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dhanurdhar 2010-12-14 19:58

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
i went ahead with the reflash to pr1.3(global)
will reinstall power kernel and let you know how it goes... since nitdroid was an initial prob any thoughts on installing it as i want to put it

thanks a ton for all your help

bakuur 2010-12-14 20:49

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
im really not sure where
but there are specific steps to follow to get the nitdroid working with the power kernel
you will find the steps in the nitdroid wiki page as am sure of that
further more i really would appreciate it if you use extremely easy oc script which is done by me
it will avoid any mistakes and install everything for you and let you choose the frequency and profile you want

dhanurdhar 2010-12-16 21:29

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers

Originally Posted by bakuur (Post 896867)
im really not sure where
but there are specific steps to follow to get the nitdroid working with the power kernel
you will find the steps in the nitdroid wiki page as am sure of that
further more i really would appreciate it if you use extremely easy oc script which is done by me
it will avoid any mistakes and install everything for you and let you choose the frequency and profile you want

i have done exactly that and your script works like a charm

thanks a ton

waqarhassanpk 2010-12-21 09:17

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
Bakkur dude... I need your help....
I have nitdroid installed... What to do know... plz dont refer me to some other page... Need your help. I just want to overclock with your script....
I havent tried anything yet,,, now tell me steps

bakuur 2010-12-21 10:18

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
okay did you install using my script? as in Extremely easy OC script?

doing that it will install the kernel power automatically for you

then to activate it with nitdroid
connect to wifi
open terminal
enter this code:

apt-get install kernel-power-bootimg

and thats it (A)

waqarhassanpk 2010-12-21 10:49

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
Thanks alot. Dude wroked like charm

dhanurdhar 2011-01-01 19:57

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
1 Attachment(s)
i recently flashed my phone with PR1.3.. i initially had nitdroid installed and wanted to get rid of it completely so did a reflash today...
when i try and download enhanced kernel for power users it shows me the following errors

ur script has worked like a charm in the past so i dont know what could be wrong this time....
any thoughts.... thanks

bakuur 2011-01-01 20:00

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
just use my script
as in Extremely easy OC script?

it will install it all for you ;)

SavageBrat 2011-01-01 21:11

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
Hi bakuur, got a quick question for you when i use the command for the script I get this.. #!/bin/sh: not found .. but the your chart shows up and I can oc it just wondering if that's normal, and ty for the script..

bakuur 2011-01-02 11:26

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
you can change it to #!/bin/bash
but it makes no diffrence that i know of
and yes even i get that, effects nothing really

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