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Frappacino 2011-06-22 06:16

Re: The EPIC N950 anticipation thread
Yea i read it on meego forums, its only a lend.

Understand about the hinge and numbers - not worth the trouble for them.

Wonder how many here WILL purchase it without warranty on ebay if Nokia did not require these devices to be returned ?

oh well - no choice but droid for me since i need a hwkb


Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 1035609)
sorry, wrong word. correct word is lended and one must return the unit after lend perioid is over.

e: if I remember correctly, there were rumours concerning the hinge mechanism. it wouldn't make sense to sell small amount of units that can break down from the hinge, responsibilities would probably be much bigger than what they get when selling the devices.

zlatokosi 2011-06-22 06:31

Re: The EPIC N950 anticipation thread
>But it wasn't the final step - they're pre-production phones built for showing off and developing on. They still had a boatload of work to do before firing up the factories for a full production batch.

The MeeGo device was step 5 of 5 of a plan that's been going on for at least 5 years, if not more. And if the numbers are true, 92,000 pre-production units? Maybe, but that seems a bit high.

>If you have the choice of selling 95 000 copies of a newspaper, or 100 000 copies of two similar newspapers split roughly evenly, what are you gonna do? Smart companies don't cannibalise sales of their own devices.

Look at previous Nokia releases. Kbd vs. no kbd, heck even the names are almost the same C6 vs. C6-01 (released a few months apart), or E7 vs. C7 (let's not get carried away with precise examples, this is for illustration purposes). Anyways, my point is this kind of kbd. vs. non-kbd phone at Nokia is quite standard.

>Where did you get that figure from, out of interest?

From the board and the internet. Yeah, I know....

>Not really - Nokia don't want their name on a phone they're not willing to back with a Warranty.[/QUOTE]

I Agree. But that has nothing to do with cannibalism.

jotun 2011-06-22 07:22

Re: The EPIC N950 anticipation thread
well the great Nokia N950 is alive, and looks usable. but as you already know - just developers edition......Iīd like to have one :-)
check this out....

zwer 2011-06-22 09:16

Re: The EPIC N950 anticipation thread
There's also another N950 hands-on:

Dragoss91 2011-06-22 10:34

Re: The EPIC N950 anticipation thread
N950 = fkin awesome uber phone
N9 = gay


mscion 2011-06-22 12:00

Re: The EPIC N950 anticipation thread

Originally Posted by Frappacino (Post 1035615)
Yea i read it on meego forums, its only a lend.

Understand about the hinge and numbers - not worth the trouble for them.

Wonder how many here WILL purchase it without warranty on ebay if Nokia did not require these devices to be returned ?

oh well - no choice but droid for me since i need a hwkb

I'd still take my chances and buy the n950 without warranty and flaky hinge. I have plenty of duct tape so no problem if the hinge breaks...

olighak 2011-06-22 12:09

Re: The EPIC N950 anticipation thread

Originally Posted by Frappacino (Post 1035615)
Yea i read it on meego forums, its only a lend.

Understand about the hinge and numbers - not worth the trouble for them.

Wonder how many here WILL purchase it without warranty on ebay if Nokia did not require these devices to be returned ?

oh well - no choice but droid for me since i need a hwkb

Actually, they canīt sell it without giving at least a 2 year guarantee in Europe, or 1 year in US.

In the EU if you sell a new product you need to fulfill a two year warranty, whether or not you claim not to provide it.

But they could charge you for access to Nokia launchpad and then give it to you, or lend with with a "wink, wink, nod nod" expectation of you never returning it. Maybe thatīs the plan.

Darkshine 2011-06-22 12:31

Re: The EPIC N950 anticipation thread

Originally Posted by olighak (Post 1035854)
But they could charge you for access to Nokia launchpad and then give it to you, or lend with with a "wink, wink, nod nod" expectation of you never returning it. Maybe thatīs the plan.

Yeh, I can't imagine nokia wanting it back ;)

Darkshine 2011-06-22 12:38

Re: The EPIC N950 anticipation thread

Originally Posted by zlatokosi (Post 1035622)
The MeeGo device was step 5 of 5 of a plan that's been going on for at least 5 years, if not more. And if the numbers are true, 92,000 pre-production units? Maybe, but that seems a bit high.

That was just a quote from a guy that doesn't even work for Nokia anymore - and I call bullcrap on that 92 000 figure. Anyway, it doesn't discount the fact that the phone wasn't ready for production and would've cost money to get ready.


Look at previous Nokia releases. [..]. Anyways, my point is this kind of kbd. vs. non-kbd phone at Nokia is quite standard.
Yeh, losing market share at Nokia is quite standard too ;) You can't say something is a good idea just because they've done it before.

ddwwf1 2011-06-22 15:41

Re: The EPIC N950 anticipation thread
not sure if this has already been posted

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