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taixzo 2020-02-05 20:54

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
Also, is there a way to wake the phone my pressing a hwkb button? If the phone is open and sitting on a table, the power button is under the screen and hard to reach (and double-tap doesn't currently work) to wake up the phone.

xman 2020-02-05 22:12

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat

Originally Posted by taixzo (Post 1565109)
Also, is there a way to wake the phone my pressing a hwkb button? If the phone is open and sitting on a table, the power button is under the screen and hard to reach (and double-tap doesn't currently work) to wake up the phone.

Have you tried press on any key on the keyboard? That works on the n900 when the screen sleeps. But not when deeper sleep.


mosen 2020-02-05 23:02

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat

Originally Posted by taixzo (Post 1565109)
Also, is there a way to wake the phone my pressing a hwkb button?

Yes! ESC on top left ;)

I see the finding was worth to add to tips section of the tjc wiki.

peterleinchen 2020-02-05 23:35

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat

Originally Posted by taixzo (Post 1565105)
Indeed it does! Is there any way to make Advanced Camera the default camera app (i.e. the one you get by swiping up from the bottom of the lockscreen if "quick access to camera" is enabled)?

I believe I have it now reliably.
Was a bit more tricky than I thought.
Let me test a bit more and try to remember what I did :rolleyes:
(we do not have a dedicated advanced-camera thread on TMO? so where would be best place to write down?)

peterleinchen 2020-02-06 07:47

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1565118)
I believe I have it now reliably.
Was a bit more tricky than I thought.
Let me test a bit more and try to remember what I did :rolleyes:
(we do not have a dedicated advanced-camera thread on TMO? so where would be best place to write down?)

Okay, here is what I have (from dreaming memories),
please try and check:


#peterleinchen: advanced-cam as default


cp /usr/bin/harbour-advanced-camera /usr/bin/harbour-advanced-camera-lockscreen

cp -ra /usr/share/harbour-advanced-camera /usr/share/harbour-advanced-camera-lockscreen

cp /usr/share/applications/harbour-advanced-camera.desktop /usr/share/applications/harbour-advanced-camera-lockscreen.desktop

vi /usr/share/applications/harbour-advanced-camera-lockscreen.desktop
-->edit as below:

vi /usr/share/applications/jolla-camera-lockscreen.desktop
-->edit as below:
#Exec=invoker -s --type=silica-media,silica-qt5 /usr/bin/jolla-camera-lockscreen

systemctl-user restart lipstick

Astaoth 2020-02-06 09:09

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1565122)
Okay, here is what I have (from dreaming memories),
please try and check:


#peterleinchen: advanced-cam as default


cp /usr/bin/harbour-advanced-camera /usr/bin/harbour-advanced-camera-lockscreen

cp -ra /usr/share/harbour-advanced-camera /usr/share/harbour-advanced-camera-lockscreen

cp /usr/share/applications/harbour-advanced-camera.desktop /usr/share/applications/harbour-advanced-camera-lockscreen.desktop

vi /usr/share/applications/harbour-advanced-camera-lockscreen.desktop
-->edit as below:

vi /usr/share/applications/jolla-camera-lockscreen.desktop
-->edit as below:
#Exec=invoker -s --type=silica-media,silica-qt5 /usr/bin/jolla-camera-lockscreen

systemctl-user restart lipstick

But like this, you have to type your lockscreen code before using the camera. I switched back to the default app because of this.
"jolla-camera-lockscreen" binary is different from "jolla-camera", in order to allow execution from lockscreen without the need to unlock the phone first.

peterleinchen 2020-02-06 13:45

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat

Originally Posted by Astaoth (Post 1565134)
But like this, you have to type your lockscreen code before using the camera. I switched back to the default app because of this.
"jolla-camera-lockscreen" binary is different from "jolla-camera", in order to allow execution from lockscreen without the need to unlock the phone first.

Here on a XA2 with SFOS it is working (device lock code enabled)!?!

taixzo 2020-02-06 16:08

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
Can confirm on Pro1 that does indeed work, and does not require an unlock code to use advanced camera when the device is locked.

Wasmachinemann-NL 2020-02-06 19:06

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
Could someone take a crack at porting Rockbox to Sailfish OS?

Astaoth 2020-02-06 23:51

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1565142)
Here on a XA2 with SFOS it is working (device lock code enabled)!?!

Indeed, with your procedure it works well most of the time. But after a reboot I have to launch the camera from the lockscreen twice before it works as expected.

I tried before but with less manipulations and I still had to unlock the phone before. I assumed then that there is no need to unlock the phone with the stock app because the binary for the lockscreen is different than the on accessible from the app menu. But maybe it was because I messed a little to much with my phone.

I just tried to undo one by one the steps of your procedure to find what I missed, and it looks that with only "Exec=harbour-advanced-camera" in the "/usr/share/applications/jolla-camera-lockscreen.desktop" file, and after having restart lipstick or rebooted, advanced camera is still accessible from the lockscreen.

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