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kyllerbuzcut 2012-06-14 19:57

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Ok the second word is off and the first word begins with F.

FINALLY downloaded the stock zip and put it on an SD.
Try and apply update/install it and I get:
"E:signature verification failed"

Does this mean Samsungs own standard rom isn't signed?
Right I need to go get a Gingerbread rom now and try that. When I get this back to normal eventually I will think about pooping in an envelope addressed to samsung. When I calm down after that I'll probably just email them my disgust then give the supermod kernel etc a try. I'm definitely not going through this hassle everytime google decides to update android.
You'd expect a bloody OTA update to just work. GGRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr r.........................

Pigro 2012-06-14 20:46

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
sorry, saw this too late. I downloaded my firmware from (you need to register but its free).

BTW - root will stop OTA update from running. I managed to hide my root for the previous minor upgrade (to GB 2.3.6) and the OTA worked fine. However, as I said, my attempts to do the same for ICS failed.

Forget OTA if you are rooted, use pc odin or mobile odin.

kyllerbuzcut 2012-06-15 11:35

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
thanks. didn't think just rooting would cause such a problem. the minor update before worked fine. Spent most of last night after work waiting for stuff to download, for it not to work lol. Left a gingerbread rom downloading overnight, so will try that after work today. The big problem is I can't use odin and adb doesn't seem to work either. probably my 10 year laptop's fault, but I can't check. What I can use is the stock recovery (e3) thingy, but so far I can't get it to go past checking whether a rom is signed. I'm hoping this gingerbread is. it says it's the official stock one, but then I thought that ics one was too.
Does anyone know if I'm just being completely stupid (likely) and totally baarking up the wrong tree here, could I be doing something much simpler?

If I could even just get my data, pictures, videos and stuff, copied across then I'd happily just send it off to Samsung, but there doesn't seem to be a wy in that I know of.

kyllerbuzcut 2012-06-15 11:40

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by debernardis (Post 1221935)
Go find all stock firmwares here:

Until Samsung corrects the emmc bug, I an using the SpeedMod kernel:

Once your Note is rooted, best choice imho is using Mobile Odin Pro, to flash firmware on device without external computers, and automatically inject root and superuser into the flashed firmware.

Hi. sorry to bother eveyone again. Is there any way to tell if I am still rooted? If the stock gingerbread rom don't work then I will likely try the mobile odin thing you suggest. If I am still rooted that should be doable, if not is there a way to do it from recovery?

debernardis 2012-06-15 13:55

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Open Terminal and give 'su' command - if working you're rooted (you should get a # prompt, too). Then you also try the 'whoami' command, should result in 'root'

kyllerbuzcut 2012-06-15 19:19

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Hi again. went in to try that and if I do adb devices it gives me a long number and says recovery. So it can see it in recovery mode. Once I enter a shell it decides it cannot see it anymore. If I enter odin mode it can't see it. If I try using odin on windows, it can't see anything at any time ( was always like that before anyway). So, I am unable to find out if I still have root. Outside of the shell, trying adb root tells me adbh cannot run as root in production builds, so I am thinking I cannot be root and that might be the 'root' ( ha ha) of the problem here. I am back to trying different roms to see if it will accept anything as 'signed' for now, unless anyone's got any other idea?

Kangal 2012-06-16 03:46

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
I don't understand what you guys are doing.
Here's the steps you need to follow:

0- Back up all your media to your PC (movies, videos, photos, pictures, documents, music, voice recordings, etc etc)
1- Back up all your personal files (contacts, sms, call log, apn)
2- Root Gingerbread ROM (CF-Root, doesn't increase flash counter, no Triangle)
3- Back up all your Apps (Titanium BackUp Free)
4- Back up your EFS system folder (has imei etc, just to be safe)
5- Back up everything NANDROID

Then: Step B
-UnRoot the Gingerbread ROM (don't hide it and risk a buggy update)
-Apply the OTA to Official Samsung ICS (4.0.3)
-Use PC Odin to flash a SAFE (TouchWizz) kernel, choices include:
--Franco (v5), Speedmod
-TriangleAway (reset counter)

Now you have official Samsung TouchWizz ROM, Android 4.0.3, cwm recovery, safe Samsung kernel with root and busybox.

