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DrWilken 2010-05-25 21:55

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by michalurban (Post 677208)
Wow, nice space ... :D BTW Im not trying to fix it, I was just used to that ... ;)

PS: I want more, more, moreee space!!!!!! :D

michalurban 2010-05-25 21:58

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by DrWilken (Post 677216)

Man, Im (almost) ROFL ...:D

DrWilken 2010-05-25 21:59

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
That song should play in the background when entering :D

garyc2010 2010-05-25 22:00

Re: Bugs within PR1.2
Ahh 4 posts - all of them crap. Way to contribute to the community. -

yeah about as useful as Nokia contributing to the deterioration of my wealth, I handed over several hundred pounds for this less than beta-quality crap, now nokia have officially castrated it, its resale value plummets, what do you want me to say ???

"Besides who the hell still runs Exchange 2003"

*alot* of shops still run exchange 2003

"For that matter who would want to run exchange at all" -

millions do....but, yeah some of our shops run scalix on centos 5.4, but hey the N900 cant even sync or do f**k all with a linux desktop***, nevermind syncing with a linux groupware server ? Zimbra......nah doesnt do it either...damn this brick syncs with damn all......but wait its an open platform....surely it supports SyncML ??? like f***k it does. Just wish I had read nokia's small print regarding exchange syncing,

Maybe *you* can make a *real* contribution and tell me how to sync my N900 with eGroupware/Scalix or Zimbra.......I eagerly await your response. (and please DONT make yourself look stupid and suggest IMAP)

*** not strictly true, it can act as a £500 usb pen drive

smoku 2010-05-25 22:16

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by Wichall (Post 677090)
Auto capitalisation text boxes no longer allow me to press shift to get a lower case first character, I have to press any key first then go back and delete, sucks for password boxes and touchsearch (using the case-sensitive site: prefix).

Anyone else experiencing this?

Yes. I have it too.

wizbowes 2010-05-25 22:37

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
I only wanted one thing - volume buttons to work when the keys are locked. 4 months and they can't even get that right. Only works with the nokia media player - not Pannuci or KPlayer.

Oh - and the play button on the media widget is a little better but it's still pot luck as to whether it works on it.

Mr. Incredible 2010-05-25 22:56

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
I still have the bug "media format not supported for video file".
I can reproduce it when I jump around in the progress bar of the movie. The movie is 1,4 GB, 800x480, 1500kps, xvid, 24fps, 128 kbps mp3 audio.

Bug No 6823 is not fixed I say.

stlpaul 2010-05-25 23:02

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by Wichall (Post 677090)
Auto capitalisation text boxes no longer allow me to press shift to get a lower case first character, I have to press any key first then go back and delete, sucks for password boxes and touchsearch (using the case-sensitive site: prefix).

Anyone else experiencing this?

zwer posted his bug report about this earlier in this thread:

zwer 2010-05-25 23:15

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by orcocan (Post 677193)
anybody else having an issue with the calendar not correctly reflecting birthdays?

If it's this bug: , then at least 4 more people have the same issue.

HellFlyer 2010-05-25 23:21

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
1. Birthday in calendar widget is not working , it shows birthdays but when you hide it from settings its still there! even after reboot! :(

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