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gpv79 2010-06-14 07:06

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
After updating to firmware 1.2, call notify doesn't work:mad:.

kubaysi 2010-06-14 07:44

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
hi all...
i'm facing a trouble with this call notify after updating to the new firmware, as it was working perfect.
but now, mainly to problems:
- keep notifying me, even though there's no missed call or new sms... notifying for nothing!
- always notify with vibrating, although i did disable this option.

any advice pls..

Taomyn 2010-06-14 13:06

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Thought I would post my results from a "select * from EventTypes;" in case it helps:

5|RTCOM_EL_EVENTTYPE_CHAT_MESSAGE|2|Inbound chat message
11|RTCOM_EL_EVENTTYPE_CHAT_JOIN|2|Group chat joined

anaskr 2010-06-14 13:08

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
i got the pr1.2 middle east and i dont have this problem

omeriko9 2010-06-14 14:15

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by truelies1 (Post 713611)
Can you add a function that shows "where the call(country, state) came from", whether received the call or missed the call?

This should be a very popular software.

I don't see how I can add feature like that when I use the status bar to show a tiny notification, and only a number can be displayed there.

Looks like an idea for a different application - you might want to use the brainstorm platform for that.

@Raubtier - please see my reply to Switch_ - deleting the SMS/call log is not handled well in current version and will be in the next one.

omeriko9 2010-06-14 14:16

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
@kubaysi, @gpv79 & @anaskr - please wait for next version and then try again.

getafixx 2010-06-14 19:59

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
i will wait for the new version, but the problems I have are..

Call Notify just doesn't actually do anything. Missed calls/sms it doesn't actually run.

I tried "select * from EventTypes;" but that returned nothing.

I am pretty sure I have the latest version of CN as well as the Os, but as you have asked what firmware, my only answer to that is that I have not flashed the phone since it came from Nokia.

Anyway thank you for your fantastic app, keep up the hard work.


omeriko9 2010-06-15 08:39

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by getafixx (Post 715029)
i will wait for the new version, but the problems I have are..

Call Notify just doesn't actually do anything. Missed calls/sms it doesn't actually run.

I tried "select * from EventTypes;" but that returned nothing.

I am pretty sure I have the latest version of CN as well as the Os, but as you have asked what firmware, my only answer to that is that I have not flashed the phone since it came from Nokia.

Anyway thank you for your fantastic app, keep up the hard work.



I do have a few notes, although my answer to all of your remarks is still "wait for next version" :)

- How did you launched sqlite? looks like you didn't specify the proper filename to query.
Should be launched from x-term as:
sqlite3 /home/user/.rtcom-eventlogger/el.db
sqlite3 /home/user/.rtcom-eventlogger/el-v1.db
depends on the firmware version you have.

- To check firmware version - go to settings -> about product -> for PR1.2 you should see under "version": 10.2010.19-1

getafixx 2010-06-15 09:46

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
~ $ sqlite3 /home/user/.rtcom-eventlogger/el.db
SQLite version 3.6.14

sqlite> select * from EventTypes;
5|RTCOM_EL_EVENTTYPE_CHAT_INBOUND|2|Inbound chat message
6|RTCOM_EL_EVENTTYPE_CHAT_OUTBOUND|2|Outbound chat message

firmware - 2.2009.51-1.205.1

thanks - I will try to update firmware today.

mr yoda 2010-06-22 18:03

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
This app suddenly seems to have stopped working for me. It was fine before (even after the pr1.2 update) but all of a sudden I don't appear to be getting any notification icons.

juahan 2010-06-22 18:14

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
This one night I got a feature idea. I was sleeping and heard that I got a message. But I thought that I can read it in the morning. But then, 5 minutes later (my set notification intervall) after I had fallen asleep again, Call Nofify notified me of the message. And woke me up again.

The new feature would be that the call notify would turn itself off in between set times, for example between 01am and 07am. That would be usefull, as I still don't want to turn my phone silent for the night as I might get important calls for example.

pyther 2010-06-25 14:12

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
I just installed Call Notify from Extra-devel and whenever I try to apply any settings it tells me Internal error. Application Settings closed.

Does anyone have any idea?

AndiThebest 2010-07-04 20:47

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

There is a bug.
If my phone is in absolute silent mode (no sound, no vibration), callnotify vibrates after 5 minutes, but should not when vibration is disabled.

regards, Andi

pyther 2010-07-05 00:15

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by pyther (Post 729025)
I just installed Call Notify from Extra-devel and whenever I try to apply any settings it tells me Internal error. Application Settings closed.

Does anyone have any idea?

Well I reinstalled call notify and now it is working without a problem. :)

ishtangli 2010-07-22 10:34

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
This is exactly the app i've been looking for and its very similar to an app i used on my WinMo called Re-remind. A few features from re-remind that I liked were:

Ability to change the notification tone (i prefer a distinct beep only).
Ability to change the volume (like i said, distinct beep)
Disable at certain times of day
Also notify on missed calendar events

I hope you can add these on the next version.

raholco 2010-07-24 17:06

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
I tried installing and re-installing but I keep getting the same 'System Error. Application "Settings" closed.' message.

raholco 2010-07-25 01:05

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by pyther (Post 740743)
Well I reinstalled call notify and now it is working without a problem. :)

I'm wondering if something else I installed is borking the app.

