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DaKing 2009-11-30 22:57

Re: Integrating Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN)
so any news when will it finally be released in extras i mean when end users can use it ?

mklass 2009-12-02 23:15

Re: Integrating Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN)
The thing I dont like about the butterfly plugin is that you dont get a visual Contact list :(

Bidybag 2009-12-02 23:16

Re: Integrating Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN)

Originally Posted by mklass (Post 406199)
The thing I dont like about the butterfly plugin is that you dont get a visual Contact list :(

What do you mean? You cant see whos online and offline?

mklass 2009-12-02 23:17

Re: Integrating Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN)

Originally Posted by Bidybag (Post 406200)
What do you mean? You cant see whos online and offline?

Yeah I cant see my IM list atall..

Bidybag 2009-12-02 23:18

Re: Integrating Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN)
Whats the point in that then? I thought these plugins you installed just made it like normal MSN. How do i get it like normal MSN and integrated in the UI? I know i could use amsn but that wont be integrated into the UI.

mklass 2009-12-02 23:19

Re: Integrating Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN)
I dont think there is a way yet...

Unless im missing some thing..

edgar2 2009-12-02 23:47

Re: Integrating Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN)

Originally Posted by mklass (Post 406202)
Yeah I cant see my IM list atall..

  1. open address book
  2. from the drop-down menu, choose groups
  3. choose the service whose contacts you would like to filter
  4. ??
  5. $$ profit!

mklass 2009-12-02 23:55

Re: Integrating Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN)

Originally Posted by edgar2 (Post 406251)
  1. open address book
  2. from the drop-down menu, choose groups
  3. choose the service whose contacts you would like to filter
  4. ??
  5. $$ profit!

IM list still isnt there.. It like its not pulling my contact list from the server. I have to wait until some one on my msn list says some thing to me then merge them with my telephony contacts..

kenroy112 2009-12-03 05:21

Re: Integrating Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN)
is there a way to get facebook chat integrated? I already have msn and yahoo working just need facebook and i`ll be happy.

romanianusa 2009-12-03 05:40

Re: Integrating Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN)
How do you run deb file?? What do you type in the x terminal to make these programs work??

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