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-   -   [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers and shut down WLAN complitely [0.2.2 in extras] (

Pyro1099 2011-06-16 15:43

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers [0.2.0]

Originally Posted by laasonen (Post 1030182)
What kind of theme are you using? On my theme it looks pretty clear

Hmm. Weird. I don't see it toggled. I do have a odd problem though that when you select something it highlights but mine doesn't?

laasonen 2011-06-16 16:59

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers [0.2.0]

Originally Posted by Pyro1099 (Post 1030322)
Hmm. Weird. I don't see it toggled. I do have a odd problem though that when you select something it highlights but mine doesn't?

What theme are you using? All my three themes show clearly, if its toggled.

moepda 2011-06-16 17:19

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers [0.2.0]
the files that highlight i think are in /themes/yourtheme/images
if you edited files there it would explain your problem , not sure which exact files it is though :(

could you post which themes your using laasonen ? would be much appreciated :)

laasonen 2011-06-16 21:18

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers [0.2.0]

Originally Posted by moepda (Post 1030381)
could you post which themes your using laasonen ? would be much appreciated :)

Theme in the screenshots is HydroCarbon. I also have the themes with came with the device (Digital Nature & Nokia Nseries).

Estel 2011-06-16 23:09

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers [0.2.0]
First of all, Thank You for that great statusmenu applet. After last upgrade it just made wifi-switcher obsolete, which is quite big thing (of which I'm very happy, cause wifi-switcher was not developed anymore and last unofficial releases were posted out of the repos).

Anyway, highlighting button work pretty well for me - I can always distinguish loaded drivers.


BTW - i know this isn't related to applet as it is, but i think worth mentioning here - bleeding edge drivers DO use more battery - and this is not small, "cosmetical" factor. I did extensive testing some time ago, using kp46-wl1 kernel (that one "crafted" by lxp for initial bleeding-edge drivers usage - before anyone ask, i re-tested it yesterday with kp47, with identical outcome), and results were as follows:

(tested after fresh reboot, every combination for at least 8 hours - no additional apps enabled, screen on, brightness 3/5, stable ambient light)

Stock drivers loaded, wifi connected to AP, no activity (just connected doing nothing) - 75-100 mAh drain

Bleeding edge loaded, wifi connected to AP, no activity (just connected, doing nothing) - 140-160 mAh drain

Stock drivers loaded, wifi connected to AP, doing high traffic + high internal I/O task (measuring internet speed connection, using 25 Mb/1,5 Mb link) - 300-400 mAh drain

Bleeding edge drivers loaded, wifi connected to AP, doing high traffic + high internal I/O task (measuring internet speed connection, using 25 Mb/1,5 Mb link) - 300-400 mAh drain

When drivers loaded, but wifi NOT connected, both drivers also sucked same amount of power.

As we can see in there results, both drivers perform the same on high network traffic, and when no connection is made. On idle connection, bleeding edge suck 70%-80% more power - quite big difference that can affect standby time, if You stay connected. Of course, people deactivating wifi always when not in use won't even notice, neither need to care.

Having in mind that higher battery drain occur only on idle connection, I suppose that lxp drivers doesn't handle very well power-saving features (if handle them at all). But of course I may be wrong, "more wrong", or even totally wrong.


Anyway, keep that good work. I think that things like this should be put on news (instead of rambling about recent nokia strategy changes, possible date of meego device, or whatever) - i discovered this thread by sole luck. Before, I was "doomed" to use self-crafted shell scripts to turn bleeding edge drivers on and off + print output info about that.

