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cddiede 2010-04-26 16:37

Re: live wallaper
Ok, I just found the optional theme options under the settings application's Live Wallpaper sub-menu.

So I do see the updated themes and they work, but the app still reports it's version as 0.2 instead of 0.4 and in the widgets settings there are only the two original themes.

rolan900d 2010-04-26 16:41

Re: live wallaper

Originally Posted by vasvlad (Post 628059)
1. LiveWallpaper eats a battery only in active mode.
2. Click into right corner of display in Desktop Edit Mode
3. I'm sorry. I forgot to remove this icon from the package. I will fix it today.
4. Yes. This is right behavior


Just notices a very tiny small text like place in the right bottom corner.
The left one is to get in the app settings and the right one to close..
After I close it, no way of getting it back and running..
Can't you add an active and non-active tick option in settings?


The last version installed from the get go for me...
No need for dpkg -i command.
I have 3 themes as an option (Berlin, Modern and Matrix).

vasvlad 2010-04-26 18:53

Re: live wallaper

Originally Posted by cddiede (Post 628384)
I just installed the .deb directly from:

It's shows under a "dpkg -l" output to be version 0.4, however when I run it and click on the "About" button it reads as version 0.2 and has none of the 0.4 feature enhancements.

Please reboot your device.

vasvlad 2010-04-26 19:18

Re: live wallaper

Originally Posted by rolan900d (Post 628545)
Just notices a very tiny small text like place in the right bottom corner.
The left one is to get in the app settings and the right one to close..
After I close it, no way of getting it back and running..
Can't you add an active and non-active tick option in settings?

You can activate the widget using item of menu "Add widget". We are going to make this option in version 0.5


vasvlad 2010-04-26 19:20

Re: live wallaper
I had very strange problem with Autobuilder. I just uploaded version 0.4.2 into extras-devel and into garage.


rolan900d 2010-04-26 22:02

Re: live wallaper
All is working well on my end!

Reeby 2010-04-27 06:02

Re: live wallaper

Originally Posted by vasvlad (Post 628808)
I had very strange problem with Autobuilder. I just uploaded version 0.4.2 into extras-devel and into garage.


Guys, do I just go for ".deb" file or...what's that "tar.gz" thing anyway?

rolan900d 2010-04-27 06:05

Re: live wallaper
Just go for the deb!
But you can get it from application manager as well.....
If you have the extras catolgue enabled


it has no icon but quick start in settings

danramos 2010-04-27 07:17

Re: live wallaper

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 610715)
It is a widget :)

Ahem. They prefer to be called "little apps." Thank you. :)

cddiede 2010-04-27 18:42

Re: live wallaper
I'm really loving this application. But I can't find a Vote link for it on the garage page:

Where can I vote this up? I see some votes down for it where people complain that it shouldn't go into Extras because it runs down your battery.

What a load. It's not a malfunction when a graphically intensive app uses up battery power, I mean what the hell do they expect?

Also, I see down votes due to the voter's personal taste in the default wallpapers. Again, total crap. Personal aesthetics have no bearing on the functionality that htis app offers.

If an app is broken or harmful, then vote it down, but just because it's not an app that you may choose to install on your N900, don't rob other people the chance to try it by voting to keep it out of the Extras repository!!!

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