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EIPI 2010-01-11 03:47

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
And for those Canadians wanting a N900 - it looks like WIND will carry it in their stores. Interestingly, once the sales reps stopped oogling over my N900, they told me that if you buy a phone from them you get one year of in-store replacement for any service related issues. For instance, DOA, reboot loops, etc. Bring it in and get a new device in the box. Does not work for user-induced damage though.

Also, there are hints that it will retail for around $500 CAD !

I have not heard of a carrier locked or branded N900 so far (I did search today on t.m.o). So it will also likely be unlocked. Not bad.

anthony_barker 2010-01-15 19:31

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
Did he hint when it will be available? I am holding off and trying to decide on the nokia n900 vs Nexus One

JD2010 2010-01-18 19:43

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by qole (Post 449594)
Clubberlang: Who are you talking about, exactly? The service is $5/mo + $5 setup fee. I've considered using them, and if 3G Skype / SIP through Wind is of acceptable quality, I'd be very tempted to use them along with Google Voice (DialCentral)...


Me I use and tested GV with magic jack for 20$(for 1 full year) I get a US number that I call transfert to my Canadian Cell and with DialCentral call back I get free phone call to US/ Can with no cell time. Now you can also get a canadian number with magicjack

JD2010 2010-01-27 19:17

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
has anyone in Canada got Google voice working to get free call

dgenge 2010-01-28 15:17

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by EIPI (Post 416516)
@OrangeBox - I am not too versed in all the details, but I read somewhere that you need two independant 3G frequencies available in order to use the N900 at 3G speeds. No carrier in Canada currently offers this.

@dgenge - I think the frequencies for 3G that the N900 use are common in Europe and Asia. The new spectrum that was auctioned off last year is what we need to use for the N900. But no carrier currently is providing service on that AWS spectrum.

Man! we are such a tech backwater! Do we have to move to the US! I guess I will have to get the Motorola Milestone...

Fargus 2010-01-28 15:23

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by JD2010 (Post 497986)
has anyone in Canada got Google voice working to get free call

Should work fine over WiFi regardless of location.

Diavoli 2010-01-28 18:27

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
When is Rogers going to open up their AWS (1700/2100) Spectrum license they have?

JD2010 2010-02-01 19:34

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
I am just curious to find out if someone in Canada has Google voice working for free calling because I found a way and it is really working

shan 2010-02-01 22:04

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
how is it working for u....

gadgetChris 2010-02-03 01:39

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by JD2010 (Post 505630)
in Canada has Google voice...
I found a way and it is really working

OK, I'm curious...
Last time I checked I was not able to get it setup.
What did you do?

Have Fun.

JD2010 2010-02-03 14:51

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by shan (Post 505887)
how is it working for u....


Originally Posted by gadgetChris (Post 507813)
OK, I'm curious...
Last time I checked I was not able to get it setup.
What did you do?

Have Fun.

With that you free long distance US/canada, no air time on your cell phone and free sms all those feature completly integrated in you N900!!!

I will probably make a explanation thread for it. Just when I have a bit of time. Basically to setup GV you need a
-US phone number
-setting it up from US
-free incoming call from your Canadian cell phone company

You can do that all from Canada

-US phone number you buy a magicjack for 20$ USA number you set it up to forward call to your cell
-You set up GV with a public proxy or IP hiding software so Google think you are in US
-When you set up GV you give you US number (magicjack)

So by doing that GV is set up to work for Canada
Then you put the one ring software from extra devil you can read the one ring thread to learn it

Then when you want to make a call you select as call type GV then One ring is going to send by data the number you want to call, GV will call your magic jack number and the number you want to call. Your magic jack is forworded to your cell so your cell is going to ring and when you answer you will have on the phone the person you wanted to call, so that whay you don't pay for call because it is incoming and there is no long distance fees for USA/Can because of GV and magic jack

joshua.maverick 2010-02-03 15:54

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
Anyone interested in purchasing an n900, barely used, no scratches, never dropped, with screen protector? Make me an offer in pm!


lreeves 2010-02-06 22:32

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
Is there any retail shops in Toronto with the N900, or is still the best place to get one from?

UNderworld 2010-02-10 16:34

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
I went to toronto last month - i live in uk - and i was surprised at the rip off prices they offer on contracts, and the choice of phones is absolutely next to nothing...
is this because of non-compatible phones?? I had a storm2 at that time, and no one in the shops seemed to know about it.. they only knew abt the storm(1)... and u had to pay loads for it on a high contract............