// Edit

Last question may be irrelevant, but I would like to know it "once for all" - does having python-based statusmenu applet increase CPU/RAM/whatever usage by any, even smallest factor, like widgets? I wasn't able to track it down, so if increase exist, it much be REALLY small and completely "affordable" even for biggest optimization geeks like me (especially, having in mind usefulness of such applet), but i just want to know out-of-curiosity. Thanks in advance.

laasonen 2011-06-16 23:45

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers [0.2.0]

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1030571)
Last question may be irrelevant, but I would like to know it "once for all" - does having python-based statusmenu applet increase CPU/RAM/whatever usage by any, even smallest factor, like widgets? I wasn't able to track it down, so if increase exist, it much be REALLY small and completely "affordable" even for biggest optimization geeks like me (especially, having in mind usefulness of such applet), but i just want to know out-of-curiosity. Thanks in advance.

It would be pretty hard to measure the applet's cpu-usage, because its no a individual process. The applet isn't doing anything except, if its clicked so the cpu usage is likely next to nothing.

And thanks for the tests.

casketizer 2011-06-17 13:39

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers and shut down WLAN complitely [0.2.0]
On my theme it is also clearly visible when toggled.

Two not-overly-important things that could be added:
- a small no-wifi status area icon when wifi is disabled (like wifi switcher)
- auto reconnect after reenabling of wifi. on my device it only reconnects when i start a browser or so, or eventually modest does its check. strangely openntp is not enough to have it immediately reconnect.

But I already love it as it is :) Thanks laasonen!

Estel 2011-06-17 13:59

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers [0.2.0]

Originally Posted by laasonen (Post 1030578)
It would be pretty hard to measure the applet's cpu-usage, because its no a individual process. The applet isn't doing anything except, if its clicked so the cpu usage is likely next to nothing.

So it's just sitting there and doing nothing (cpu usage-wise), until it's clicked? That's exactly what i wanted to know - thank You.

I +1 for caketizer ideas, except that for me it sometimes auto-reconnect to my network when drivers switched or wifi turned on - without even prompt to choose network. Having in mind that this doesn't occur always, i think that it may be related to interval set for scanning wireless background - if drivers are loaded fast enough, trusted wifi is detected "on time" at initial scan. If, for some reason they're loaded little later, initial scan fail, and it wait for next background scan or manual AP selection.


Anyway, current version is rock solid stable, so can we promote it to (in)famous extras? I'm getting used to fact that I'm almost only one voting (i know, voting process is counter-intuitive as hell), so here's quick instruction:

here, You need to login with Your account (which is different from Your forum account - if You don't have account, just register it) - then, you will see option to vote positive or negative for this package. When it reach total 10 positive votes (and 7 or 14 - i don't remember - days have passed since it arrived in testing) option to promote it to extras will appear to our fellow maintainer.

I really think that voting is just basic way we can show our support for developers - yea, quite complicated at beginning, but when You get used to it, it's no problem anymore. And, for maintainers, it can be quite frustrating to see so much interest in forum topic, with 0 votes on project page... So, please, vote, if it works for You :)

laasonen 2011-06-18 12:10

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers and shut down WLAN complitely [0.2.0]

Originally Posted by casketizer (Post 1030829)
Two not-overly-important things that could be added:
- a small no-wifi status area icon when wifi is disabled (like wifi switcher)
- auto reconnect after reenabling of wifi. on my device it only reconnects when i start a browser or so, or eventually modest does its check. strangely openntp is not enough to have it immediately reconnect.

Uploaded 0.2.1 to extras-devel. There should be now red wlan status area icon when the wlan is disabled. It also opens the connection dialog when drivers are loaded.

Estel 2011-06-18 16:57

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers and shut down WLAN complitely [0.2.0]
Upgraded, tested in all possible variants, voted for package promotion into extras... Working like a charm :)

the only thing that would be nice to correct at this point is package description - indication that it can be used also for disabling/enabling WLAN on both drivers - not only switching between them - may help other people discover it (i know that informations are in changelog, but still package description is most of the time "first contact" with package, and if outcome isn't good enough, it may be "last contact").

I know that uploading another version just for such small irrelevant thing may be irritating, but package isn't long in extras and still (except You as maintainer) I was only one voting, so i think it may be worth effort. Of course decision is always up to You.


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