I'll reflash the phone and install it first.

Is there a way that a dump/log file can be coaxed out when it fails and sent to the developer?

stickymick 2010-07-29 07:24

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Think I got a problem with Callnotify.

It's happened on a few occasions, that when I clear my call log Callnotify will spring into life and tell me I've got missed calls, at least I think it is.

Small telephone receiver and curved arrow flashes alternately and I get the double ping. Can't get rid of it unless I restart the phone.:confused:

Anyone else noticed anything like this.

ryanl33x1511 2010-08-05 06:29

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by raholco (Post 763395)
I tried installing and re-installing but I keep getting the same 'System Error. Application "Settings" closed.' message.

happen to me didnt before but i install it after flash my emmc and did a nice clean install it but internel error..any idea?

no matter what i do i still get internal error, just nice and clean format my device then install callnotify still didnt work.

JonWW 2010-08-05 08:39

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by raholco (Post 763395)
I tried installing and re-installing but I keep getting the same 'System Error. Application "Settings" closed.' message.


Originally Posted by ryanl33x1511 (Post 776196)
happen to me didnt before but i install it after flash my emmc and did a nice clean install it but internel error..any idea?

no matter what i do i still get internal error, just nice and clean format my device then install callnotify still didnt work.

This happened to me after a reflash, I tried deleting:
and that seemed to help sort thing out, can't ganantee anything but it might help.

ryanl33x1511 2010-08-05 09:47

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
i didnt work. thanks tho. :)

ryanl33x1511 2010-08-05 17:57

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by omeriko9 (Post 700605)
When you say "nokia messaging" you mean the Conversation window? Can you reproduce this? Sending SMS gives you three notification of 2 missed calls and disappear?

Opening the conversation app and closing it will usually clear every notification. Did you notice anything special you did before seeing these notifications? Was that happening after sending SMS as well?

And any other notification (visual, vibration) IS working? Did you set the sound notification in the settings menu?

@calvin_42, I have reflashed both, if it helps...
You say you've replaced the .so file with the one I attached in the previous post and it's still giving you the same error? That's strange. Did you do it as root? Have you checked the .so file size again after replacing it to verify that the replacement took place?

i did and didnt work nethier...i can open the callnotify under setting but when save give me internal error and of course its not loading

Exact 2010-08-05 21:44

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Yep same here, when I try to chance the settings, it just closes..

ryanl33x1511 2010-08-05 23:32

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
is this project dead ?

F2thaK 2010-08-05 23:48

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

unkno 2010-08-06 00:34

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Last version was updated over 2 months ago. The author did indicate another update but there doesn't seem to be any indication of the project still being active. Such a shame.

F2thaK 2010-08-06 01:04

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
too many bugs and problems with pr1.2 I think....

ryanl33x1511 2010-08-06 05:00

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
so ppl are lucky with installe the working version early or some how it worked but not this there a similar apps ? except maemonotify, that only notify on lock screen.

JonWW 2010-08-06 06:57

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
For people having problems have you checked this post:

AlMehdi 2010-08-18 10:04

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
I had it working on PR1.2 but then something happend.. can't remember. Think it was that i wanted to change the settings. It gave me the system error and after that have not worked. Have tried to purge it and the things proposed in this thread but to no vein.. still not working.

alessandra 2010-08-25 13:29

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
I tried to remove it and install it but still does not work for someone? Thanks for the help. :confused:

deryo 2010-08-28 14:06

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

CallNotify doesn't work for me for some time either. Is there any similar program? I really kind of need this..


ifraaz 2010-08-30 18:17

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Must have application. Waiting for PR1.2 version for it.

wshamroukh 2010-09-11 21:01

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
it does not show any notification for me!! any idea why?

Supersimo88 2010-09-21 16:02

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
please make this apllication compatible with pr 1.2 is so usefull and I need it! I've tried a lot of time to install it but never worked! maybe because in home/user/.conig i've got nothing about a configuration file of call notify!

joshua.maverick 2010-09-21 17:31

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by Supersimo88 (Post 822485)
please make this apllication compatible with pr 1.2 is so usefull and I need it! I've tried a lot of time to install it but never worked! maybe because in home/user/.conig i've got nothing about a configuration file of call notify!

Works for me.

Supersimo88 2010-09-21 19:10

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by joshua.maverick (Post 822550)
Works for me.

Have you got a config file in home/user/.conig?

joshua.maverick 2010-09-21 19:21

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by Supersimo88 (Post 822655)
Have you got a config file in home/user/.conig?

All I did was install it nothing else.

Supersimo88 2010-09-21 19:25

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
i've create the config file but still not work!

Supersimo88 2010-09-24 17:19

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Maybe i've resolved the problem (now works for me) please contact me if you are interest!

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