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jandmdickerson 2009-06-03 22:31

Re: Some hands on time with Nokia's Maemo 5 Development Device
What about the thickness of the device did you feel like your holding a small but fat stapler? I think my N810 is too heavy and it requires two hands, could you use this device to surf with one hand (so you can steer your car on the freeway with the other?:D)

mullf 2009-06-03 23:08

Re: Some hands on time with Nokia's Maemo 5 Development Device

Originally Posted by Mara (Post 292925)
I can understand this since dedicated GPS units now sell so cheap that if you need a GPS navigation you likely buy a dedicated GPS unit for this anyway... Just my 2 c about this subject. :)

I could say the same thing about phones.

Architengi 2009-06-04 00:36

Re: Some hands on time with Nokia's Maemo 5 Development Device

Originally Posted by lbt (Post 293146)

No evidence of multi-touch at all.

Well, I thought it will have multi-touch. Maybe the final model will have.

Does the SDK have multitouch?

At least that is an indicator if the device itself (the hardware) will have (one day) multitouch.

sachin007 2009-06-04 00:48

Re: Some hands on time with Nokia's Maemo 5 Development Device

Originally Posted by Architengi (Post 293539)
Well, I thought it will have multi-touch. Maybe the final model will have.

Does the SDK have multitouch?

At least that is an indicator if the device itself (the hardware) will have (one day) multitouch.

Highly unlikely for the n900, but i expect future hardware to support multi-touch judging by the way peter@meamo responded to a similar question.

lma 2009-06-04 01:51

Re: Some hands on time with Nokia's Maemo 5 Development Device

Originally Posted by Architengi (Post 293539)
Does the SDK have multitouch?

Not quite, but the HIG mentions "two-touch". This probably won't work in the SDK unless you have a touchscreen.

benny1967 2009-08-22 11:08

Re: Some hands on time with Nokia's Maemo 5 Development Device

Originally Posted by Johnx (Post 292386)
I'm here in Copenhagen, DK at the the Maemo/Mozilla Danish weekend ( ). It's been great to get together with some of the other Maemo/Mer people and talk face to face, but that's a story for another post.

Yesterday, Nokia actually brought out ten of the devices that the Nokia developers are using to test Maemo 5 on. They were in big black plastic cases and obviously weren't production hardware, so don't get all excited about what this means in terms of the RX-51 or even the RX-71.

Those of you who got to see this development unit back then:

If you compare it to the photos we saw recently, what do you say? Is it similar in terms of keyboard layout, hardware buttons, overall look&feel? Or do you remember differences?

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