Finalize Official Samsung ICS Update: Step C
-Test if everything works
-Do a NANDROID backup (now you have TouchWizz ICS backed up, if you want S Pen/TWizz Apps)
-Issue updates for any Apps
-Back Up your Apps again with Titanium BackUp (for the ICS Samsung Apps)
-Restore all your media (after you nandroid, so its not too bloated)

And hopefully that will be a "good enough" experience for you, otherwise proceed below.

And if you want a better experience: Step D
--Use CWM to flash the (AOSP) ROM of your choice from recovery (eg ParanoidAndroid)
-Wipe wipe wipe (Dalvik, cache, factory reset)
-Use CWM to flash a SAFE (AOSP) kernel, choices include:
--Thor(v15), XPLODWILD, DAFUQ, or updated CF-kernel
-Fix permissions

Now you have a Pure Google/Stock experience, Android 4.0.4, cwm recovery, custom ROM and custom KERNEL with root and busybox.

Finalize your custom firmware: Step E
-(Optional) From CWM, flash Google Apps (Play Store etc) if they aren't included in the rom (most roms have it pre-installed)

-Download Titanium BackUp from Play Store
-Restore all your apps
-Restore all your personal files (contacts, sms, call log) (apn only if necessary)
-Test if everything works
--Play around with the ROM (features etc) and the KERNEL (test O'C, U'V, Stability and Battery Life)
-Nandroid backup (if you want)
-Restore all your media (after you nandroid, so its not too bloated)

By now, you've graduated Android 101, you should be able to do many other things, otherwise have the capacity to learn them

kyllerbuzcut 2012-06-16 07:52

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
That's what I'd love to be able to do Kangal, but like a ***** I thought I was safe as I didn't have any custom roms or anything, so just tried the OTA update and I'm now stuck. Looks like the only thing that will work is putting a signed rom on an SD card and flashing it via e3 recovery. But can I find a rom that e3 believes is signed? Nope. Treid a few now:(
Will keep trying as I can't get anything else to work. I am open to any and all ideas though, or if someone knows of a rom or update or anything that is either signed, or can trick the signature verification.

Why do Samsung do any of this in the first place. Seems crazy.

Kangal 2012-06-16 20:26

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Firstly, its not purely Samsung's fault.

Since you didn't change the flash counter / Yellow means you still have warranty. You can give it to Samsung, who will return to factory settings (everything wiped) and ship it back to you. Cost you 1-3 weeks (hopefully).

Otherwise, you can inject a custom kernel to it using PC Odin.
With the custom kernel, you can't load anything but at least you'll have custom CWM recovery. From there you can easily install a custom rom.

I don't think you can retrieve your data (contacts, messages, apps etc), though.

P.S. If you decide on PC Odin and it fails its too bad. You wont be able to send it in to Samsung as the mark left by Odin will be visible and they'll void the warranty.

Virtuality 2012-06-25 12:24

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Hey Guys,

Today I bought a new samsung galaxy note but I found out 2 things that surprised me:

1- First thing is that the phone has a label that says : " Made By Samsung"

2- Second thing is that the phone is new but it came with ICS 4.03.

Why is it that the phone is "made by samsung" ? And shouldn't the phone come with gingerbread and not ICS?

Please guys any help is appreciated because this made me worried.

Dave999 2012-06-25 12:30

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Virtuality (Post 1227132)
Hey Guys,

Today I bought a new samsung galaxy note but I found out 2 things that surprised me:

1- First thing is that the phone has a label that says : " Made By Samsung"

2- Second thing is that the phone is new but it came with ICS 4.03.

Why is it that the phone is "made by samsung" ? And shouldn't the phone come with gingerbread and not ICS?

Please guys any help is appreciated because this made me worried.

