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mcdull 2010-02-16 22:54

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo

Originally Posted by johnel (Post 528446)
The great thing about the MeeGo announcement is that other hardware manufacturers will build devices for the platform.

This means an alternative to Nokia.

You can switch from Nokia-made devices to someone else and the software should hopefully be compatible.

there might be more manufactuers willing to do it, but there is already a non-Nokia Mameo device

pelago 2010-02-16 22:57

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by etuoyo (Post 530898)
Also neither apt-get clean nor apt-get autoremove worked on my device so couldn't create root space that way. Was getting a could not open lock file message. Does anyone know why?

Are you in the wrong thread?

garyc2010 2010-02-16 23:02

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by FranzDages (Post 528584)
Not to sound nasty about the whole NEED and MUST in there, but you do realize that unless your buying from some Government black ops, than wether you spend 6 Euro or 6000 Euro, by the time you take your knew device out of the box it is outdated and obsolete. You can't really demand inprovement. Yes, I hope we do get updates still for the N900 (I love mine).

yeah my 3 month old N900 is obsolete crap, maybe ill buy a Nokia meegoo phone, but hmmm as soon as i get it it will also be "outdated and obsolete", or maybe im just being selfish and stupid to expect Nokia to support their devices for more than a few months, reminds me of Microsoft Windows ME - constant blue screens and bugs (like my N900) but hey as you so rightly say "You can't really demand inprovement.", I agree, Ive been royally screwed by this piece of ****, but it will be my last nokia. At least I have my 3gs and blackberry to fall back on.

EMAD 2010-02-16 23:04

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
You are right! It is personal! I bought the phone 1st) for my personal use and 2nd) to show off to these berryheadzz and icoolzz what Linux can do that their blackberries and iphones cannot do.

I don't care about Nokia's business / marketing decision for their future customers if they cannot keep their existing ones happy.

I spent a fortune on this phone whereas, I could have got an iphone 3gs for $200 over a 3-year term. But instead I purchased a phone that cost me four times more ($800) thinking that I could keep this phone for at least three years and that there would be hype for it for at least a year or two. Perhaps, sell it next year for half the price. Even with iphone 3gs, the value of iphone 3g has not gone down that much.

But with the announcement of Meego, who cares about Maemo? Certainly, I don't care about maemo!

I am just saying why would Nokia promote maemo like this if they were well aware that they were going to partner up. You can't tell me that Intel and Nokia got together on the night of Feb. 14th and said let's combine what we have. Obviously, Nokia knew this deal was going to take off.

All I am saying is that Nokia better have a plan for the N900 customers whether it is a monetary incentive for upgrading to a new Meego device or changing the name AND FEATURES of Maemo 5 to call it Meego. Otherwise, I feel like I got ripped off big time!

At this point, I am really confused whether I should keep this piece of nice hardware that will eventually have no value because of its software content.

I wanted to buy a phone that will retain its value for at least two years like the iphone does. But with the announcement of Meego, who is going to buy my maemo phone in 2010? I don't think anybody would!


Originally Posted by geohsia (Post 530609)
That's quite the email, lots of passion. IMHO, its way too personal. This is a business / marketing decision and needs to be treated as such. Large corporations like Nokia don't respond to ultimatums. Regardless of what they do someone will be unhappy. I think what is ultimately more useful is articulating how a change to their current course could be to their benefit.

Personally I'd probably still buy a Meego-based product (in 2011 / 2012) even if the N900 didn't get it. I'm American but the iPhone and Android services are way too US-centric. I do a lot of work overseas.

For Nokia there are tons of advantages to not supporting an OS with no future, also, they would benefit from having the maemo 5 community automagically transition to Harmattan (easier said than done), which would give that community a boost and would benefit future products because of the strength of the community. A win-win in my opinion. The problem is its a lot of work, its short term pain for long term gain. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! ;-)

gerbick 2010-02-16 23:05

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by garyc2010 (Post 530931)
yeah my 3 month old N900 is obsolete crap, maybe ill buy a Nokia meegoo phone, but hmmm as soon as i get it it will also be "outdated and obsolete", or maybe im just being selfish and stupid to expect Nokia to support their devices for more than a few months, reminds me of Microsoft Windows ME - constant blue screens and bugs (like my N900) but hey as you so rightly say "You can't really demand inprovement.", I agree, Ive been royally screwed by this piece of ****, but it will be my last nokia. At least I have my 3gs and blackberry to fall back on.

Wow. Calm down. You don't know all of the details yet.

w00t 2010-02-16 23:09

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Worth a read, I think. :)

buurmas 2010-02-16 23:12

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by geohsia (Post 530363)
You mean like the way Maemo 5 packages 'just work' on Maemo 4?

No, more like the way an app using a certain set of Qt libraries can run wherever those libraries are supported. That means MeeGo, Symbian, Maemo 5, Linux in general, Mac OS, and Windows.

Again, Maemo 5 is quickly becoming obsolete BUT Qt means it may get MeeGo apps as "crumbs that fall from the table". Could be better, but it could sure be worse, too. Is this sufficiently clear?

mrojas 2010-02-16 23:17

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
Maybe it isn't clear, but the reason people is asking for Maemo 6 on their N900 is because the OS itself is perceived to be lacking in many areas, and they would rather have an official, Nokia launch of the new software, instead of waiting for the community to pick up the job (which may or may not happen quickly).

Consider also that Maemo is so far monolithic, if there is a bug in, let's say, Modest, so far you won't be able to install Maemo 6 Modest, you need the whole block of the OS. That's a situation that presented itself in Diablo and the whole "Fixed in Fremantle" issue.

garyc2010 2010-02-16 23:22

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by Tintin (Post 528999)
Nokia just gave their most avid fans an atomic wedgie AND shoved their heads down the toilet

couldnt have put it better myself

Nokia have shafted me for the last really does remind me of Microsoft Windows ME half baked and full of bugs

i am left totally underwhelmed and badly out of pocket with this great Nokia experiment.........

val580 2010-02-16 23:23

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
at least the n900 has founded a community !
and thats great !
remember the n900 shipping thread , it was crazy.
I don't want a candybar phone anymore.
I will never buy a phone with a single hardware key , even if it runs gta , I would feel like a handicaped.

no regrets !

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