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tso 2008-09-04 17:58

Re: Google Browser: Chrome

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 220877)
Tracemonkey :)


still, was there not something firefox/mozilla related that was called spidermonkey?

Bundyo 2008-09-04 17:58

Re: Google Browser: Chrome
Yes, the 3.0 JS engine.

tso 2008-09-04 18:05

Re: Google Browser: Chrome
ah, no wonder i get them mixed up ;)

qole 2008-09-04 18:21

Re: Google Browser: Chrome

Originally Posted by BrentDC (Post 220882)

Thanks for that post. Yes, it was me who was raving about's speed anyway. The problem with it was, that it would, seemingly randomly, seg fault on 50% of pages making it unusable. Your above post and my memory of how fast it was otherwise, inspired me to take another look at the problem. It was very simple. gcjwebplugin was causing it to crash (because it's meant for gecko), so uninstalling fixed the it.

The itT main forum page loads in 4 seconds in epiphany-webkit!


1: I don't think discussing the webkit engine (even running in another browser) on the tablet is off-topic; it's the closest we're going to get to Google Chrome for a while...

2: Has anyone tried out midori? It is a lightweight GTK & Webkit browser, might be suitable for the tablet... The Debian sid version is from early August, so it's pretty recent...

Bundyo 2008-09-04 19:50

Re: Google Browser: Chrome

Not too good on performance back then and fairly buggy too.

timsamoff 2008-09-04 21:02

Video: Google demos speed benchmarks for Chrome


yegaoo 2008-09-04 23:15

Re: Google Browser: Chrome
Writing from Chrome...

No complete Facebook BTW...

Cannot ignore invites or apps or friends...

Canīt use the chat bar...

Java thing?

mscdex 2008-09-05 03:51

Re: Google Browser: Chrome
To those who didn't know by now, Chrome runs under wine :). It runs a little on the slow side but if you want to give it a go, here's the instructions I followed.

I actually had something messed up in my wine configuration or something Chrome didn't like because at first I got nothing but the "Aw, snap" errors but when I renamed my .wine folder to recreate a new config and followed the rest of the instructions, webpages rendered after that.

mscdex 2008-09-05 03:58

Re: Google Browser: Chrome

Originally Posted by yegaoo (Post 221022)
Writing from Chrome...

No complete Facebook BTW...

Cannot ignore invites or apps or friends...

Canīt use the chat bar...

Java thing?

I'm using the latest Chromium build (on XP) and the chat bar at the bottom works fine for me. Pokes and other things worked also.

debernardis 2008-09-05 17:28

Re: Google Browser: Chrome
Hadn't tried that before... epiphany-webkit is darn quick! I haven't experienced any crash yet - maybe for I use a 5 Mb tmpfs?

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