Where did you bought it?

the street? Yes you should be worried.

In store? No you should not be worried

Why are are you worried about that?

Kangal 2012-06-25 13:07

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Goto Settings > About Phone

Paste all the details here, I'll tell you if its counterfeit.
Btw, how much did it set you back?

Virtuality 2012-06-25 13:23

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Kangal (Post 1227144)
Goto Settings > About Phone

Paste all the details here, I'll tell you if its counterfeit.
Btw, how much did it set you back?

This is a screenshot of settings about phone
Till now I am happy with the phone I've been waiting a lot for this phone.

Virtuality 2012-06-25 13:27

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Chuck Norris (Post 1227134)
Where did you bought it?

the street? Yes you should be worried.

In store? No you should not be worried

Why are are you worried about that?

I mean shouldn't it be made in germany or korea instead of made by samsung?
I got the phone from a store but not from an official samsung store.

Kangal 2012-06-26 04:41

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
I don't understand the "Made by Samsung" moniker.

Anyways, just from reading the kernel you have a REAL note, not a counterfeit.
Now for the bad news, you've got the "Super Brick" kernel so flashing a rom will be devastating to your phone (if you've got a affected motherboard/emmc). Even using your phone normally theres a chance you'll brick it under heavy IO use case (large file copy/delete/intensive application).

You need to install Odin PRO to your computer and flash Franco's r5 kernel to cure SuperBrick.
(optional) Then use ChainFire's Triangle Away application to conserve warranty.
Use the custom recovery to make a Nandroid backup, also backup your EFS.
If you want to experiment with custom roms and kernels then its a good idea to also backup (contacts, call logs, sms, apps) with various Free Apps from the Market.

Virtuality 2012-06-26 23:22

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Kangal (Post 1227467)
I don't understand the "Made by Samsung" moniker.

Anyways, just from reading the kernel you have a REAL note, not a counterfeit.
Now for the bad news, you've got the "Super Brick" kernel so flashing a rom will be devastating to your phone (if you've got a affected motherboard/emmc). Even using your phone normally theres a chance you'll brick it under heavy IO use case (large file copy/delete/intensive application).

You need to install Odin PRO to your computer and flash Franco's r5 kernel to cure SuperBrick.
(optional) Then use ChainFire's Triangle Away application to conserve warranty.
Use the custom recovery to make a Nandroid backup, also backup your EFS.
If you want to experiment with custom roms and kernels then its a good idea to also backup (contacts, call logs, sms, apps) with various Free Apps from the Market.

The problem is that this is my first android device. I do not know any thing about Odin Pro or flashing Franco's r5 kernel. I am new to android. Isn't there a more illustrated guide that you know about? I am afraid to do something wrong and brick my device.

I have another question, My galaxy note is a brand new one and the box was sealed and when I unsealed the box and turned the phone on it was originally on ICS 4.0.3. So, doesn't that mean that the ICS was originally updated by Samsung and thus the super-brick bug won't be included or solved?

Kangal 2012-06-27 04:14

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
^ Afraid not.

It's fairly easy, just search XDA/Google. Here's a video:

Your basically putting the phone into Download Mode (Power + Home + Vol-)
Getting it connected to your computer, and Odin recognizing it (Yellow Comm Box).
Click on "PDA" and select the Franco r5 kernel (r6 sucks).
Let it install, the phone will restart itself, everything should work as normal.
But in Settings>About Phone the details would change for the Kernel info.
You'll have root and busybox installed, and the erase_mmc_cap Bug deleted (no superbricks)
You'll also have a custom recovery, so that its easy to install other kernels and roms.
... though you've voided the warranty, it leaves a stain in the phone.
You can remove the stain, to retain warranty, grab ChainFire's TriangleAway App.
(its hard the first time, but afterwards you'll understand what does what, and how you do it, its easy)

If it looks too difficult, then don't make the jump. You are responsible for your property, remember that.


