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pr0xyfl00d3r 2009-11-24 18:20

Re: cancelled my order - UK
and how many known peeps has this prob now?

cgarvie 2009-11-24 18:22

Re: cancelled my order - UK
well it looks like im out of the Game. I did some hard maths last night, and reconded i could afford, it with a 25% discount , ok not the 45% i could have been lucky to get if mastercard hadnt refused. but i could affort it.

After speaking to them today, its looking like the 15% is all were gonna see and i can even take that to a cash back site to make it up to the 25%.

So so long, its almost been fun hanging round the forums waiting and i had looked like it would have been fun to dig deeper into the phone with all the peeps here.

maybe i'll manage it when other contract deals appear. but there all to steep for me just now.

ae0n 2009-11-24 18:25

Re: cancelled my order - UK
Wow jjx, that certainly is appalling service on Nokia's part. It really does take a toll on you, when realising in retrospect, the weeks/months we've been drooling and hyping up over the phone (in addition to being fortunate enough to obtain it, legitimately for a significantly lower price - for some of us) - only to have this BS happen to us unfortunate few.

I decided not to immediately re-order it yesterday with hopes of a better turn of events with this crappy issue today, and yup, low-and-behold, we can at least get the 15%. So I guess I can take solace in that.

jimcon 2009-11-24 18:31

Re: cancelled my order - UK
First time ive bought from nokia , what a complete balls up ,bad enough the lack of info as release date thought id done well with 30% off booking on 20/11 then the waiting. then finally the email saying its been rejected.and the back of the queue again could be another 3 to 4 weeks according to the new email so why have i paid for express delivery.

cgarvie 2009-11-24 18:35

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by jimcon (Post 389467)
First time ive bought from nokia , what a complete balls up ,bad enough the lack of info as release date thought id done well with 30% off booking on 20/11 then the waiting. then finally the email saying its been rejected.and the back of the queue again could be another 3 to 4 weeks according to the new email so why have i paid for express delivery.

another 3-4 weeks. SO that means that if card hadnt been bounced they didnt have enough phones to fufill the pre-orders?

shaksta 2009-11-24 18:45

Re: cancelled my order - UK
I reordered using the 15% discount code. But I was told to ignore the 3-4 weeks bit cos they had them in stock and should process them tomorrow.

Venomrush 2009-11-24 18:46

Re: cancelled my order - UK
You won't have to wait for 3-4 weeks.
That's the standard email they sent out to all N900 orders.

They confirmed they have plenty in stock.
If you order now, you'll get it next week.

You can't go through cashback because it has to be done over the phone for the 15% discount

jjx 2009-11-24 18:47

Re: cancelled my order - UK
When making my new new order (via Nokia Customer Services), Chris told me that delivery queue position is no longer an issue as they have sufficient stock.

I don't believe him, of course with all the other nonsense, but that's the official line at the moment.

Update 2009-11-25: Yup, he wasn't telling the truth.

mardibloke 2009-11-24 19:15

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by pr0xyfl00d3r (Post 389430)
and how many known peeps has this prob now?

mardibloke quidco
cgarvie 3 codes
jimus no discounts
ewan 1 code
jimcon 3 codes
daver53 3 codes
jjx 2 codes
open-collar 1 code
custard 3 codes
shaksta 3 codes
hass 2 codes
netweaver 2 codes
derrickj 1 code


jimcon 2009-11-24 20:02

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by shaksta (Post 389532)
I reordered using the 15% discount code. But I was told to ignore the 3-4 weeks bit cos they had them in stock and should process them tomorrow.

Hope your right , just dont know what to believe:mad:

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