I got my N900 free at £30 / month (INC TAX :P) for 24 months with 600 mins and unltd txt + internet.... I just hope u lot get more carriers to start off there (vodafone, orange, o2, etc.).... and see how the competition gets tight....... Virgin got the message already

JD2010 2010-02-11 13:34

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
Is the Canada thread dead?

Bingley Joe 2010-02-11 13:55

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by lreeves (Post 513663)
Is there any retail shops in Toronto with the N900, or is still the best place to get one from?

It's available at Pacific Mall, but I think Newegg is still offering the best price (although you can always try to haggle at Pac Mall..)

lreeves 2010-02-11 15:02

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by Bingley Joe (Post 521155)
It's available at Pacific Mall, but I think Newegg is still offering the best price (although you can always try to haggle at Pac Mall..)

Ah, I broke down and got one off Loving it so far :)

anthony_barker 2010-02-11 18:56

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
Ditto - went with newegg.

Happy and sad with it.

sad in that I find the screen kind of small
Learning curve switching from n800 - which was more intuitive
Battery should be bigger (may get one of those huge ones)
some of the software is crusty - feels like 0.8
(eg pdf reader next page button)

The voip/sip support is amazing - been skyping away
keyboard is quite good
performance is pretty good
haven't had it crash yet.

What voip are you guys using? skypeout?
I signed up with boingo and am using the hydro one for my data plan - very cool at $10 a month

dark_1 2010-02-16 02:25

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
finally got mine today now i can finally walk around with a terminal in my pocket :D

minhasum 2010-03-02 17:42

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
Hey Guys,

I recently bought myself a nokia n900, I was wondering if there was some way to make it work with bell. I called bell and they told me that the phone is not compatible for odd frequency reasons. I was previously using an n97 with bell and that worked fine. i really dont care about the 3g working on the n900, I can use wifi pretty much at all times. If someone has made it work on bell or knows how please let me know. And if the phone will not work with bell at all please let me know as well.

Thanks in advance!

hawaii 2010-03-02 21:19

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
No. The N900 will not work with Bell or Telus HSPA network. There is no GSM backdrop, it is all 850/1900MHz UMTS. No GSM. It will only work on Rogers/Fido or WIND, provided you have coverage.

minhasum 2010-03-03 05:17

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Thanks for letting me know!

neilhwatson 2010-03-16 15:22

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
Someone on the Wind forums claims to have had word from Nokia that Nokia will offer the N900 in Canada 'very soon'. This would be handy for any warranty support.

instigator 2010-03-24 20:28

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by lreeves (Post 513663)
Is there any retail shops in Toronto with the N900, or is still the best place to get one from?

SN Traders in Mississauga sells them and all of the latest phones for all networks. Got my N900 there.

rajasekharp 2010-03-28 16:13

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
I bought new one yesterday , its awesome a mobile fastest i have ever seen ..

but the bad thing i was in bell and the bell is not working on this phone either 3G or 2G..

the seller told me it works on all.. is there a way i can get my bell to work ??

EIPI 2010-03-28 16:14

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
sorry, it wont't work on bell or telus. 2G on fido/rogers and 3G on wind.

HellFlyer 2010-03-28 23:15

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
Ok so now I use my N900 on Rogers 2.5G but my contract expires in 7 months :D so if Wind gonna support 3G for N900 does that mean I can just buy data package and use my own N900 or it will come with new N900s only ?

lreeves 2010-03-28 23:16

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by HellFlyer (Post 586028)
Ok so now I use my N900 on Rogers 2.5G but my contract expires in 7 months :D so if Wind gonna support 3G for N900 does that mean I can just buy data package and use my own N900 or it will come with new N900s only ?

You can get just a new account from WIND and pop their SIM card into your existing N900. Works like a charm :-)

gabby131 2010-03-28 23:36

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
rogers told me that they will soon support 2100 band of 3G. but i am not looking for that,

just waiting for wind mobile to breeze out the fast 3G band in winnipeg

shallimus 2010-03-29 18:51

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by HellFlyer (Post 586028)
Ok so now I use my N900 on Rogers 2.5G but my contract expires in 7 months :D so if Wind gonna support 3G for N900 does that mean I can just buy data package and use my own N900 or it will come with new N900s only ?

As lreeves points out, you can get a SIM card from Wind (Wind SIM card is free, unlike the usual $30 for a small piece of plastic with a few transistors inside).