Samsung are not developers, they are "chefs" or "cookers". They're really not good at making a proper android firmware (kernel + rom). That's why you have the "bug".
With that said, Motorola block their bootloaders.
HTC makes it very very difficult to get root (and have the slowest and most bloated firmware out there).
ASUS uses pure Google code, easy root, though locked bootloader.
SONY uses mostly pure Google code, they make it hard to root but the bootloaders open.

debernardis 2012-06-27 19:32

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Nice post Kangal :)
Try also SpeedMod kernel - seems somewhat more stable than Franco's
(I'm still waiting for a kernel with swap enabled - no one wants to make and compile one for me :)

Dave999 2012-06-27 19:37

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
What versions have this super brick issue?

Kangal 2012-06-28 03:47

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1228313)
What versions have this super brick issue?

90% of Galaxy NOTE's have "bad" emmc [hardware] states (incl. S2 and US Galaxy variants).

ALL Samsung ICS kernels (for N7000/i9220) including official and leaks have the emmc (superbrick) bug.

There's been a ~15% cases of bricks, so you can still wipe and use it, but you'll be tempting fate. And Samsung won't cover your warranty either.

Its just logical to use the Safe-TouchWizz kernels (CF, SpeedMod, Franco). They're all equal in terms of stability, but I prefer Franco r5 because you can choose a decent governer (pegasuq, lulzactiv, smartassV2, ondemand) and OC and UV slightly (you cannot on r6.

For aosp kernels, the CM9 nightlies have been great. Thor is overrated, until I tried his new v15 which is leaps and bounds better than his v11/v12/v13. So thor v15 > CM9 kernel >> thor v13etc etc

ibrakalifa 2012-06-28 04:01

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
man^ when i jump to android ship i will contact you for guidance, @kangal, :)

Kangal 2012-06-28 14:24

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
I'm flattered.

Since these phones sell in the millions, and there's at least hundreds of "hackers" there is undoubtedly support. Reading what the reputable mods say is how I absorb all the info.... and this would be true for other phones/platforms.

As long as there is traction, there will be people willing to help you maximize your experience with it. For instance the first Bada device, Samsung Wave, even got an ICS update.

Dave999 2012-06-28 15:12

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
I'm also impressed by your posts. Most people here just think they are/know better than you, just complaining of devices, software and oses, vendors and then moving on with **** posts with out adding a better way or solutions.

You also adding some background and possible solutions in a very informative way. Well done.

Very nice posts.

Virtuality 2012-06-28 23:37

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Samsung galaxy note users, does your phone become hot so often?even when on moderate usage?
My galaxy note becomes hot even when on moderate use (such as when opening only one internet page). Is this a normal behavior of the Samsung galaxy note?

Btw, could any one provide me a link for downloading odin pro to my pc. I found odin pro on Google play but I don't want the mobile version. Besides, if I flashed the kernel using odin pro , will I loose the Ics and go back to gingerbread and will I loose the premium suit?

Concerning the super brick bug also, what things should I avoid to prevent the brick to occur? Is updating to another android version a risk (well if a newer version was released)?


debernardis 2012-06-29 16:57

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Virtuality (Post 1228823)
Samsung galaxy note users, does your phone become hot so often?even when on moderate usage?
My galaxy note becomes hot even when on moderate use (such as when opening only one internet page). Is this a normal behavior of the Samsung galaxy note?

Btw, could any one provide me a link for downloading odin pro to my pc. I found odin pro on Google play but I don't want the mobile version. Besides, if I flashed the kernel using odin pro , will I loose the Ics and go back to gingerbread and will I loose the premium suit?

Concerning the super brick bug also, what things should I avoid to prevent the brick to occur? Is updating to another android version a risk (well if a newer version was released)?


Phone gets warmer at times, but not hot in my experience. Especially when only opening one page, this doesn't seem normal to me.

I don't think there exists anything like Odin Pro. You can get Mobile Odin Pro as an Android app, but Odin is a Windows application and has no Pro version. You can get it in various places on the big 'Net. For recent versions you might google like this :)

When you flash a kernel, you flash kernel only. When you are adviced to flash a gingerbread kernel over an ics rom, it is because only gingerbread kernels (and maybe some ics kernels from third-party developers) are safe for wiping (i.e. formatting) partitions. Follow Kangal's guide in detail and you'll be A-OK.

