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~phoenix~ 2010-03-15 19:34

Re: Mugen Power Batteries

Originally Posted by philh (Post 568017)
Well, it`s out. In here I can see all I needed to see and I`m affraid this solution is not for me.

we german speaking people would say... "man ist der dick man" :D:D:D

Kingsley 2010-03-16 00:57

Re: Mugen Power Batteries

Originally Posted by philh (Post 568017)
Well, it`s out. In here I can see all I needed to see and I`m affraid this solution is not for me.

you'd think with a back that massive they'd be able to pack in more batteries than that!!
just looking i could fit 2 of my bld-3s in that same space and that'd give an extra 2*780mAh or even just 2 of the BLD-5s would be smaller?

buxz777 2010-03-16 01:16

Re: Mugen Power Batteries
god knows how the camera flash will react being inclosed like that as well surely it will bounce off into the lens

lfcobra 2010-03-16 01:31

Re: Mugen Power Batteries
they turned my beautiful phone into a fatty :( ... i dont like it

Kingsley 2010-03-16 02:14

Re: Mugen Power Batteries
how smart are the batteries? could i just connect another one in parlell?

hypnotik 2010-03-16 14:09

Re: Mugen Power Batteries

Originally Posted by lfcobra (Post 568665)
they turned my beautiful phone into a fatty :( ... i dont like it

Uh, the phone was a "fatty" to begin with... just made it morbidly obese now...

shadowjk 2010-03-16 15:55

Re: Mugen Power Batteries
The batteries are "dumb" enough. The third pin contains a resistor to signal the capacity.

120 kOhm apparently means 1500mA (I measured BP-5L and BP-4L).
68.6 kOhm for a "720mAh" BL-5C compatible third-party battery.
75 kOhm for Nokia original BL-5C.

Connecting more than one "third pin" together would drop the resistance, which would signal lower capacity, so that's probably not what you want. Probably the easiest is to just have the BSI (third pin) pin of the biggest battery connected and the rest unconnected. The batterymeter would think the battery is smaller than it really is, but that just makes the meter pessimistic, I'd think.

It's VERY IMPORTANT that any Li-Ion batteries you connect in parallel are balanced, BEFORE you connect them together in parallell. This means you need to measure their voltage and make sure they're within 0.05V of eachother, or thereabouts. If you don't do this, power will flow uncontrollably from the stronger batteries to the weaker batteries, potentialy overheating both batteries, which will damage the batteries, and risks an explosion that can damage property and life.

vinni3winni3 2010-03-16 20:02

Re: Mugen Power Batteries
is it smart to buy extra batteries from ebay? or does anybody have a reliable place to buy an appropriate battery for the n900

vinni3winni3 2010-03-16 20:07

Re: Mugen Power Batteries
should i buy these???

emeni 2010-03-18 14:49

Re: Mugen Power Batteries
just pay with paypal via ebay and you should be safe in case of a scam. (ebay guarantee, so be careful to read it).
also look for a user with a lot of ratings and at least 95% positive. And you should be same.

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