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khephren 2010-06-28 13:33

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake

Originally Posted by smoku (Post 731793)
Could be. It uses decompiled original DOS code.
Please try and report result here.

Yep, I copied my Dosbox save over, and it worked fine.

fhmutairi 2010-06-29 15:24

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
Hi there,
excellent stuff bringing back this classic game, great stuff. But I installed the game and whenever I select a house to start a game I get a message that there is "No More Scenarios!" and then the game crahses!
I used the App Manager to install the game, am I missing something?

S0urcerr0r 2010-06-29 15:55

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake

Originally Posted by haj (Post 723390)
I've just completed the game as House Harkonnen.. :)

Or have I.. Is it supposed to just exit after winning the battle with the two other houses + the emperor?

in the "original" game u will see a short ending sequence with the emperor, followed by credits... after that - i think it should quit.

but it definitly is the final mission (emperor+2 houses) :)
maybe ending sequence isnt implemented yet

smoku 2010-06-29 16:12

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
IIRC the ending sequence problem is a known bug.
It's 0.3 version anyway. ;)

devu 2010-06-29 16:12

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
I've noticed now, this is windows exe running under the hood. And when I took this directly from n900 to my PC it works the same way. Maybe its keep crashing because to many layers of complexity? Is it big deal to compile it to .deb since linux sources are available to download?

I took a look on development blog and in fact they keep improving decompiler is nothing done from scratch. And they still have some issues with this anyway.

smoku 2010-06-29 16:20

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
Well... Saying "nothing done from scratch" is hugely unfair.
The developers wanted high compatibility with original Dune II, so they used disassembled and decompiled sources of original Dune II as a base. It was a lot of work to decompile.
Then, Dune II is a DOS game (INT 0x10 anyone? ;) ), so they needed to write DOS to SDL translation layer, which is being gradually phased out as parts of the decompiled code are being rewritten to native.

It is a lot of work which gives them a lot of kudos.

S0urcerr0r 2010-07-11 14:16

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
woaw... i remember the legendary "int 21", from when i learned a little asm programming when i was younger i think it was used to access the keyboard :)

i wonder what happened with all of that... if these int's arent used at all anymore while asm coding under windows or linux? :)

maybe theres a int table somewhere... i guess it would be thousands of pages long though

msa 2010-07-11 14:44

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
i like that, but i wish there was an optional control scheme:
swiping and pointing around the touchscreen does nothing else than move the cursor, and left- and right-click should be assigned to buttons on the keyboard. i think that would make some shortcuts obsolete and you wouldnt click on something accidently just because you were moving the cursor.

btw i'd love that for every strategy-game there is on the n900.

S0urcerr0r 2010-07-11 15:04

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
yeah it would be nice with some additional n900 hw keyboard controls. and perhaps a feature to keymap if the another keyboard layout is used.

dune 2 was one of the most advanced strategy games of its times and still have elements not present in newer games:
- a foot soldier/vehicles retreating will start running faster and faster while being attacked during their retreat.
- same units can attack slower and faster depending on the house controlling it.
- many graphical effects like trails in the sand after vehicles, and dead bodies slowly sinking in the sand.
- foot soldiers was the only units being able to cross rocks.
- using the starport to order units could be a cheap method to get new units... but it was unreliable. sometimes the deliveries wouldnt come.
- battle music - when enemies approach. the music changes

smoku 2010-07-11 15:16

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake

Originally Posted by S0urcerr0r (Post 748220)
dune 2 was one of the most advanced strategy games of its times and still have elements not present in newer games

I am working on design document for Dune2 alike RTS for touch screen slates and mobiles.
But I still have no idea how to express that unique Dune2 feeling without actually using Dune universe.

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