You can have Premium Suite only on Touchwiz-containing firmwares, like stock and derivatives. Cyanogen Mod firmwares and other AOSP firmwares don't have Premium Suite applications because lack Samsung bits and pieces (most likely closed sw).

In order to avoid the superbrick bug, which is a corruption of your internal mmc so severe you can't correct it so far, you either have a safe kernel (gingerbread kernels and - most likely - third party ics kernels like SpeedMod, Franco's or ChainFire's ones) or, if you have a stock Samsung ics kernel, you must NEVER wipe a partition. Wiping partitions activates the autodestruction.
It has been said also that under very heavy I/O your internal flash memory can be equally destroyed - but I have yet to read a report of it happening.

Clearly, given that third-party kernels are likely to have circumvented the bug (inactivating the offending function) and show better performance or more functions than stock, imho that is the way to follow.
I am presently using SpeedMod and have wiped my cache and dalvik partitions 2 or 3 times without visible damage.

Frappacino 2012-06-29 18:03

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
just a note

chainfire's kernals are not always safe against emmc bug - stick to speedmod k3 and franco r3+

i like my pen so i cant give up tw, but sigh...

i hope we get jb - although my rocket rom v7 on speedmod is already so damn smooth.

i never had my galaxy note super hot, and not from opening 1 webpage.

kyllerbuzcut 2012-07-03 11:39

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Just an update on my situation where I couldn't get passed the Samsung logo. I finally got to use a new computer and Odin recognised it straight I just flashed the Samsung stock ics ROM on there and it worked.just happy to have a working phone at the moment.will try rootingit in a few days when ive had a chance to back up pics and stuff.might give a stock ROM a of the"safe"ones.

kyllerbuzcut 2012-07-03 15:17

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
So anyway.was typing that in a rush earlier.I guess if you are having trouble flashing then an up to date PC might be all you need to try.

On another "note" ha ha, the battery on ics seems to be draining about twice a fast as before. Anyone got any tips for correcting that in the men time before I get all flash happy?

Pigro 2012-07-03 22:53

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
1st thing to do is get cpu spy free from google play and better battery stats (small fee from google play or a free d/l from xda forum). They may well reveal that there is some process preventing deep sleep. If so, check xda for solutions/workarounds.

Specifically there is a bug which is affecting many notes on ICS whereby if you disconnect the charger without first turning on the screen and unlocking, then the CPU gets stuck at 200Mhz due to a wait_lock.

More of a long shot but also worth checking your 3G and wifi signal strength relative to how it was in same places on GB - lots of reports of stock ICS giving poor reception (hence faster battery drain as more power gets drawn by the radio). You can flash alternative modems in place of the default to address 3G issues, and/or flash an alternative kernel to address wifi issues. Best to do some reading on XDA forum first though if you suspect this may be the case.

Kangal 2012-07-04 03:51

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Virtuality (Post 1228823)
Samsung galaxy note users, does your phone become hot so often?even when on moderate usage?
My galaxy note becomes hot even when on moderate use (such as when opening only one internet page). Is this a normal behavior of the Samsung galaxy note?

Btw, could any one provide me a link for downloading odin pro to my pc. I found odin pro on Google play but I don't want the mobile version. Besides, if I flashed the kernel using odin pro , will I loose the Ics and go back to gingerbread and will I loose the premium suit?

Concerning the super brick bug also, what things should I avoid to prevent the brick to occur? Is updating to another android version a risk (well if a newer version was released)?


