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nokiabot 2014-05-11 16:00

Re: [Announce] USB hostmode beta release
dang I have the same hub its small and has switches but your link says 3.10 $ ? I got it a couple of monts ago for 0.60 $ in a shop :p

nokiabot 2014-05-11 16:55

Re: [Announce] USB hostmode beta release

Originally Posted by FlashInTheNight86 (Post 1424906)
Where I live, shops don't sell hubs for less than 5$, and those sold are absolute crap - none have both switches AND power connector like this one, so I still got a decent deal. :D

yep but this one is soo convinent .

Estel 2014-05-12 00:13

Re: [Announce] USB hostmode beta release

Originally Posted by FlashInTheNight86 (Post 1424903)
Now I have a full-featured mobile computer wherever and whenever I want. :D

Welcome to my world and have fun ;)

To be perfectly honest though, while it definitely works and does so great, you'll - most likely - notice some irritating things, soon. Like the fact, that 800x480 resolution downscaled to RCA video out 720x...something produces blurry fonts for text, and it makes web browsing on big screen less pleasant than it could be (same for gaming, BTW). What I would do to have that 800x480 transferred to Big Screen unscalled, even without any higher resolution...

Out of curiosity - what the hell you need those on/off switches (next to every port) for?


nokiabot 2014-05-12 04:36

Re: [Announce] USB hostmode beta release
They are cool besides you can just use the switches to plug unplug i am nailing one to my table.

FlashInTheNight86 2014-05-12 05:23

Re: [Announce] USB hostmode beta release

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1424964)
Like the fact, that 800x480 resolution downscaled to RCA video out 720x...something produces blurry fonts for text

Tried on rather small LCD TV - looks much better than on 32". I believe something around 15" is optimal for the task.

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