17 18:28

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread!qQpU2DKT!PgSXq0s5z...Nds5EzRobycP80 for filetug

mscion 2016-03-17 18:56

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread
Thanks coderus! Very useful information. Was wondering, Has anyone gotten maxima or wxmaxima to work on sailfish? Also given the size of tablet screen libre office might be a useful tool.

Schturman 2016-03-17 19:03

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1501576)

Big big thanks ! Work perfectly !
I also created "Start as root for FileTug" with link to your post in changelog :)

willi6868 2016-03-17 23:45

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread

Originally Posted by willi6868 (Post 1501146)
This is really strange - even with persistent journalctl logging the logs before this scenario will be vanished.

This also seems to not depend on the battery percentage since my Tablet also shut down with full battery.

So now I found something:


[root@Jolla nemo]# journalctl --no-pager | grep "shut"
Mar 17 23:58:56 Jolla kernel: dollar_cove_pwrsrc dollar_cove_pwrsrc: Last shutdown caused by SOC initiated cold off
Mar 18 00:11:52 Jolla kernel: dollar_cove_pwrsrc dollar_cove_pwrsrc: Last shutdown caused by SOC initiated cold off

The battery was at about 80%, my Jolla Tablet just lay on my desk at 22°C and it turned off twice in a short time period.

rcolistete 2016-03-18 03:24

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread

Originally Posted by ggabriel (Post 1501571)
Python is also available, probably from mer-tools.

I have already accepted the fact that eventually I'll need to learn how to build stuff in the JDK for both phone and tablet. Wouldn't use android for that...

No, Python (2.7.9 and 3.4.3) is easily available from default Sailfish repositories, no need to add mer-tools repository to use Python.

Python isn't installed by default on Sailfish, but some Sailfish softwares (gpodder, etc) are built with Python and depend on Python, so it Python became installed if one of these softwares are installed :

Or use "pkcon install python" on Terminal to install Python 2.7.9, or "$ pkcon install python3-base" to install Python 3.4.3.

rcolistete 2016-03-18 03:33

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread

Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1501560)
Ok. This is REAL Sick... Once I got the play store working, I installed GNURoot Debian on the Jolla tablet. I then installed python and imagemagick. So, here I am. Using a Jolla tablet to run an Android app so that I can run imagemagick utilities like convert... lol. Are these already available from jolla related repositories?

If the default Sailfish repositories, plus mer-tools repository, plus community ( & Mer OBS) don't have all you need in termos of gnu/Linux, you can run a chroot Linux image, at least in text mode (without X11), without using Alien Dalvik, as chroot is available in Sailfish.

Jordi 2016-03-18 11:54

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread
I’m quite happy with the Jolla tablet safe one thing : the power consumption.

The idle consumption is high, even when doing NOTHING. It’s about 15 to 20 % points per day. If you leave the browser open, the power consumption is then at least twice higher.

In usage, when browsing internet, the tablet becomes slightly hot. In the same situation, the Jolla phone stay cool.

Well, nothing severe but I’m a little disappointed :(

velox 2016-03-18 12:15

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread

Originally Posted by Jordi (Post 1501613)
I’m quite happy with the Jolla tablet safe one thing : the power consumption.

The idle consumption is high, even when doing NOTHING. It’s about 15 to 20 % points per day. If you leave the browser open, the power consumption is then at least twice higher.

In usage, when browsing internet, the tablet becomes slightly hot. In the same situation, the Jolla phone stay cool.

Well, nothing severe but I’m a little disappointed :(

I can confirm all of that. Especially while playing on android, it does not take very long until SFOS tells you to close all apps because of heat. It's just not… cool.

Power Usage: I have not tried my usual phone habit of stopping alien dalvik when not used, but that should help a bit if you use Android stuff at all.

mscion 2016-03-18 13:35

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread

Originally Posted by rcolistete (Post 1501606)
If the default Sailfish repositories, plus mer-tools repository, plus community ( & Mer OBS) don't have all you need in termos of gnu/Linux, you can run a chroot Linux image, at least in text mode (without X11), without using Alien Dalvik, as chroot is available in Sailfish.

Thank you for the info and filling in some gaps for me. I clearly need some time to learn the landscape around here!

Was wondering, is it possible to set the developer keyboard (finger term) as default. For example it is a pita for me to type in passwords using the default one. Also, is it possible for text to not scroll over the keyboard on finger term? It would be better, at least for me if I can just scroll through output in the area above the keyboard. Thanks!

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