ICS is less efficient than Gingerbread, I've noticed.
-There is equal "warming" of the device on both, something which should've been patched with ICS. Its a kernel issue, AOSP roms don't suffer as much.
-GB goes into Deep Sleep nearly instantly. There's so many things interacting with the ICS kernel and keeps it "sleeping but running background tasks". Issues are only now getting sorted.
-Battery life is great with GB, not so much with ICS: deep sleep issue, possible memory leakage.
-Stability ofcourse is near perfect on GB, though quite a few annoying little quirks with ICS ROMs

... is it still worth upgrading?
I'd say yes. The little issues are nearly all kernel issues (Samsung rushed ics for the note, while they concentrated hard on ICSgS3). They are getting identified and fixed, and these issues don't affect all users.

Anyways if you are coming from stock ICS (samsung) here's the files and guides:
-Download a TouchWizz-based kernel that is SAFE. It must be for Odin (tar file).
Franco r5, SpeedMod K3-5, or GL_NOTECORE (New!).
-Download Odin v3.185
-Download and Install Kies on your PC, or find the "USB Drivers for Samsung Devices".
Back-Up Phase #1:
-- Back up all your media to your PC (movies, videos, photos, pictures, documents, music, voice recordings, etc etc)
-- Back up contacts (Sync to Google Services, or use the App), Back up sms (install to phone), Back up Call logs(install to phone), Back up APN-optional-(install on phone).
-- Copy the files created by the Back Up Apps to your external sdcard/pc

- Now you put phone to Download Mode (Hold Home, Vol Dwn and Power)
- Quit Kies, Run Odin from PC
- Insert cable phone<>pc
- Odin should identify your phone (Com something comes up, first box lights up Yellow)
- Click on "PDA" and select your .TAR file (which is your safe ics kernel)
- Hit Start, and let Odin do its magic.
- Your phone will automatically reboot (takes 2 mins), if it hangs on bootloop remove the battery and turn phone on normally

- Everything should work and you should NOT have lost your Media, Apps, Personal Files (contacts, logs, sms, apn).
- You should have "Superuser" or "SU" App installed
- You may have "CWM" App installed too, otherwise you should have custom recovery without the app
- Install Titanium Back up (Allow "Superuser" rights)
- Backup your Apps with Data with Titanium Backup
- Keep a copy of this Titanium Backup folder, the Back up files (calls etc) in your PC/external sdcard
- Back up your EFS by downloading the "EFS PRO v1.8.3" and running it on your PC
- Finally you want to enter your custom recovery (Hold Home, Vol Up, Power)
- Then make a Nandroid Backup
- Keep all these files safe in your sdcard and PC (nandroid backup folder, EFS file, Titanium backup folder, files from Backup Apps for call, contacts, sms, apn, any other personal/media files you treasure)

First time, total process might take you upto 30min hour (reading, understanding, following step by step, double checking etc etc). Afterwards, whole process would take you 5mins tops.

And after that, if you want to experiment further etc etc revisit this "To Do List" I posted previously, starting from Step D.

kyllerbuzcut 2012-07-04 11:31

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Mine goes warm now and then.always has done.pretty randomly. Not blisteringly hot but just a bit warm compared to normal.
As an update to the battery thing.cleared ram this morning and kept data off and Barry wad at 99.about 4 hours later it went down by just 3 percent.that's more like it,BUT used to get about that on GB with data turned on. Plus in the past few minutes it's already gone down by 3 since turning data back on to write this.

kyllerbuzcut 2012-07-04 15:55

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Just another quick update on the battery front.
At about 4.20pm the battery was on 79% on the way home from work. That was not bad. I turned data connection off after lunch again and it hardly moved. So my conclusion is that the data connection must be taking about 10 times the power to run than it did previously. ( yes, all very scientific I know lol)

20% down over roughly 8 and a half hours. And about 15% of that was in one half hour period.

At least this is the case on my Note, so possibly for some others too. I wonder what can be using so much power on the data connection now though? Just looked again and still at 79% now because I haven't turned data on still. I'll try just using wifi for the rest of the day now and see how that drains.

Kangal 2012-07-05 04:04

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
No its not the data connection.

You have so many processes running in the background (some for Android, some for Google, some for Samsung, some for your Syncs, some for Apps)... and they all add up.