You will have to sign up to a Wind voice plan though, as you can't get a data-only plan for your phone. Minimum is $15/month which gets you 100 minutes and 50 texts, + $35/month for unlimited data (5GB/month, then speed severely reduced). Unlimited texts to Canada/US is another $5/month. No hidden charges. I use Wind and have been quite pleased so far. Coverage was shaky for the first few weeks but is now pretty good (everywhere I've been in the GTA I have managed signal, and downtown is rock solid for me on an N900).

hawaii 2010-03-29 19:49

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by gabby131 (Post 586046)
rogers told me that they will soon support 2100 band of 3G. but i am not looking for that,

just waiting for wind mobile to breeze out the fast 3G band in winnipeg

Don't hold your breath for that.

gabby131 2010-03-29 20:46

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by hawaii (Post 587216)
Don't hold your breath for that.

yeah! you bet!

qole 2010-03-29 21:01

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by gabby131 (Post 586046)
Rogers told me that they will soon support 2100 band of 3G...

I can tell you that I will be ecstatic if the Rogers network gets N900 (2100 band) support. The Fido plan I'm on is cheaper than anything I can get through Wind, and I'm just not able to use anything that could approach "unlimited data". I hate the word "unlimited" anyway, because there's no such thing and if a company uses a fictional concept like "unlimited data", I wonder how true the rest of their marketing is.

For the small amount of time that I'm away from WiFi, I would love to have 3G, but I can be careful and just stay under the 500MB cap that Fido imposes.

If Skype/VoIP calling is possible over 3G, I might have to re-evaluate my stance, but I can't even use 200MB a month surfing the web and chatting on IM and IRC for a couple hours a day.

shallimus 2010-03-29 21:10

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by qole (Post 587300)
I can tell you that I will be ecstatic if the Rogers network gets N900 (2100 band) support. The Fido plan I'm on is cheaper than anything I can get through Wind, and I'm just not able to use anything that could approach "unlimited data". I hate the word "unlimited" anyway, because there's no such thing and if a company uses a fictional concept like "unlimited data", I wonder how true the rest of their marketing is.

I understand your concern in re: use of the word "unlimited" to describe a data plan. However, digging into the fine print Wind take a very reasonable approach: the first 5GB/month is at full speed, and if you pass that they throttle you down (to what I don't know, but presumably very slow?). So it is unlimited, in a limited sort of way.


Originally Posted by qole (Post 587300)
For the small amount of time that I'm away from WiFi, I would love to have 3G, but I can be careful and just stay under the 500MB cap that Fido imposes.

If Skype/VoIP calling is possible over 3G, I might have to re-evaluate my stance, but I can't even use 200MB a month surfing the web and chatting on IM and IRC for a couple hours a day.

I have personally made a number of lengthy calls on Skpe using Wind 3G while walking around downtown Toronto. The experience has been variable, but mostly good. If you're willing to put up with the occasional dropped call, it is not only possible but a reality.

gabby131 2010-03-29 21:10

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

200mb is much for me in a month, i dont know why others in north america get an unlimited while in canada, we only have limited?

but in any case, i cant say i need unlimited data, but i hope that here in canada, will get a vast support of 3g bands.

EIPI 2010-03-30 16:39

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
I think you nedd 1700 and 2100 support for the N900.

Been using Wind the past month. SIP is still blocked. Annoying since I've been part of an advisory team for them and they told us that it isn't blocked.

hawaii 2010-03-31 17:20

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by gabby131 (Post 587309)

200mb is much for me in a month, i dont know why others in north america get an unlimited while in canada, we only have limited?

but in any case, i cant say i need unlimited data, but i hope that here in canada, will get a vast support of 3g bands.

I have 6GB with Rogers. I used to plow through 5GB with my E71, consistently.

I can barely break 2GB on the N900 - due to lack of 850 UMTS.

Diavoli 2010-03-31 17:35

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
Windmobile is a failure of a phone company, I have chosen not to renew with them and wait for mobilicity to come on board. Their data port blocking is a terrible management decision not to open all ports and do a port by port analysis based upon application needs. 3G data services would drop on me all the time as well.

Let them build a reliable network first before switching over to them.

EIPI 2010-04-01 23:02

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
WIND is not perfect. But I am really enjoying the data service so far. I've been a part of their community technical advisor team, and have been working with the Wind Care team to resolve the SIP outgoing issue. We are going to have a follow up telecon with Customer support and the Network team in the near future.

Mobilicity will be learning lots from Wind, and I expect that the reverse will also be true. There is open dialog with Wind, which is a driving reason why I like them. Hopefully the work that the technical advisor team is doing will benefit all N900 users. Stay tuned...

hraeta 2010-04-04 02:31

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
Hey EIPI... not quite sure why I am not able to PM you, anyhow.

I need some help with setting up goam, and no i didnt look through the thread yet because i saw a green light on your status. :)

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