The problem is, after your device Sleeps, most of these prosses must stop running. Not immediately, but after 2-3 mins they will. And only a handful should be working (radio status) or only working in bursts of intervals (for instance for 2mins running for every 30mins).

This is called "Deep Sleep", self-explanatory. The reason the iPhone has better battery life than ANY single android phone (with similar battery/modules) is because Apple controls the software entirely. They've "perfected" the efficiency of the software towards the user.

This is not the case with Android when each tasks is fighting against one-another in any state; which leads to prolonged use of the ram, processor, radios... pretty much the entire SoC. Ie, android is inferior to iOS because it is less effecient... and half the fault is by the OEMs.

Gingerbread-NOTE has a good effeciency/working Deep Sleep. Most of the ics kernels/roms (inc. Samsung Official) have difficulty entering Deep Sleep. So you end up using alot of battery without doing anything.

I used to go from 90% to 85% with phone "Sleep" for about 6 hours in Gingerbread. After "upgrading" I would lose the equal amount in about 20 minutes. Now I'm using Thorv15 and AOKPb40 (and its mostly patched up)... I lose it in about 1.5 hours. So its still not as good as Gingerbread but much better than the buggy ICS ROMs... and Frankly I think it will improve a little more as it matures further maybe even to the 3 hour mark I'm hoping to reach.

Though remember, not every NOTE is created equal... and what you put in it, and how you use it will create mountains of differences.

kyllerbuzcut 2012-07-05 11:20

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Did the turning off data again this morning and only lost 1% up to lunch time.not bad. List another 2 just turning on and navigating to here lol. So I did turn on wifi last night and it was draining battery bit much less than when data is on.
So from my extremely scientific methods I can now present conclusive proof that the data connection is a bit funny lol.

On my note anyway this seems to be the big battery drain.if you are having issues try it.just leave data off until you need it. That's what I'm going to do for now at least until there's a proper fix or I will try one of the roms mentioned to see if it's better. Thank you for the excellent guiIde kangal.I will probably try one out at the weekend.

PS gone down another 3 just from writing this

Kangal 2012-07-05 13:25

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
The reason there's a difference with Airplane/Data mode ON/OFF. Is because that state affects "sync" of most (if not all) of those background tasks.

And the kernel "forces" them to pause, allowing Android to go into Deep Sleep and save you battery. I can confirm this is the case with my one too.

However Airplane mode isn't really a solution for most people so you sort of need to put up with it. Like I said slowly the memory leaks are being discovered and patched, so a better performing kernel shouldn't be too long away (hoping).

Unfortunately, I cannot code for kernels. Its really really difficult to do so (correctly, unlike half of android kernel devs). I say the kernel is the most important part of your custom firmware, followed by your rom (higher order operations), then radio (patched from oem), then drivers (rarely ever improved).

I'm beginning to slowly understand Linus, and appreciate what they've (not him individually, but part of his group) achieved. Version 3.5 can't get here any sooner, or ARMopenSUSE v12.2

kyllerbuzcut 2012-07-05 14:21

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Ahh I see what you're saying.because I turned data off it stops certain processes from activating at all.some of them could be the culprits. I kind of thought it would be more like that than just the data connection all by it's self.
When I'm saying data connection I just mean internet data.not phone and SMS data.I'm still using those.just in case anyone is wondering.

So I should be looking for an alternative kernel if I wanted to try something out then? I'll probably end up not doing anything at all:) being my lazy self.

Musta susi 2012-07-06 12:59

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
My only complaint about this phone is the Recording From Radio which results in MONO and a strange file format called ".3ga". Is there a workaround on this? Can keep the file format but just make it STEREO, is there a custom rom dealing with this perhaps?

mscion 2012-07-06 19:22

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
This should prove interesting...

Kangal 2012-07-07 03:34

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
I think 5.5in may be too much.

There's room for improvement by shaving the bezel, but increasing the screen size means the width (83mm) will also increase, possibly to 84-85mm. That's my biggest complaint with the NOTE, its width size. To me its workable, but slap on the TPU-cover and it becomes 86mm and about 11mm thick... which impedes my large (solo-hand) grip over the device.

If they do increase it to 5.5inches, they must shave the bezel, square off the sides, shave down the dimensions to under 9mm. And shaving the top/bottom bezels would be ideal too (Samsung your logo goes to the back).

I'm guessing Samsung will make an incremental upgrade for NOTE 2:
- Jelly Bean + TouchWizz
- 1.5GHz Quadcore A9 (same as sGs3)
- 2GB RAM (possibly slightly OC'd cpu and gpu)
- 1280x800 resolution, SAMOLED +
- Slightly updated "pebble" design
- On-screen buttons (S Pen compatible)

I think I'll stick to the original NOTE, thank you.

Virtuality 2012-07-08 21:40

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Kangal (Post 1231492)
ICS is less efficient than Gingerbread, I've noticed.
-There is equal "warming" of the device on both, something which should've been patched with ICS. Its a kernel issue, AOSP roms don't suffer as much.
-GB goes into Deep Sleep nearly instantly. There's so many things interacting with the ICS kernel and keeps it "sleeping but running background tasks". Issues are only now getting sorted.
-Battery life is great with GB, not so much with ICS: deep sleep issue, possible memory leakage.
-Stability ofcourse is near perfect on GB, though quite a few annoying little quirks with ICS ROMs

... is it still worth upgrading?
I'd say yes. The little issues are nearly all kernel issues (Samsung rushed ics for the note, while they concentrated hard on ICSgS3). They are getting identified and fixed, and these issues don't affect all users.

Anyways if you are coming from stock ICS (samsung) here's the files and guides:
-Download a TouchWizz-based kernel that is SAFE. It must be for Odin (tar file).
Franco r5, SpeedMod K3-5, or GL_NOTECORE (New!).
-Download Odin v3.185
-Download and Install Kies on your PC, or find the "USB Drivers for Samsung Devices".
Back-Up Phase #1:
-- Back up all your media to your PC (movies, videos, photos, pictures, documents, music, voice recordings, etc etc)
-- Back up contacts (Sync to Google Services, or use the App), Back up sms (install to phone), Back up Call logs(install to phone), Back up APN-optional-(install on phone).
-- Copy the files created by the Back Up Apps to your external sdcard/pc

- Now you put phone to Download Mode (Hold Home, Vol Dwn and Power)
- Quit Kies, Run Odin from PC
- Insert cable phone<>pc
- Odin should identify your phone (Com something comes up, first box lights up Yellow)
- Click on "PDA" and select your .TAR file (which is your safe ics kernel)
- Hit Start, and let Odin do its magic.
- Your phone will automatically reboot (takes 2 mins), if it hangs on bootloop remove the battery and turn phone on normally

- Everything should work and you should NOT have lost your Media, Apps, Personal Files (contacts, logs, sms, apn).
- You should have "Superuser" or "SU" App installed
- You may have "CWM" App installed too, otherwise you should have custom recovery without the app
- Install Titanium Back up (Allow "Superuser" rights)
- Backup your Apps with Data with Titanium Backup
- Keep a copy of this Titanium Backup folder, the Back up files (calls etc) in your PC/external sdcard
- Back up your EFS by downloading the "EFS PRO v1.8.3" and running it on your PC
- Finally you want to enter your custom recovery (Hold Home, Vol Up, Power)
- Then make a Nandroid Backup
- Keep all these files safe in your sdcard and PC (nandroid backup folder, EFS file, Titanium backup folder, files from Backup Apps for call, contacts, sms, apn, any other personal/media files you treasure)

First time, total process might take you upto 30min hour (reading, understanding, following step by step, double checking etc etc). Afterwards, whole process would take you 5mins tops.

And after that, if you want to experiment further etc etc revisit this "To Do List" I posted previously, starting from Step D.

Man I do not know how to thank you! Your post is so helpfull. I really apreciate your help. Huge thanks to you pal!

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